Please share your Angelic Experiences and Miracles

September 7, 2012
Please share your Angelic Experiences and Miracles here. Thanks x

Meeting my Guardian Angel Elizabeth

September 7, 2012

Ever since I was a tiny little girl I have always had a deep love for God and all of his beautiful angels. I had my first angelic encounter when I was just 7 years of age. I sat outside on the porch with our pet dog that was very ill, he had tick bite fever. It was a crisp night and the moon shone brightly. I can remember it as though it was yesterday, I began to pray for our beloved pet and asked the Lord to watch over him and make him well.

I also asked for a sign that he would be okay. J...

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Angelic Birthday Surprise!

September 7, 2012

On the 22nd of January 2010 it was my 29th birthday and I was in a happy and content mood. I had planned to meet up with some friends for a birthday lunch. I decided to go upstairs and wash my hair before meeting with my friends – a girl wants to look her best on her birthday.

I went up stairs and ran a bath. I was home alone that day as my little ones were at school and my husband David was at work. The house was in complete silence and I kind of liked it like that – it was such a hecti...

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Angels helped me discover my life purpose

September 7, 2012

When I first tried to see what my spirit looked like I was surprised to see a beautiful pink Carnation bud my favourite flower. In my minds eye I watched as slowly the bud began to bloom.

The flower opened up more and more until a fully grown beautiful pink Carnation was before me. I then noticed that from out of the centre of the bud came a tiny orange beak, then out popped a beautiful white dove who flew out of the Carnation. She had forest green eyes and in her beak appeared an olive branch...

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Everything will be okay!

September 7, 2012

On New Years Day 2011 one of my best friends named Annette had a massive stroke. My heart felt it would break and the thought of loosing my friend was too painful to even think about. I had to fight back the tears when I spoke to her on the phone about 3 – 4 days after she had the stroke.

She said that her right side was mainly affected from the stroke. Her hearing on her right side was not a hundred percent and her speech was not very good. She said that the doctors were going to be runnin...

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Archangel Chamuel to the Rescue

September 7, 2012

My daughter Kristi lost her toy rabbit and it had been missing for a good week or so. My family and I searched high and low for it. She kept crying all day for her rabbit as it was one of her favourite toys. I had not thought of asking the angels for their help in finding Kristi’s toy. So after looking high and low for a whole week with no joy, I sat down and asked the Archangel Chamuel to please help me find Kristi’s rabbit.

With in seconds of me asking I suddenly saw an image of our pri...

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Show Me the Way

September 7, 2012

On the 19th of April I was on my way to pick up my daughter Monique from her friend Seashas house. Monique had spent the night there. I had only been to Seashas house once quite a while ago. I had lost the bit of paper that had her house details on it.

For the life of me I could not remember where she lived and panic sunk in. I could remember the street but not the number. This was a very long street with many, many houses that all looked the same. As my youngest daughter Kristi and I walked t...

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An Amazing Night with the Archangels

September 7, 2012

On the 5th of May I was lying in bed and said my prayers as always. I had almost finished saying my prayers when I had a strong urge to look up at our bedroom window. I looked up and saw a milky mist that looked similar to a heat wave. The mist started near the window by my feet and then moved its way towards me. The amazing thing was that this mist was in a human shape. I felt completely at peace and so filled with love that I wanted to burst into tears.

I had a strong knowing sense that this...

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Angelic Lights of Support

September 7, 2012
One day in May last year I was feeling particularly down in the dumps. I asked the Archangels to please give me a sign they were with me and helping me in my time of need. I knew they were there but I felt the need to see a sign just for extra comfort. After I said my short prayer I kept seeing Archangel Gabriel's yellow lights swirling around me and following me. I could also see Archangel Zadkiel's blue lights around me. I felt so comforted and loved for the rest of that day. This meant so ...
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Our House Miracle

September 7, 2012

Monday the 13th of June was the most strangest day I have had in a very long time. We have been trying to move house since January and have had quite a few hic cups along the way. We were told that we would be in our new house just before Easter, BUT each time something else would crop up and things would be delayed again.

My husband and I began to loose all hope of ever moving home. The past few months have been very stressful and emotional times for us. At about 12pm on Monday 13th June 2011...

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You are safe!

September 7, 2012

In August 2011 my family and I went on holiday to Norfolk with our best friends and their families. There were 6 adults and 7 kiddies on our holiday. As we were driving along to Norfolk I said a private prayer to God and the angels to please keep my family, friends and myself safe on our journey. I asked Archangels Michael and Raphael to please help us to have a safe Journey there and back.

I was feeling on edge for some reason and felt that something bad would happen. I do not know why I was...

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Archangel Raphael’s Healing

September 7, 2012

One day about 2 – 3 years ago a friend of mine named Wendy came round to my house for lunch. She is a healer and works with angels performing healing work for those in need. We were talking and she asked me if I would like her to do some healing work on me. I did not feel that I needed any healing at the time but thought it would be nice to give it ago.

About 10 minutes into the healing process I had a strong sense that there was an Archangel in the room with us, so I looked up. In front of ...

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Meeting Archangel Michael

September 7, 2012

In September 2009 I was sitting in our dinning room performing a reading for a mother of a young girl who was dying from an unknown crippling disease. My heart felt it would break and I wanted with all of my heart to help this young girl and find out the cause of her illness.

Half way through performing the reading I had to stop and have a little cry. I wanted to help her; I needed to help her but how? I had read in one of Sonia Choquette’s books about a small ritual to invoke the Archangels...

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The Angel Feather That Followed Me Home

September 7, 2012

On my 30th birthday my husband, children and I were out and about viewing houses - as we are looking to by a new home. In one of the houses that we viewed I found the most beautiful and perfect white feather lying neatly in the fire place.

The house was completely empty as the people who lived there had already moved out. There in the fire place was this gorgeous little white feather. It made my heart feel all warm and fluttery.

That afternoon I was sweeping our dinning room floor and ...

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An Amazing Angelic Dream

September 7, 2012

In June 2011 I had the most amazing dream. I dreamt that I was walking in a beautiful park that was filled with lots of trees and wild life. There were people playing in the grass lands and park areas. I looked a head of me and saw a huge tree. The tree was massive and had a thick sturdy trunk. The tree had strong thick branches and was covered in green leaves and large bright orange flowers. I walked up to the tree and lay down on the soft grass.

The grass was so soft like a ...

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Beams of Angelic Light

September 7, 2012

One day I lay in bed thinking of when I was younger and saw my guardian Angel Elizabeth. I looked out of our bedroom window at the night’s sky and stars - I love falling a sleep looking that the stars. I was about to drift off when I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. Their touch was so gentle and kind.

I opened my eyes and saw Elizabeth and Mark (my two Guardian Angels) beautiful light sparkling like sparklers right next to me. The room became warm and I had a deep sense of...

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Warning Signs from the Angels

September 7, 2012
The angels have sent me many warning signs over the years warning me about dangers around me. These signs helped me so much that I would like to share them with you.

Fire Warning

One morning in July 2009 I had decided to give the kitchen a complete blitz. I wiped down all the cupboards, walls and everything that needed doing. It took me many hours of hard work to get the kitchen completely spotless and I was proud of the work I had done.

That night my husband returned home from work and as soon ...

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Good Morning from my Angels

September 7, 2012

A year or so ago I was laying in bed having my morning coffee. I then noticed lots of tiny twinkling lights like a sparkler. I instantly knew that it was my guardian angels Elizabeth and Mark. These gorgeous little lights drifted towards me until they were right in front of me. The twinkling lights were in the shape of a person.

My husband David was completely unaware of the beautiful lights. I suddenly felt a wave of warmth and love wrap around me like a soft blanket. I felt totally c...

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The Angels Love

September 7, 2012

About a year ago I was feeling quite down in the dumps and really felt as though I was all alone although I know my angels are with me. I had found out some distressing news so was feeling awful and afraid with in. Still it made me feel uneasy and very down. I longed to feel that everything would be okay and that there was nothing to worry about. I asked my angels for a sign that everything would be okay.

That day I kept seeing faces in the clouds and felt that this was my angels ways ...

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Feathers Galore!

September 7, 2012

In January 2011 my daughter Kristi and I were walking home from school. As we walked we found a little white feather on the ground. Kristi picked it up and smiled up at me so happily, “Look mommy the angels are watching over us.” Her little face was filled with excitement and joy.

I have always told my children the same thing that my mother told me, that if you find a tiny white feather laying on the ground, then pick it up and thank God and the angels, as this is the angels way of...

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The Little Sparrow

September 7, 2012

About 6 -8 months ago I was doing the school run and rushing to go and pick up my daughters from school. I was in a rush as I was running a bit late. As I walked to the school a tiny sparrow suddenly flew right past me. It flew so close to me that I thought it would crash into me.

The Sparrow then sat on a fence next to where I stood. It was so close to me that I must have only been an arms length away from the little bird. It just sat there and looked up at me tweeting away merrily. I...

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Meant To Be Book!

September 7, 2012

One day I was on my way to our local Library to return my books. My husband Dave suggested that we not get any more books out as we thought we would be moving house any day now. He said wait until after we move.

For months and months I keep looking out for Doreen Virtue books at my library, sadly they are never there when I look. She is my all time favourite author and I find her books inspiring and helpful. I had actually given up on finding one at our library. As we drove to the lib...

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Joy Guides

September 7, 2012

One morning about 5-6 months ago, I had a true heart to heart talk with all of my Joy Guides. I thanked my Joy Guides for all of their wonderful gifts. I asked them to please continue to shower my family and me with their precious gifts, which they gladly did! For the rest of that week I could strongly feel my Joy Guides presence all around me. Thank you my Joy guides. Below are some of these wonderful gifts that my Joy Guides blessed me with that week.

* I went to the opticians for an...

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Angelic Hug

September 7, 2012

In October 2010 I was buzzing about the house doing the daily chores while listening to my Westlife CD. I was not feeling very well that day and really felt like I needed a BIG hug. I went into the lounge and began to sweep the floors.

Total Eclipse of the Heart – Westlife did a cover of it was now playing and I have always found that to be a very personal and emotional song for me, so I stopped sweeping and just stood in the middle of the lounge, shut my eyes and sang along to the so...

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The OK to Go Sign

September 7, 2012

On the 9th of January 2010 I first launched my very first psychic website - Psychic Direct. I had been working on it for months and put my heart and soul into creating it. For months before I decided to create it I kept having the idea pop into my mind. Each time I pushed the idea away as being silly or it will never work - but still the idea of creating the website would not leave me.

Choosing to not go against this nagging feeling with in me I sat down one day and began creating Psyc...

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Miracle Puppies

September 7, 2012

When I was 18 years of age my black Labrador dog Nickeeta had some beautiful puppies. They were so tiny and so very cute. I patted her on the back and told her what a good girl she had been and how she would make a wonderful mother to the puppies.

About 3 months or so after Nickeeta's pups were born I sat playing with them and giving them lots of love and care when I suddenly felt a tightening feeling in my stomach. I had a strong gut feeling that something was wrong with the puppies.

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Saved From Falling

September 7, 2012

When I was 12 years old I was staying in a boarding school as things at home were not too good. Being in a boarding school was a far better environment for me to be in. Some friends of mine and I were jumping on the beds playing and being silly. Our dormitory (where we slept) was on the top floor of a 3 story building. I grew up in Africa so it was extremely hot which meant we had to keep the windows open for air.

Anyways, I was jumping on the bed with my friends. We then all raced over ...

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Angel Stories

August 27, 2012
Please feel free to leave your angelic experiences, miracles and angel stories here.
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About Me

Please feel free to leave your angel stories and expereinces here. Please also feel free to add angel photos here too. x

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