Step 3: Heightening all of the Senses


Before we can begin to see, meet, connect with and get to know our angels we need to learn to open up our sixth sense. Opening up our sixth sense helps to open us up intuitively and helps to develop our psychic ability. Our psychic intuition is made up of using all of our six senses.


So many people believe that psychics are evil or doing the devils work. What they do not realise is that each and every living thing is psychic. What being psychic means is that all your 6 senses are heightened and well developed. A psychic is a person who is highly sensitive and who listens and trusts their intuition (gut feelings, instincts, senses, thoughts etc).


Psychics are not some kind of powerful, magical or supernatural being. Being psychic is being a person who is highly sensitive as all their 6 senses are developed and heightened. Each and every one of us is able to see spirit and angels, is able to do spiritual work as we are all psychic.







Intuition – Inner Senses


These 6 senses are what help to build and shape our Clairaudience (clear hearing), Clairvoyance (clear seeing), Claircognizance (clear knowing) and Clairsentience (clear feeling). The 4 Claris are what our psychic ability is made up off and what helps us to connect to our guides and angels. This is why it is extremely important to develop our senses and 4 Clair’s – our six senses!


I will be teach you simple and effective ways of opening your third eye, psychic hearing and heightening your psychic intuition as well as developing your 4 clairs. The exercises I will teach you are fun, simple and enjoyable to do.


Sensing and Feeling an Angelicl Presence


What many people do not realise is that each and every one of us has felt and sensed an angelic presence, but do not know that they have felt this. Some of the most common ways in which you feel an angelic presence are as follows;


  • Smelling a perfume in the air when no one is around.

  • Also smelling a loved one’s, favourite perfume even though they have passed over.

  • Feeling as though someone has touched you when no one has.

  • Feeling as though someone has touched your hair, cheek or hand but no one is there.

  • Feeling like someone hugged you or tugged at your clothing or arm even though no one is there.

  • Smelling flowers or cigar smoke when there is no smoke or flowers around

  • Noticing that the temperature in a room suddenly changes

  • You may feel a tightening or pressure in your head almost like someone is putting a lot of pressure on your head.

  • Feeling or seeing in your minds eye someone sitting next to you when there is no one there, or feeling as though there is someone standing next to you.

  • Sudden strong gut feelings and knowing

  • Feeling as though you are being pulled under water

  • Feeling like you are getting smaller – like someone is pushing you down and making you smaller. (like you are shrinking)

  • Sudden goose bumps or a prickly feeling on the back of your neck

  • Feeling the presence of your loved ones who have passed over around you.

  • Feeling the presence of a pet that has passed over around you, or feeling them by your feet or on your bed and lap.

  • You suddenly get a warm and calming sensation all around you or on one side of you.

  • Feeling like there is a spider web on your face or body when there isn’t.

  • Feeling a soft breeze brush by you or on your skin – almost like someone is breathing or blowing gently on you.

  • Feeling light headed or slightly dizzy.

  • Feeling like you are being watched or someone is in the room with you, when no one is there.

  • Feeling that you are in the presence of a very powerful person or being (this is usually one of the Archangels)

  • If there is a negative entity or energy around you then, you will suddenly find that you feel ill, have a throbbing headache come on suddenly, feel suddenly angry or depressed, feel nervous or as though you are in danger, feel suffocating or very dizzy and disorientated, you suddenly feel very angry or become violent, you suddenly feel afraid or very tearful, useless or out of control.


Exercises and Meditations to help you feel Angelic Presences


Imagine touch


This exercise is designed to help heighten your sense of touch and feelings – making it easier for you to sense and feel the spiritual realm. This exercise helps you to use your senses and feelings more.


Find some where nice and quiet to sit down or lay. Make sure you are completely comfortable and will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths very slowly.


Now imagine that there is a beautiful horse standing in front of you. Walk up to the horse and stroke its back and mane. Notice how the horse feels, is its skin and fur soft or rough? What colour is the horse? Is his mane messy or neat? How does the horse smell – can you smell him? Now draw your hands to his nose. How does his nose feel? Is it soft or hard? Is it wet or dry?


Spend some time looking at the horse, feeling how he feels – is he happy, sad or healthy? What feelings and senses come to you? How does the horse make you feel? Notice your feelings and thoughts associated with the horse.


Now imagine that you are holding a lemon. Notice how brightly coloured it is. How does the lemon feel? Is the lemon smooth, bumpy or rough? Is it big or small? Now smell the lemon – can you smell it? What does it smell like? Now imagine that you cut the lemon in half and take a bite. Is it sour or sweet? What does it taste like? What can you sense and feel from the lemon? How does the lemon make you feel? Notice your feelings and thoughts associated with the lemon.


Now imagine that you are standing next to a beautiful tree. Notice how the tree feels, does it feel happy and content in its environment? Is the tree healthy and strong or weak and brittle? What condition is the tree in?


Now put your hands to the tree and touch its bark. How does the bark feel? Is it smooth or rough, is it bumpy or scratchy? What does the tree look like in size, weight and health? How dose the tree make you feel? Notice your feelings and thoughts associated with the tree.


Imagine that your best friend walks up to you. Notice what she / he are wearing and what expression is on their face. Are they happy or sad? What feelings come to you? What do your senses and feeling tell you about how your friend is feeling. Look deep into their eyes. What colour is their eyes? What is their skin tone, height and weight like? What colour is their hair?


Touch their hair and notice how it feels. Is their hair rough, soft or smooth? Is it dell, damp, shinny or healthy? How do you feel about your friend? What feelings, thoughts and emotions are associated with your friend?


Write down in your journal how you felt, any thoughts, feelings, senses that came to you, how you found the exercise and if you feel any different.


Physical-Touch Exercise


This is a simple exercise that will help you a great deal with opening up your senses.


Close your eyes and take hold of an item. Keeping your eyes closed hold this item in your hand. Feel it and touch it. What does it feel like? What sensations come to you? Rub the item along the back of your hand and arm. Is the item hot or cold? Is it smooth or rough? Does it smell or is it odourless? Does it taste of anything or not? How does this item make you feel?


Now blind fold yourself and ask a loved one or friend to hand you different objects and foods. Do the same as you did above. Can you guess what each item is? Take special note of the sensations you receive and how each item makes you feel.


Sensing Exercise


This exercise can be done any time and any place. It is designed to help you work on your opening up your senses more.


Each time you meet up with a friend, talk to a parent at school or work, or in the shop and town – try to sense how that person is feeling. Use your senses and feelings to open you up spiritually. For example you are standing in the queue at the supermarket; there is a lady in front of you.


What do you sense from her just by looking at her? Does she come across as angry, sad, happy, healthy, miserable, excited, honest, dangerous, or shy? Do you feel comfortable around her or do you feel threatened? Dose her energy feel good and positive or bad and negative? How dose the lady make you feel? Notice your feelings and thoughts associated with this lady.


Another example is; your friend walks up to you and starts up a conversation. Notice your friends facial expressions, the way she / he holds them self. Do they seem happy or sad? What can you sense from your friend? How is your friend feeling? Is there something on their mind? Do they look healthy, well, tied or wide awake? Are they in a good or bad mood? How dose your friend make you feel? Notice your feelings and thoughts associated with this person.


Or imagine that you may see a stray cat walking on the side walk or in your garden. What energy do you pick up from this cat? Is the cat homeless or well looked after? Dose the cat look healthy or ill? Is the cat happy or sad? What do your senses and feelings tell you about the cat. How dose the cat make you feel? Notice your feelings and thoughts associated with the cat.


Try each and every day to always try and sense what people, animals, plants and nature feel like to you. What their feelings are, if they are healthy or not, happy or sad? Use your senses to take more notice of what is going on around you. Use your senses to get a better and bigger picture of people and things in your life.


Write down in your psychic journal how this exercise made you feel. Also write down any thoughts, feelings, visions and senses you got.


Sensing buildings and Places


This exercise can be done any time and any place. It is designed to help you work on your senses and develop your psychic intuition.


When you next walk into a supermarket, house, restaurant, work place, or building notice how you feel. What feelings, senses and thoughts come to you about this place or building? Are your feelings good or bad? Do you feel safe or threatened? How does this place feel to you? Is it damp and cold, warm and cosy, smelly and dell, bright and inviting? Is it a calm or busy place? Take not of how you feel, what your senses are telling you and how this place or building makes you feel.


Write down in your psychic journal how this exercise made you feel. Also write down any thoughts, feelings, visions and senses you got.


Sensing Spirits and Angels


In the beginning of this exercise we spoke about how all of us have felt spiritual and angelic presences before and have not realized that we have. I also gave you a list of common ways in which we sense and feel the spiritual and angelic realms. In this next exercise we will be using these common feelings and senses to recognize when there is a spiritual presence around us.


Take note of each time you experience, feel or sense one of the common senses you get when there is a spiritual presence around you. Write these down in your journal. What where you doing when you felt this sense or presence? How did it make you feel? Did you see, smell or taste anything when this happened? What feelings and thoughts were associated with the senses and feelings or experiences that you had? How many times a day or week did you experience these?


Try sitting down or lying down in a quiet room. Make sure you are completely comfortable and will not be disturbed. Ask your guides, angels and spiritual helpers to help you to feel their presence. Take note of how you are feelings, what the room feels like; are there any changes in the temperature? Do you feel a presence? What pictures, visions, smells and tastes, feelings and thoughts come to you? Did you hear any words or feel someone touch you. Did you feel any of the common senses associate with a spiritual presence?


Write down in your psychic journal how this exercise made you feel. Also write down any thoughts, feelings, visions and senses you got.


Trusting our feelings and gut instincts Exercise.


Next time the phone rings or the door bell goes, try to sense who your caller or visitor is. Or when you are speaking on the phone or texting / messaging someone try to sense how the person you are talking to is feeling. What feelings and thoughts come to you? Notice what your senses and feelings tell you.


Our guides and angels regularly communicate to us through our senses and our feelings. For example: You are walking home from the town when you see a short cut home. You are tied and can not wait to get home so decide to take the short cut.

You suddenly feel as though someone is watching you. You get a sudden pain in your head or stomach, or you may suddenly feel a strong sense of butterflies or goose pimples ripple over you, it could even be a wave of fear that spreads over you suddenly.


These are all signs from your angels and guides that this short cut is not a safe route to take. It is then up to you to trust your feelings and instincts (messages and senses from your guides and angels) and go the long way home, or to go against their help and take the short cut. Our guides and angels can advice and guide us in our every day lives but, they can not intervene in our lives with out our permission to do so. The only time our guides and angels can intervene, is if our lives are in danger when it is not yet our time to leave this earth.


Try each and every day to always take note of any feelings, senses, thoughts and pictures that come to you. How do you feel like when you talk to a stranger? What dose it feels like when you talk to someone you like, opposed to someone you do not like?


What feelings do you get when trying to make important decisions? How do you feel when you know you got something right or wrong? How do you feel when you are in danger or being warned about something? Note the feelings you get when shopping, buying a new home, going for a job interview or watching the news.


Our guides and angels are constantly talking to us through our thoughts, feelings and senses. We need to push the though of “its all in my imagination” aside and learn to trust our instincts, senses and feelings. You will find that once you have tried out this exercise a few times that you will begin, to recognize what senses and feelings your guides and angels send you. You will begin to realize how they talk to you and you will understand their messages more clearly. Write down in your psychic journal how this exercise made you feel. Also write down any thoughts, feelings, visions and senses you got.


Tasting and Smelling an angelic presence


All of us have smelt or tasted an Angelic presence before with out even realizing it. Most of us put it down to our imagination or some thing that is in the air. Below are some of the common ways in which we smell and taste a spiritual presence.


  • You suddenly smell a sweet perfume smell in the room when no one put on any perfume

  • You smell a deceased loved one, you either smell their perfume or cologne or how they smelt when they were alive.

  • You smell burning or other strange smells where you can not find the cause of the smell.

  • You suddenly get a taste in your mouth – good or bad (this commonly happens when you are trying to make big discussions, or are about to do something dangerous, meeting a good or bad person.


  • The spirits warn us about people, places and things through taste and smell. For example: You meet someone on the street and suddenly get a sour or bitter taste in your mouth, or you smell fire or another horrible smell in the air. This is the spirits way of warning us that this person is bad or dangerous and you should stay away from them. )


  • You find that the taste a deceased loved ones cooking is in your mouth. (This is your loved one in spirit sending you this taste to let you know that he/she is around.)


  • You may find that you are trying to by a house. You walk into a house and find that it smells damp. (This is your spirit guides warning you that this house may have dampness or plumbing problems or that it is not the right house for you.)


  • Our guides, deceased loved ones and angels send us tastes and smells to let us know that they are around, to help us make important discussions and to warn us about people, situations and places.


Tasting and Smelling Exercise


Find somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Sit or lie down and make your self feel completely relaxed and comfortable. Shut your eyes and take in 3-4 deep breaths very slowly.


Imagine that you are sitting at a table and in front of you is a large plate. On the plate is a lemon cut in to 4 wedges, there is a large stake, some Brussels sprouts, a fish, a ripe red tomato, garlic bread and a bar of chocolate.


First pick up one of the lemon wedges and take a long hard look at it. Look at the skin, what does it look like? Is it bumpy or smooth? What is its texture? Look at the flesh of the lemon and notice any colour differences. What does it look and feel like to compare the skin of the lemon?


Now bring the lemon to your nose and smell it. What does it smell like? Do you like the smell or not? Can you smell it strongly or clearly? Describe to yourself what the lemon smells like.


Now take a bite of the lemon and describe how the lemon tastes. Does it taste nice, sour, sweet, bitter or unpleasant? What feeling does it leave in your mouth? Feel what the taste of the lemon feels like.


Do the same process for each of the foods on your plate. After completing the exercise, write down your thoughts, senses, feelings and experiences with this exercise in your psychic journal. 


Visual tasting and smelling exercise


Find somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Sit or lie down and make your self feel completely relaxed and comfortable. Shut your eyes and take in 3-4 deep breaths very slowly.


When you feel ready imagine that you are walking through beautiful woodland. Take note of your surroundings. Try to make the vision as clear and vivid as possible. Feel the warm sunshine warming your skin as it trickles through the tree tops.


Feel the earth and leaves beneath your feet. See all of the gorgeous tress standing tall all around you. Hear the sounds of birds as they chatter happily in the warmth of the day. 


Stop and look around at all that is around you. Take in a deep breath and smell what the air and woodland smells like. What smells come to you and what feelings associated with these smells come to you? Can you smell fresh pine cones? Can you smell the lush trees and green grass?


What do they smell like? Can you smell any animals? Is there water near by? Can you smell the fresh water? What does it smell like? What tastes come to you in connection with each smell? How the smells and tastes make you feel and what sense you get from them.


It now begins to rain and you take in another deep breath. What does the rain smell like?  What dose the rain smell like on the fallen leaves? How does the woodland smell now that it is raining?


Next imagine that you are on a sandy beach. Repeat the above exercise but this time describing and smelling what the sea, sand and air smells like on the beach. What shells and animals at the beach smell like? What tastes come to you in connection with each smell? How the smells and tastes make you feel and what sense you get from them.


Now imagine you are in a busy city with lots of smog, cars, people and pollution. Repeat the exercise but this time describing and smelling what the city, cars, people and pollution smell and taste like. What sensations and feelings come to you? What tastes come to you in connection with each smell? How the smells and tastes make you feel and what sense you get from them.


After completing the exercise, write down your thoughts, senses, feelings and experiences with this exercise in your psychic journal.


Opening up you sense of taste and smell.


This exercise can be done any place and any where...


Each and everyday try to take particular note of how everything around your tastes and smells. Take note of how different smells make your feel. What senses do you get from each taste and smell? What does your home smell like? What do your family and friends smell like? What is your Childs particular smell like? What does your bed smell like? Your perfume, food and soap.


When eating your dinner or other meals – instead of just eating it, really take note of all the flavours and sensations you can taste and smell. What spices or herbs can you pick out in your dinner? How does each taste and smell make you feel?


Everything living thing has its own unique smell and taste. Try recognizing and getting to know the smells and tastes around you. What are your loved ones unique smells and tastes? What is your unique smell? What is your pets and homes unique smell and tastes?


After completing the exercise, write down your thoughts, senses, feelings and experiences with this exercise in your psychic journal.


Hearing a Spiritual Presence


Like with feeling angels most of us have heard them with out even realizing that we have. Here are some of the common ways that we hear an angelic presence.


(All of the below can be heard with your physical or with your inner ears.)


  • You hear beautiful soft music when none is playing

  • You hear a loud ringing sound in your ear

  • You hear whispering or soft chatter when no one is around or whispering.

  • You hear someone call your name or talk to you but when you turn round, no one is there or talking.

  • You hear someone call your name when you are just waking up

  • You hear a song playing over and over in your head or on the radio

  • You hear a conversation or talk to someone who tells you the exact thing that you need to hear, or gives you the answer to a question that has been bugging you.

  • You hear a loved one’s voice who has passed over

  • The phone rings or door bell rings and when you go to answer you find that no one is there

  • You have a strong feeling that a friend or loved one is in trouble, only to find out that your gut feeling was right.

  • You find that you are good at finding things as you seem to hear the place where your lost item is in your mind.

  • You hear someone warn you to get out of the way or any other helpful message, when no one is there.

  • You hear your own voice or another person’s voice (either out loud or in your mind) reminding you of things you need to do. The important thing to remember here is that when we ARE hearing divine guidance the sentences will begin with words such as, “You”, “………….(Your name)” , “Your” etc. These words are ones that you would use if talking to another person or that a person would use when talking to you. Words that begin with, “I”, “Me”, “My”, “Myself” etc ARE NOT divine guidance but your own ego or self talking.

  • You are worrying about something and not sure what to do. You turn on the telly / radio or talk to a loved one and you hear the exact thing that you needed to hear. (This is your guides or angels talking to you through a living person.)

  • Your guides talk to you through urges and gut feelings, sounds, though living people, and words repeating in your head as well as images.


Here is an example: You are watching the telly and in the back of your mind you keep thinking about the lunch boxes that need to be done. You shrug your shoulders and decide you can do them quickly in the morning before school and work. For the rest of the evening you keep thinking about the lunch boxes or hearing in your mind – lunchboxes! You partner even reminds you about doing them. But still you put off doing them.


The next day the alarm does not go off and you panic when you wake up late! You are in a mad rush – plus you still have to make those lunch boxes! You get the kiddies to school late and you are late for work yourself. You then find your self thinking, “Why did I not listen to my gut feelings, or my partner and make those lunch boxes last night?”


The gut feeling you were having, your partner re-minding you and you keep thinking about it, was actually your guides trying to warn you to make the lunch boxes, as they knew the alarm clock would not go off. It was divine guidance that you ignored and so paid the price for not listening by being late. We need to try and learn to pay more attention to our gut feelings and what is going on around us. Many times our guides and angels warn us about things. The problem is we do not listen.  We are too quick to judge the guidance that we receive or not take any notice of it as we think it is only our imaginations or your own conscious bugging you. Try to stop, listen and act each day.


Exercises and Meditations To Help You Hear Angelic Presences


Silence Meditation


Find some where nice and quiet to sit down or lay. Make sure you are completely comfortable and will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths very slowly. Concentrate on your breathing until you feel completely relaxed.


Now quiet your mind, push away any thoughts or feelings that pop up. Concentrate on hearing what is going on around you. Listen to the silence, listen and take note of any sounds you can hear. What do the sounds sound like? What sounds do you hear? How many sounds can you hear? Just listen and take note if any images pop in your mind or if you hear any words or strange sounds. Take note of how just listening makes you feel and if your feelings change at all during the exercise. Try pulling all of your concentration and awareness to your left ear for a good 3 – 5 minutes. What can your left ear hear? Now pull all of your awareness and concentration to your right ear for at least 3 – 5 minutes. What does your right ear hear? Now bring your attention back to both of your ears. What can you hear?


Try spending at least 15 – 20 minutes each day just quieting your mind and listening. This exercise helps you to learn to open your psychic hearing, helps you to learn to listen carefully.


Write down in your journal how you found the exercise. Write down your experiences, feelings, thoughts, any visions or sounds that you heard.


Pay attention!


This exercise can be done any time and anywhere. This exercise is designed to help you to listen more and to uncover, any hidden messages that you might normally miss.


When ever you talk to someone – either in person or on the phone, or hearing someone talking on the telly, try to listen to every word they are saying. Properly listen and do not jump in or talk over them.


Pay attention to what they are saying, how they are saying it and notice their facial expressions. Try to listen to the tone of their voice. You could even try and feel what

that person is feeling, pay attention to their body language. Look interested in what they are saying (even if you are not). Take each word they say in.


Also take time each day to listen to what is going on around you. When walking or driving in your car, when going to bed or in the bath, cooking dinner or working at the office. Try to listen to the sounds that are all around you.


Listen to the chirp of the birds, the sound of people chatting on the streets and their footsteps, listen to the sound of cars as they speed by, the sound of the wind rustling in the trees.


Each day try and listen as much as you can. Train your self to always listen extra carefully no matter where you are or what you are doing. Try and see how many different sounds you can hear each day.


Write down in your journal how you found this exercise and any differences you may notice. It is so important to record everything down.


Quartz Crystal Exercise


If you have a Quartz Crystal (one with a point at the end – like a pendulum) then, first wash the crystal in cold water and ask the angles to please cleanse the crystal, to wash away any negativity or entity that is with the crystal. Do not dry the crystal just put it on a window sill where it can get plenty of sunlight – for at least 4 hours.


Once you have done this and thanked the angels, place the crystal on your bedside table or under your bed. Make sure that the points are facing your head. This helps to open up your third eye for seeing and your psychic hearing; it also helps you to feel your guides and angels presence.


Keep this crystal there each and every night. As you open up your intuition you will become more and more sensitive to the spiritual realm. You then might want to start moving the crystal a little further a way from you each nigh – this is entirely up to you.


Clear the ear Chakras Exercise


Sit somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and take in several deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed. Now imagine just above your eye brows on the side of your head (next to ears) are two violet / red discs or circles. Imagine you can see these red circles spinning in a clockwise motion.


Now imagine that beautiful white light is entering both of these circles/ disks as they spin. Imagine that this white light is healing and cleansing your ear chakras – feel the healing take place, making them grow larger and shine brighter and brighter, until they are large beautiful shinning luminous red/violet disks/circles.


Ask your guides and angels to please talk clearly and loudly to you so you can better hear their messages. Repeat this exercise each day and also record in your journal how you felt before doing this exercise and how you feel after.


Increase Sound Sensitivity


Sit somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and take in several deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed.


Take a quartz clear crystal and hold it in your dominant hand. Take your right hand and put it above your right ear (still holding the crystal in your dominant hand). Do the same with your left hand and left ear. Imagine a powerful lightning bolt of white light shooting from your dominant hand’s middle finger and the crystal, going straight through your head to your other hand’s middle finger – repeat this several times.


Seeing an Angelic Presence


Like with sensing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling angels we have all seen angels with out realizing it. It is only when you realize what the signs are that you realize just how many times you have seen them. Most people expect to see a full blown apparition of a angel. They expect to see a person or entity in full form like we see each other. The truth is that it is very rare for people to see angels in this way.


There are two types of Clairvoyance (clear seeing – seeing angels). The first type is Objective Clairvoyance and this type of seeing means a person is capable, of literally seeing spirit entities and angels with their physical eyes (I am an Objective Clairvoyant myself). Objective Clairvoyance – when a person can clearly and vividly see spirit with the naked eye. Objective Clairvoyance is a very uncommon gift as it is rare to find a psychic or medium that possesses this gift.


Most mediums and psychics see angels using Subjective Clairvoyance – which we will learn about next. Objective Clairvoyance can not be taught or developed. It is a gift that you either have or do not – Over time though and with lots of practice and patience the spirits may bless you with this gift.


Subjective Clairvoyance is the most common form of seeing angels Subjective Clairvoyance means that a person can see angels but in the minds eye (mental images and visions).


A person may see symbols, pictures, and images of angels, people, colours, numbers and words (I also have this form of seeing spirit). We see all of this in our mind’s eye – like visions. When a medium is performing mediumship work it is common for you to hear them say, “I see a man standing behind you, he is tall with dark brown hair.....” The medium is not actually seeing this man with their physical eyes. He or she is seeing the man with their mind’s eye – as a vision.


Or a psychic who is performing a reading might say, “I can see a red rose.” The psychic can not actually see a red rose with their physical eyes, but can see it in their mind’s eye. We can learn through spiritual growth and psychic development how to enhance Subjective Clairvoyance.


Below are some of the more common ways in which angles shows us that they are around, also how we have seen them.


  • Angels show us that they are around and with you by leaving, lots of feathers, hearts, birds, coins and things for you to find. So if you find that you keep finding white feathers lying around or where you walk (especially if you are in need of comfort) – this is your angels and guides way of letting you know that they are with you.


I find that when ever I am feeling down or in need of guidance, I ask my angels and guides to please let me know that they are with me. It is comforting to see signs that they are around. I will then keep finding little white feathers or hearts. One day when I was particularly down I found up to 30 feathers in one day. I felt comforted as I knew that it was my angels leaving these feathers for me – to let me know that they were with me at this difficult time.


A friend of mine named Wendy had just split with her husband. She was feeling venerable and did not have enough money to feed her two young children. All the money she made through work went towards paying the bills. This left her with hardly any money to by food for her children and her self.


One day she sat down and asked her angels and guides to please help her support her children. She did not like to ask for money and felt guilty asking but she was desperate for the help. Her guides and angels knew how desperate she was and they wanted to help her.


She had literally just finished saying her prayer then went for a walk when she found a 5p coin laying on the ground. For all that week she kept finding 1p, 2p, 5p coins. By the end of the week she had found enough money to buy food for her and her children. The angels sent her this money to help her as they knew that she genuinely needed their help. Not long after these incidences she managed to get another job writing Astrology for a local newspaper – this helped her to provide for her children.


  • Our angels also talk to us in our dreams. I always try to ask people to keep a dream journal where you record all of your dreams – even the insignificant ones.


  • A common way that people see angels is out of the corner of their eyes. Have you ever seen something move out of the corner of your eye? Most people see this regularly but put it down to their imaginations. This is not your imagination!


  • Another way of seeing angels is through clouds. Have you ever looked up into the sky and seen a cloud in the shape of an angel, heart, or dove? This is in fact your angels showing you that they are with you. They also love to show us that they are around us by sending us a beautiful rainbow in the sky or around us.


  • Some times angels prefer to show themselves to us a fine mist / smoke or heat wave. Have you ever sat in your living room and then noticed a white or coloured mist in the room or sense the mist / smoke move across the room? Or have you seen heat waves like you get on a hot day but in your home or around you? These are both ways that a angels shows its self to us.


  • Have you ever seen tiny sparkling lights that look like tiny specs of glitter floating in the air? At times these sparkling lights will swirl around and around then take the form of a person. This is another common way of angels showing them selves to us – especially our guardian angels and the nature angels. Seeing flashes of light in front of you or out of the corner of your eyes is another common way in which angels show themselves to us.


  • Have you ever sat talking to someone then you find that you see a person in your minds eye standing around you or in the room. This is another way of seeing angels, it may be that the angel you see standing around you is connected to the person that you are talking too. Sometimes angels reveal them selves to us as shadows. Have you ever seen a shadow (that was not your own) walk through a room or move quickly?


Angels also show us that they are with us by making strange occurrences happen – eg; clocks stopping, things being moved about in the home, loud bangs or little noises, lights flickering or telly and electrical goods playing up. Seeing orbs either in photos or with the naked eye is another way they show us that they are around. Angels some times try to appear in photos either as figures, lights, smoke or orbs.


So many times people see angels but sadly put their experiences down to the imagination or over tiredness. It is so heart breaking that so many people miss out on the wonderful gift of getting to know and meet their angels, or on feeling how much angelic help they have around them. These people miss out on this wonderful gift and experience because they are not ready to face that there is more out there that meets the eye.


Sadly these people are not open to new possibilities or are afraid of the unknown. They judge the experiences that they have and need to see proof before they believe. My dream and ambition is to help others to learn to let go of the sceptic mind and to allow themselves to live a six sensory life. I would love to help others to realise just how much love and support they have on a daily basis and to learn to connect with their higher selves, angels and guides.


One of the most important rules of learning to see angels is to STOP putting things down to your imagination. Learn to be more accepting of your experiences, the unexpected and mysteries of the world. Learn to be more open instead of blocking out something because you have no proof. Open your heart and mind and you will find wonderful blessings and surprises.


Exercises and Meditations to help heighten and awaken your sense of sight


Each exercise below is designed to help open your third eye and psychic seeing. These lessons will help you to pay more attention, to your surroundings and help you to open up to the spiritual realm.


Colour Vision


Find somewhere that is nice and quiet. Take in several slow deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed. Now close your eyes and try to relax your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Notice how your chest and stomach rise and fall. When you feel ready then do the following...


Imagine that there is a large bill board or cinema screen in front of you. Imagine that the colour of this screen is white. Now change the colour of the screen to RED. Try to see this screen as clearly as you can.


Now change the colour of the screen to ORANGE, then YELLOW, GREEN, TURQUOISE, BLUE and lastly PURPLE.


Try practicing this for a while. Write down how you found the exercise in your psychic journal. Also write down your feelings, sensations, any experiences and your thoughts.


Seeing Shapes Exercise


Find somewhere that is nice and quiet. Take in several slow deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed. Now close your eyes and try to relax your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Notice how your chest and stomach rise and fall. When you feel ready then do the following...


Imagine that you are looking straight at a large white screen or bill board. In the middle of the white screen is a small RED square – all the while still noticing the large white screen that the small coloured square is on. Once you can clearly see the red square try to change the colour of the square to ORANGE, then YELLOW, GREEN, TURQUOISE, BLUE and lastly PURPLE.


Now imagine that the small coloured square change into a RED circle. Once you can clearly see the RED circle change the colour to ORANGE, then YELLOW, GREEN, TURQUOISE, BLUE and lastly PURPLE.


Continue with the same process but each time seeing a different shape in your minds eye, e.g. star, triangle, rectangle, flower, butterfly etc.


Sound, Images and Colour Exercise


Find somewhere that is nice and quiet. Take in several slow deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed. Now close your eyes and try to relax your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Notice how your chest and stomach rise and fall. When you feel ready then do the following...


Listen to all of the sounds around you. What can you hear? Take one of the sounds that you can hear and try to visualize what the thing you are hearing looks like.

For example; you hear a car driving by.


Imagine what this car looks like. What colour is the car? How many people are in the car? What do the people in the car look like? Try to see if you can see this vision as clearly as possible. Or you can hear birds chirping out side. Imagine what these birds look like, how many birds can you see? What colours are they and what types of birds are they? What are these birds doing and where in your garden are they? Try make these visions as clear as possible.


Once you have done this then quiet your mind again and listen. What other sounds can you hear? Pick one of the sounds you can hear and try imagine what it looks like. Continue with this exercise until you have imagined what each sound that you can hear looks like.


Imagination Exercises


One of the most important things to learn to do when trying to open up to seeing, the spiritual realm is to learn to use your imagination more often. The worst thing a parent can tell their child is to stop using their imagination.


Children can see the spiritual and angelic realm much easier than we adults. This is because they do not judge what they see. They do not put everything down to their imagination playing tricks on them.


As they grow up their parents tell them to stop being silly as it is all in the imagination. This makes the children stop using their imaginations and start doubting what they see. As they grow older they use less of their imagination, they do not accept the images that they are shown – resulting in making seeing the spiritual realm harder and harder. 


In this exercise we will learn to re-awaken our imagination. We will learn to be open to what we see and to not judge or dismisses it. What I would like for you to do is to try and use your imagination as much as possible. Below are the things I would like for you to please do as many times each week as you can...


Try day dreaming more often – make up stories in your mind and day dream about all your goals and dreams. Make each day dream as vivid as possible. Be more creative by doing arts and crafts, working with colour and designs. Try creating things (even if you are not a creative person just try and do creative things) as this helps you to use your imagination when creating.


Read more novels and books as when you read you are using your imagination to imagine, what the characters in the book look like and you imagine the story.

Also try to do a lot more Meditation (especially guided meditation).


When watching the telly try closing your eyes so that you can hear what is happening on the telly but you can not see. Then use your imagination to see what is happening on the telly screen.


Try putting on some music and closing your eyes. Listen carefully to the music and try to imagine seeing who is playing each instrument. Try and see how many different instruments you can pick out.


Try asking a friend to blind fold you then place objects into your hand. You can then try to describe the object as clearly as you can. What colour do you think the object is? How does it feel and does it taste or smell of anything?


Try seeing the object in your minds eye as clearly as you can. Then take off the blind fold and see how accurate or wrong you were. Then continue the exercise with other objects.


Record in your journal your experiences, feelings, thoughts and sensations while performing each of these exercises.


Memory exercises


Find somewhere that is nice and quiet. Take in several slow deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed. Now close your eyes and try to relax your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Notice how your chest and stomach rise and fall. When you feel ready then do the following...


 Try to remember things from your day – replay your day in your mind. Try to remember as much as possible and in as much detail as possible about your day. What happened in the day? Was it just a normal day or did something exciting or different happen? How did your day go from the time you woke up until the time you went to bed.


Now choose one of the people that you saw that day. See that person in your minds eye as clearly as you can. Can you remember what clothes they were wearing? What styles and colours where their clothes. How did they wear their hair and did they look happy or sad. Try to visualize this person as clearly and as vividly as you can.


Now pick one room in your home (not the room you are sitting in) and try to see how accurately you can see this room in your minds eye. What objects are in this room? What furniture or wall pictures are in the room? What colour is the walls and floors, curtains and furniture? Try to see this room as clearly as you can in your minds eye. Then open your eyes and go to this room and see how accurate you were.


Visualize a place or scenery e.g. a forest, beach, busy town centre, mall, woodlands, fields, farm, desert, lake, mountain or somewhere where you feel happy and comfortable – this does not have to be a place where you have been before -try to make this vision as clear and as vivid as possible.


See what is around you and take note of your thoughts and feelings. Feel what the ground feels like beneath you. Is it hot or cold? Can you feel the wind in your hair or smell what the air smells like? Imagine that you are in your chosen place and you are looking all around you – take every detail in.


Try remembering little details from your day e.g.; if you were in the supermarket then try remembering what the woman or man looked like who served you. Were they wearing jewellery or not? What colour were their eyes and hair? What clothes did they wear?


What did they say to you? Or if you caught a bus to work or school then what did the bus driver look like? Which places did you pass on your journey? Who all was on the bus? What did you see when looking out of the bus window? If you walk to the places you need to go then what did you see on your walk? Did you greet any people on the way and what did they look like? Try to remember these things in as much detail as possible.


Try to remember what the weather was like for your day. Was it very windy, raining, sunny or snowing? Try to remember a time when you looked out side and saw the weather. What were your thoughts and feelings at the time? What did you see and notice?


Sit down somewhere nice and quiet and take a pencil and a piece of paper. Try thinking of someone very close to you and draw this person. Try and make the drawing look as clear as you can. Even if you can not draw still try and draw the person you are thinking about. Once you have done this then try and draw a place that you visit each day.


This could be a supermarket, work, school, your home or garden. Try and draw this place as clearly as you can and add in as much detail as you can about what you remember about this place. Now try and draw a picture of your pet or a house plant – again drawing it as clearly as you can with as much detail. Lastly draw a picture of yourself using as much detail as possible. With this exercise you are using your memory and imagination to draw as accurate picture as you can.


Take a picture from a newspaper, magazine or book and look at the picture for a few minutes. Then close your eyes and see if you can see that picture in your minds eye. Each time you loose the picture in your minds eye – take another look at the picture and try again.


Pick an object in your minds eye – you could choose to see a dog, candle, picture, rock, dvd, spoon (any object) and try to visualize what this object looks like. Try and see if you can feel what it feels like and see any details on it.


Record in your journal your experiences, feelings, thoughts and sensations while performing each of these exercises 


Symbols and Feelings Exercise 


Many times angels and spirit guides will talk to us or show us things by using symbols. When performing a reading or mediumship work a medium will see symbols in their minds eye.


These symbols helps to pass on details and messages to the psychic or to you and me. Each symbol could mean many different things. It is up to you to interoperate what you feel the symbol means. Below are a few symbols you may see.


Next to each symbol write down what the item means to you personally. For Example a flower may mean spring, birth or new beginnings to you. Or a sun may mean summer, hot, warm or holiday. A baby may mean birth of a child, pregnant, birth of a business venture or new idea, new beginning or happiness. A horse may mean freedom, animals, hard working or a horse.












Work Place







Swimming pool








Signs and Messages Chart


A wonderful way of understanding and learning how our angels communicate with us is by creating a special chart, where you record all of the different ways in which your angels communicate with you on a daily basis.


Each person’s angels communicate to them in a different way. Our angels communicate to us differently because we are all different. They want for their messages to be heard loud and clear. They communicate with us in a way that will be personal to us, understood and recognized by the person that they are communicating with.


To create your Signs and Messages Chart please find a piece of paper and pen. You could write your chart in your psychic journal, on a piece of paper or on your computer.  On the piece of paper write the following headings:


Warning Signs or Danger



Advice and Guidance



Divine Inspiration



Health Watch






Lost Items



Under each heading list the various ways that your angels communicate with you. Spend a lot of time on this exercise and put in a great deal of though into each of your answers. Think of all the times where you felt that your angels communicated with you, helped or guided you, warned you of a danger or reminded you of something that needed doing. To give the most accurate and honest answers try asking your higher self to please perform this exercise – in this way you will be working through this exercise as your higher self.


Firstly write a short description of actual times when you felt that your angels helped you or communicated with you. What were you doing when they communicated with you? How did they communicate with you? Did you listen to their warnings or not? What was the out come? Then under your short description write down points that explain the method that your angels use to communicate with you in that each situation. In this way you will recognize what messages your angels are trying to pass onto you in the future.


Below are a just a few of the ways that my angels communicate with me. I am sharing these with you to help give you and idea of how to create your own Signs and Messages Chart.


Please remember that your angels may communicate to you in different ways than to how they communicate with me. You may find that in some cases they communicate to you in the same way as they do with me - then in other cases they may communicate differently to you. Our angels communicate to each of us in a way that we can easily recognize and that is personal to us as an individual.


Natasha’s Signs and Messages Chart


Warning Signs and Dangers


When my angels have warned me of dangers or of important things that I need to do they will show me a bright flash of light (like a camera flash), followed by a mental image of what the danger is or what important thing needs doing. Like when I forgot to turn off the chip fryer, forgot to close the back door at night and when I did not pay attention to the road when crossing. Each time I saw a bright flash of light followed by a mental image of the danger at hand or warning that my guides and angels were passing onto me. Thankfully I recognized these signs and so put a stop to the dangers that were around me. If I had ignored the signs then our house may have burnt down, been broken into or I may have been hit by a car. My guides and angels sent me warning signs that helped to keep me safe. Thank you my angel and guides.


* Flash of light followed by mental image


Advice and Guidance


When my angels pass on guidance or advice to me they will send it to me in the form of images, dreams, repeated songs, signs and billboards, through people and also as nagging feelings or thoughts. Like when my guides were advising me that the person I met today was not a very nice person, I kept feeling panicky and on edge when I was around that person. I knew this was my angel’s way of warning me to keep away from that person.


Also like the time when my guides were trying to warn me to let go of a friend who was not good for me and was draining my energy. They tried to warn me through dreams, feelings, people, signs and even repeated songs with lyrics of letting go of a loved one. I also kept seeing films on the telly or reading in books and magazines of people going through what I was going through. Unfortunately I did not listen and ended up getting extremely hurt in the end by this friend and one of her friends.


Repeated songs in my mind

Through people

Feelings and thoughts

Voices with physical ears and inner ears

Through Media and Books

Signs and Billboards



Divine Inspiration


Our angels love to help us out with divine inspiration and guidance. How my angels do this is by sending their divine guidance to me in the form of thoughts, dreams, people and ideas. For many years I kept having the idea to start my own website, performing readings for people and teaching others about angels and how to develop their psychic gifts.


I kept making up excuses of reasons why I could not do this. For example I would tell myself that my family would never support me and it would cause so much friction between us, I kept telling myself that I was not qualified enough or that I would never have the confidence to actually teach others. I would doubt my abilities and worry that I would let people down or be a failure, what if my lessons were not written well enough and people laughed and so on. So I never did start a website or course.


Years went by and my idea did not leave no matter how much I tried to blank it out or find excuses why I should not do it. I kept having friends and people tell me I should try starting my own business performing readings, or telling me that with all the experience I have that I should teach others. I also kept having dreams telling me that I should do this and that everything would turn out well if I did.


In my dreams I was told that my family would come round to the idea in the end, that I would be fulfilling my life purpose and that I would help a great deal of people. Again I would not listen and pushed the thought of it a side. The more I ignored this idea the stronger the craving grew inside of me to do this until I could not ignore it anymore.. So one day I sat down and created my website. I then began to perform readings online and from there began teaching others to develop their gift.


I am so very grateful that I listened to my angels as I have never been happier. I love my work and have made so many wonderful new friends through the work I do. For the first time in my life I feel that I belong, I feel confident with in, I feel connected to the world and feel that I am helping to make a difference. As I was told in my dreams – my family and friends have accepted what I do and now support me more than they realise.



Thoughts and Feelings

Repeated Ideas and inspirations (if an idea, thought, word, advice or feeling comes to you 3 or more times, then this is a sure sign that your guides are sending you divine guidance. Try your very best to not ignore the guidance that your angels and guides pass onto you.)


Health Watch


If I am not looking after my health properly such as drinking or smoking too much, not doing enough exercise or getting enough fresh air then, my angels will warn me in the following ways: I will keep feeling the urge to do exercise, I will feel sick each time I have a drink or cigarette, I will have a deep sense to get healthy or go for a walk, I will hear with both physical ears and inner ears words such as, “stop drinking”, “exercise more”, “go to the doctors”. I will keep feeling this nagging feeling that I need to do or stop doing what ever I am doing that is not good for me. A friend or loved one may mention that I need to what my health or I may keep seeing health related programs on telly, the radio or hear people mention them.


Senses and feelings – urges to stop doing what it is that is not good for me

Hearing words with physical ears

Hearing words with inner ears

Through people

Seeing signs on the telly or radio




When my angels are trying to remind me to do something important such as: Not forgetting to go to Kristi’s school assembly, not forgetting to water the plants or to feed the fish and rabbits, or to remember to go to the doctors, remember an important appointment or to meet a friend, they will send me little reminders in the form of repeated words or images in my head. For example my guides and angels are trying to remind me to do the school lunch boxes before I go to bed.  I will keep hearing the word “LUNCH BOXES” with my inner ears.


Or I will keep seeing images of the lunch boxes, bread or other bits and bobs that I put in the lunch boxes. I may keep seeing lunch boxes on the telly in adverts or programs, or hear the word “lunch boxes” or “lunch time” being said on the radio or by someone around me. My husband may remind me several times that I must do the lunch boxes. At times I may even hear the word “lunch boxes” or the words, “do not for get the lunch boxes” with my physical ears. At times I may have a song repeat over and over in my mind that has the word lunch boxes in the lyrics or mentions lunch time or food.


Hearing repeated words with my inner ears

Hearing repeated words or sentences with my physical ears

Seeing mental images

Through another person (as Dave my husband did)

Through telly or radio and even books

Song repeating in my mind – listen to the lyrics


Lost Items


If I have lost something and am desperately trying to find it then I will hear words with my physical ears or inner ears telling me where the item is. I may see images with my minds eye of where to find my lost belongings. My husband David once lost his Zippo lighter. He was very upset as it was a gift that I had given him and it had his name engraved on to it. We looked for the lighter solidly for at least a week or two. We even went through the bins. I kept asking the Archangel Chamuel to please help me find Dave’s lighter then felt disappointed as it was not turning up.


I could not understand why the Archangel Chamuel was not helping me. The truth was that he was helping me all along I was just not listening to his messages. You see all the time the lighter was lost I kept thinking about my gown pocket. I kept hearing in my mind to check my gown pocket. I kept thinking that it was just my mind playing tricks on me as why would Dave’s lighter be in my gown pocket?


One day Dave and I sat in bed having a coffee and cigarette. We had given up looking for the lighter and accepted that it was gone for good. I sat thinking about the lighter feeling very sad for my husband as I could see how disappointed he was. Suddenly I heard loud and clear (with my physical ears) a males voice. It sounded as though it was right next to me. It said, “Check your gown pockets!”


This time I listened and checked my pockets. To my amazement I found the lighter instantly. I apologised to the Archangel Chamuel for being so silly and not listening to him. The experience was an important reminder for me that I should always listen carefully to the guidance and advice that my guides and angels offer me and to not judge what I hear -  no matter how silly or unlikely the advice sounds.


Hear words with my physical ears

Hear words with my inner ears

See images with my mental eyes


Many times our angels will communicate to us through our loved ones, people around us and through media such as telly, computers, and radio and through signs.


Other ways of heightening your Six Senses


Flower Power Exercise


Sit down or lay down somewhere where you will feel very comfortable and will not be disturbed. You can put on some soft soothing music and light a candle or two if you wish. Try to calm your mind from the day’s chatter and make your self feel completely relaxed.


Keep a pen and piece of paper next to you and jot down any thoughts that may pop into your mind. So many times we try to relax but thoughts pop into our minds about things we need to do and get. If you write these down then it will help you to easily relax as you will know that you will not forget to do these things – as you would have jotted them down.


Once you feel that your mind is completely relaxed and any mind chatter has faded then take in up to 10 – 20 deep breaths. Draw these breaths into your upper chest and take note of your upper chests movement and your breathing pattern.


Now take in another 10 – 20 deep breaths but this time instead of paying close attention to your upper chest, pay this attention to your stomach and abdomen area. Notice how your stomach pulls in with each breath and raises with each exhale. Feel your stomach muscles contract and their movement.


Continue to take in 10-20 deep breaths but this time pay close attention to your shoulders. Note your shoulders movements as you inhale and exhale. Become aware of the changes they experience with each breath.


Next take another 10 – 20 deep breaths and pay close attention to each breath you take. Note how relaxed your body has now become. Take note how each breath makes you feel. How do they make you feel? Are you feeling more relaxed than when you started the meditation?


Imagine that there is now a beautiful white flower bud in front of you. Imagine that this is the most beautiful flower that you have ever seen. Watch as this flower bud begins to open very slowly and gently.


As the first flower petal opens and spreads out, feel your feet and toes becoming more relaxed, when the first petal has fully opened then notice that your feet and toes are now completely relaxed.


Take note of how wonderful your feet and toes feel being completely relaxed. Take in every moment of that perfect relaxation. Now watch as the second petal opens and spreads out.


•·         Notice that your ankles are now beginning to relax, once the second petal has completely opened notice that your ankles are now completely relaxed. Continue mentally opening each petal. Each time a petal opens and spreads out take note of a different part of your body becoming more and more relaxed.


•·         Continue until each and every petal is open and spread out. Continue until your entire body has been completely relaxed. Take note of this beautiful flower that is before you. This flower is now fully grown and is gloriously beautiful. 


•·         Now watch as stunning heavenly white light begins to fill the beautiful flower. See this white light soaking into the flower causing it to shine brightly. You can play around with the white light and turn it into any colour that you like. Choose a colour that makes you happy.


•·         Once you are happy with the colour of light that has surrounded and filled your flower then, tell your self that it is now time for you to come out of the meditation. Gently and slowly wriggle your toes, now your fingers, your legs, arms and lastly your head. Open your eyes and take special note of how you feel. Record your meditation and experiences in your psychic journal.


If this meditation has worked then you will now feel completely relaxed. You will feel a deep sense of inner peace, love and happiness. You will feel completely protected and supported.  You will now be one with your spirit and higher self.


If you do not feel any of the above, or if you did not manage to complete the exercise then try again at another time. Remember practice makes perfect and everyone works at a different speed. Never feel disheartened or give up. Just keep going and persisting and you will in time, learn to completely relax and quiet your mind.


Relaxation Energy Exercise


Sit down or lay down somewhere where you will feel very comfortable and will not be disturbed. You can put on some soft soothing music and light a candle or two if you wish. Try to calm your mind from the day’s chatter and make your self feel completely relaxed. Keep a pen and piece of paper next to you and jot down any thoughts that may pop into your mind.


Once you feel that your mind is completely relaxed and any mind chatter has faded then take in up to 10 – 20 deep breaths. Draw these breaths into your upper chest and take note of your upper chests movement and your breathing pattern.


Now imagine that with each breath you exhale you are sending relaxation energy to the various parts of your body. First imagine sending relaxation energy to your toes and feet. As you do notice how your feet and toes begin to completely relax. Feel them relaxing and becoming still. Then send relaxation energy to your ankles, lower legs, knees, upper legs and so on until, you have sent relaxation energy to your entire body. Each time you send a part of your body this wonderful relaxation energy, notice how those body parts feel and feel them completely relaxing.


Once you have become completely relaxed then imagine that you are in side of a beautiful bubble. Imagine that this bubble is made out of pure heavenly white light. This white light is surrounding you to help raise your vibration to a higher level.


Know deep in side of you that because of this white light bubble, your vibration has now raised to a higher vibration level – helping you to connect more deeply with your spirit guides. If you like you could spend a minute or two playing with your bubble. You could make it square, a heart shape, round, a star or a shield. Make your bubble of pure white light be personal to you.


When you are happy with your bubble then calm your mind once more. In your mind or out loud say...”I call upon my guardian angels, the Archangels and all of my angelic helpers, please help me to build a stronger connection to you. Please help me to easily and readily hear your messages and sense your presence. Please stay by my side each and every day and guide me though out my life. Please help me to make a positive difference to others lives and our planet. Thank you.”


Now gently tell your body to stir and come out of the meditation. First wriggle your fingers and toes, move your legs and arms and slowly come out of the meditation.  If this meditation has worked then you will now feel completely relaxed. You will feel a deep sense of inner peace, love and happiness. You will feel completely protected and supported. Thank your angels for assisting you during this meditation and record your experience in your psychic journal. 


If you do not feel any of the above, or if you did not manage to complete the exercise then try again at another time. Remember practice makes perfect and everyone works at a different speed. Never feel disheartened or give up. Just keep going and persisting and you will in time, learn to completely relax and quiet your mind.


Music Exercise


Sit down or lay down somewhere where you will feel very comfortable and will not be disturbed. Put on some soft soothing music. Light a candle or two if you wish. Try to calm your mind from the day’s chatter and make yourself feel completely relaxed. Keep a pen and piece of paper next to you and jot down any thoughts that may pop into your mind.


Once you feel that your mind is completely relaxed and any mind chatter has faded then take in up to 10 – 20 deep breaths. Draw these breaths into your upper chest and take note of your upper chests movement and your breathing pattern. Try to relax and calm your entire body.


Once you feel completely relaxed, draw all of your concentration, focus and awareness to the music that is playing softly in the back ground. Try to listen to it as carefully as you can. Take in each and every note and instrument. Try to see how many instruments you can hear. Take note of any thoughts and feelings, images or sounds that come to you about the music.


If any out side thoughts pop into your mind then push them aside and tell them to go away. Repeat this exercise several times until you find that you are able to do the exercise with out any out side thoughts interrupting.


Sensing the Energy of Living Things Exercise


Sit down somewhere where you will feel very comfortable and will not be disturbed. You can put on some soft soothing music and light a candle or two if you wish. Try to calm your mind from the day’s chatter and make your self feel completely relaxed. In front of you have 2 – 3 different plants, flowers, fruits or vegetables, or pets – anything that is living – but not another person.


Take in up to 10 – 20 deep breaths. Draw these breaths into your upper chest and take note of your upper chests movement and your breathing pattern.

Once you feel completely relaxed then pick up or bring one of the living things to you. Draw all of your focus, attention and concentration onto what you are holding. Take special note of how it looks.


Take in as much detail as possible. Notice how it feels. What thoughts, feelings, sensations, images and words come to you?  Now ask this living thing what its life purpose is and take note of what comes to you. Imagine what you feel this living things life mission is and what it brings to you and your home. 


Thank the living thing for sharing its energy with you and then put it back down.

Now pick up another living thing and do the same process all over again until you have felt the energy of each plant or animal.


Write down everything you felt and if you noticed anything different. Write down any thoughts, feelings, images, messages and sensations that came to you while you did this exercise.


If you did not notice any differences between each plant or animal then keep practicing this exercise until you can clearly feel each plants energy and vibration.


Sensing the Energy of Objects Exercise


Sit down somewhere where you will feel very comfortable and will not be disturbed. You can put on some soft soothing music and light a candle or two if you wish. Try to calm your mind from the day’s chatter and make your self feel completely relaxed. In front of you have 2 – 3 different objects, these objects could be things such as ornaments, jewellery, a rock or stone, a book or house hold item.


Take in up to 10 – 20 deep breaths. Draw these breaths into your upper chest and take note of your upper chests movement and your breathing pattern. Once you feel completely relaxed then pick up one of the objects.  Draw all of your focus, attention and concentration onto the object.


Take special note of how the object looks. Take in as much detail as possible. Notice how this objects feels. What thoughts, feelings, sensations, images and words come to you?  Now ask the object what its life purpose is and take note of what comes to you. Imagine what you feel this objects life mission is and what it brings to you and your home.


Thank the object for sharing its energy with you and then put it back down.

Now pick up another object and do the same process all over again until you have felt the energy of each object. Write down everything you felt with each object and if you noticed anything different. Write down any thoughts, feelings, images, messages and sensations that came to you while you did this exercise. If you did not notice any differences between each object then keep practicing this exercise until you can clearly feel each plants energy and vibration.


Sensing Peoples Energy Exercise


Ask 2 – 4 of your friends or family members if they would not mind being your guinea pigs for this next exercise. Sit some where that is quiet and where you will not be disturbed with one of your friends. Ask your friend to sit in front of you. Draw all of your focus, attention and concentration onto your friend.


Take special note of how your friend or family member looks. Take in as much detail as possible. Notice how your friends energy feels. What thoughts, feelings, sensations, images and words come to you?  Now ask in your mind what is your friend’s life purpose is and take note of what comes to you. Imagine what you feel your friends life mission is and what they bring to you and your life. 


Thank your friend for helping you with this exercise and ask them to please leave the room and ask another of your friends to enter. Do the same process with each of your friends or family members.  Write down everything you felt with each friend and if you noticed anything differences. Write down any thoughts, feelings, images, messages and sensations that came to you while you did this exercise.


If you did not notice any differences between each friend then keep practicing this exercise until you can clearly feel each person’s unique energy and vibration.

Other ways that you can learn to sense people’s energy and vibrations is by taking very close note of how you feel, when you are in different peoples company.


Do your feelings, thoughts, the way you behave and act and your sensations change when you talk, or are around different people? Take note of these differences and how each person that you talk to and see each day feels to you. Are they happy, sad, or in between?


Dose talking to one person make you feel good in side where you feel sad and miserable when talking and spending time with another person? Try notice how different you feel each time you are in a different person’s company. Write down all of your experiences, thoughts and feelings in your psychic journal.


Another good way of sensing a person’s energy and vibration is to take note of how you feel when you talk to different people online or over the phone. Note what thoughts, feelings, sensations, messages, images and other senses come to you when you talk to different people online or over the phone.


Record your experiences, thoughts and feelings in your psychic journal. You will be amazed at all you discover and what comes to you. As with everything it takes a lot of practice, patience and time. If you are willing to put in the time and effort then you will reap great rewards.


House Energy and Vibration Exercise


Each time you visit someone’s house or a different building take special note of any sensations, feelings, thoughts and images that come to you. Take note of how you feel before you enter the building and after you enter. Record your experiences in your psychic journal. See if you can pick up on the energy in that building or house.


Sensing your Angels energy and vibration Exercise


Sit down somewhere where you will feel very comfortable and will not be disturbed. You can put on some soft soothing music and light a candle or two if you wish. Take in 10-20 deep breaths and feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed. Take special note of how you feel and how the room you are in feels.


Now ask out loud or in your mind, “I call upon my guardian (or you could call upon specific Archangels) Please come to my side and help me to feel your unique vibration, energy and presence. What does your presence feel like?”


Notice if you can feel any changes in the energy of the room or with in yourself. Does the room feel different now than before? Do you feel different now than before? Pay very close attention to how you feel and what these feelings are. Pay very close attention to what the room feels like or if you can feel a presence around you. The feelings you are feeling and the energy you feel is your angels.


Remember what this feels like as each time you feel it – you will know that your guardian angel or the Archangel you called upon is around you. This is what you’re their unique energy and presence feels like. You may find that you have felt this feeling many times before but did not realize it was your angels presence. If you do not feel any different or any difference in the room or around you then, keep practicing this exercise until you have learnt to feel your angels presence. You could try this same exercise with all of the Archangels so you learn what each Archangels unique vibration and presence feels like.


Heightening Your Empathic Skills


Try to be more compassionate and loving towards others. Try spending more time with your loved ones. Ask them how they are feeling, how their day was, and if they are happy. Try your best to listen to what they have to say. See if you can feel their feelings. Be kinder to others and genuinely care for how others are feeling. Don’t get me wrong I am sure you already do this – what I mean is try to talk less about yourself and spend more time concentrating on how others are feeling and what their needs are.


If you meet or walk past someone in the street then say hello or smile. You will be surprised at what a difference that could make not only to your self but to others too. Ask the shop assistant how they are and how their day is, then listen intensively to what they have to say. Take special note of their reactions, face expressions, eyes, speech, what they are warring and how they seem. In a nut shell try to become more of a peoples person who takes note of how everyone around you is and feels.


Try reading more true life articles and stories – ones which are emotional and leave you feeling happy and inspired. True life miracles and stories about angels are particularly good ones to read. I find that Jacky Newcomb and Theresa Cheung books are very inspiring and truly help to awaken your empathic skills.


Watch more films that are emotional – in a good way such as true life, animal rescue, touched by an angel, angel programs, documentaries, miracle stories and films that are positive and inspiring.



Stop watching the news or films / soaps that are riddled with depressive content. Even just by cutting these out for a week you will notice a huge difference in yourself and how you feel. The news and soaps are so filled with war, bad news, depression, anger, and violence and issues that leave you feeling drained, down hearted and miserable inside. When this happens it lowers your vibration making it harder for you to connect with your guides. You do not have to cut it out all the time – just try to not watch as much.


Laughter is a wonderful and beautiful thing! Try laughing more by watching more comedies, maybe go and see a comedian or tell more jokes. Do things that make you happy and laugh. Laughing helps us to release stress and helps to raise our vibrations.


Positive thinking is another key in helping us to be more empathic to others. The more positive we are the more kindness and love we feel towards others. When we feel angry, depressed, down, ill or sad then we can only concentrate on our selves and on how we are feeling.


We neglect the needs and feelings of others as we are so wrapped up in our own sadness. Try thinking more positively about yourself and others. Every time a negative thought pops in your mind, push it away. Every time you think badly about yourself or others then tell your self off or push those thoughts aside. Remember no matter how another person is, we are all God’s children and we are all equal.


Spend more time in nature and in the out doors. When we go for long walks in nature or just spend time in nature, it automatically raises our vibration and de-stresses us. When you are out and about in nature call on the nature and animal angels and fairies (fairies are natures angels).


Say this short prayer; “I call upon all of the nature and animal angels and fairies. I ask that you will please surround me with your heavenly light and love. Thank you.” You will soon begin to notice a huge difference with in yourself. You will feel more sensitive to the world around you.


When you spend more time in nature take the time to take in all of your surroundings, smell the flowers, and feel the trees and grass, listen to the birds and others sounds that you can hear, take special note of the clouds, sky and all that is around you. How does the air feel? What is the weather like? What sounds can you hear? What can you taste or smell. Become one with nature.


Try drawing more pictures of nature, angels and animals. Also do more creative things. When we are being creative it helps to raise our vibrations and helps us to connect more with our guides. Listen to inspiring music that lifts your soul and spirits. Listen to music that is beautiful, inspirational, soft, and gentle and that makes you feel so at peace with in.


Open your heart Chakra as this will help you to raise your vibration and feel more sensitive and empathic. Try this short exercise to help you open your heart Chakra. Call upon the Archangel Raphael and ask out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now. Please surround my heart Chakra with your beautiful emerald green healing light. Please help to heal, unblock and open up my heart Chakra. Thank you.”


Now imagine that your heart Chakra is a small beautiful emerald green gem stone. Imagine that you are watching as the Archangel Raphael sends gorgeous emerald green healing light to your heart Chakra. Watch as this small stone begins to glow a beautiful green. Watch as it begins to grow larger and larger, also shine brighter and brighter. Once the stone has grown to the size of a cricket ball and is shinning brightly, then thank the Archangel Raphael once more for his help.


Spend more time with animals. Hug your pets, stroke them and hold them close to you for a long time. Spend as much time as you can with animals and your pets. Animals have a natural way of calming us and relieving stress.


Try putting yourself into other people’s shoes. How would you feel if you were in the same boat as them, if you had the same issues or lives as them? For examplr, imagine that you saw on the news that a person went missing. The missing person’s family were making a speech on the telly asking if anyone had seen their loved one. Put yourself in the family’s shoes and ask your self how you would feel in that situation. Try to empathise with that person and feel their pain and grief. Try to understand how that person must be feeling.



If someone has just gotten married then try to put your self in their shoes and feel the feelings that, that person must be feeling. Feel their joy, their love for one another. Be empathic towards that person and respect their feelings. How would you feel if you were in that very same situation? Try putting yourself in others shoes with each person you meet.


Each morning when you wake up and before you begin your day, ask your higher self to please help you to be your higher self at all times. Ask your higher self to raise your vibration to its highest rate. Open up and develop your third eye Chakra. Try this short exercise to help you open your third eye Chakra.


Call upon the Archangel Raphael as before and ask out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now. Please surround my third eye Chakra with your beautiful emerald green healing light. Please help to heal, unblock and open up my third eye Chakra. Thank you.” You can repeat this exercise with all of your Chakras if you like.



Now imagine that your third eye Chakra is a small beautiful dark blue / deep indigo gem stone. Imagine that you are watching as the Archangel Raphael sends healing light to your third eye Chakra. Watch as this small stone begins to glow a beautiful indigo. Watch as it begins to grow larger and larger, also shine brighter and brighter. Once the stone has grown to the size of a cricket ball and is shinning brightly, then thank the Archangel Raphael once more for his help.


You can also try saying this short prayer, “The Archangels, My Angels as well as my Angels of Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance and Clairaudience, I call upon you now. Please surround my third eye, ear chakras and all of my chakras and auras  with healing and clearing energy. Please help me to clearly and accurately hear, see, know, feel ,sense, touch, taste and smell, accurate and detailed messages that will bring blessings to others and myself through out the day and through out my life,. Please help me to clearly and accurately interoperate the messages that my angelic helpers pass onto me. Thank you.” 

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