In order for us to easily and readily connect with our angels as well as work with them, we need to learn to raise our vibrations to a higher level. You see the angelic realm vibrates at a much higher level than what we do. We need to raise our vibration so that we are on levels that are similar to that of the angels. In this first chapter I will be teaching you how to raise your vibration to a higher level, how to connect with your higher self and inner spirit, how to stay properly grounded and protected as well as how to heighten all of your 6 senses. This chapter is broken down into 3 different steps. Each step is equally as important as the next in preparing us to meet and work with the angels. The 3 steps are as follows:

STEP 1: Raising Vibrations

STEP 2: Reconnecting with Higher Self and Inner Spirit

STEP 3: Heightening  all the Senses

Step 1: Raising Vibrations

Protection and Grounding


One of the first steps in helping us to raise our vibrations to a higher level is to learn to keep ourselves properly grounded and protected. We can not raise our vibrations higher if we are in a negative place or if there is negative energy or entities attached to us. I will share with you various types of grounding and protections tools that will help to keep you grounded and protected at all times. I will also help you to recognize if you are under psychic attack, have a spirit attachment or are picking up on others emotions and energy that are not your own. We will learn how to keep ourselves grounded and protected from negative entities and energies on a daily basis.


Q: Why must we keep ourselves grounded and protected?


A: There are three main reasons why we should keep ourselves grounded and protected on a daily basis. These are as follows…


Psychic Attack – Psychic Attack is caused by a build up of negative energy and emotions. Every thing around us is made up of pure energy and this includes our emotions. When we have a heated discussion or augment with another person, we become angry and emotional. The whole time we are arguing we become more and more angry.


This anger is all negative energy building up. This negative energy has to go somewhere as it needs to be released. What happens next is that all of this negative energy is directed straight to the person that you are angry with and visa versa. This negative energy is so strong that it can cause both yourself and others to experience pain, depression, emptiness, sadness, become with drawn and angry, lonely and emotional.


Psychic Attack can also be sent to both you and others just by thinking negatively of yourself or another person, by talking negatively about another person behind their backs, and by thinking negatively about your life. Psychic Attack can be extremely harmful and cause both yourself and others a great deal of pain and suffering. This is why it is so important to try and learn to keep yourself protected as well as change your thought pattern from negative to positive.


I once had a friend who I had fallen out with. To be honest I can not even remember why we had fallen out. This friend was very angry with me and with out realising it she was sending me psychic attack. I began having awful headaches and did not know why. I went to the doctors and the opticians but both told me that my health and eyes were fine. They did not know what was causing the awful headaches.


One day while having a nasty headache I lay quietly on my bed and asked my guides and angels to please help me find the cause of my headaches and to heal them. I suddenly heard my friends name loud and clear in my mind I also saw her face in my minds eye. I knew then that my friend had been sending me psychic attack. I asked the Archangel Michael to please remove and cut all cords of psychic attack and attachments that my friend had sent me. I also asked him to please send love and light to my friend. After asking Michael for help the headaches stopped and I felt back to my jolly, happy go lucky self again.


Picking up on others emotions and energy


In our every day lives we pick up on other peoples energies and emotions. If you are around someone with negative emotions, then these negative emotions can be put upon yourself - you are like a sponge sucking up the other person’s negative emotions and energy. This leaves you feeling drained, depressed, ill, tied and you will carry around with you the emotions that the other person was experiencing.


Each day we run the risk of picking up on not only other people’s emotions and energy, but also on the energy of all that is around us. Have you ever visited a house or certain place and was left feeling angry, depressed, ill or out of sorts for the rest of the day? Or have you ever walked into a shop or building and felt very uncomfortable? The reason that you are experiencing these emotions is because you are picking up on the energy of the buildings or places that you are visiting. You can pick up energy just from walking down the street, being around people or entering various buildings or places.


Have you ever started talking to someone in the street or a friend and found that, once that person left you felt drained or depressed and continued to feel this way for the rest of the day? You have wondered why you are feeling these emotions. Why you are feeling this way is because you have picked up on the other persons emotions and feelings. This is why it is important for us to keep grounded and protected each day.


I have a friend who is currently going through a very tough time in her life at the moment. She is suffering from terrible depression. Each time I see her I find that I will get the most awful headache come on. I will also start to feel panicky and feel down in the dumps. She is a wonderful friend and I would like to visit her and not feel so uncomfortable. So what I do now is I ask the Archangels to put a protective shield around me each time I see her. Since placing the shield around me, I have found that the headaches and the other symptoms have gone.


What was happening is each time I saw my friend I was picking up on her negative energy and it stuck with me. This is what caused me to feel as I did. By keeping myself protected meant that I could still see my friend with out having any side affects. This is just an example of why we should keep our selves grounded and protected.


Spiritual Attachment


A spiritual attachment is when a spirit entity attaches it’s self to you. This can happen while performing spiritual and psychic work, walking into a store or down the street, in your home or work place or at any time in your life. This spirit entity will attach it’s self to you and drain you of your energy. You will begin to feel drained, depressed, angry, weak, tied, and sick or could even pick up on the emotions of the spirit that is attached to you. If the spirit is angry and resentful then you may begin to feel this way too. Or if the spirit is terrified then you too may begin to feel afraid and terrified.


Another form of attachment which is very common is the attachment of emotions, the past, situations in your life and addictions. You may have experienced a hard and painful childhood. Negative energy from your childhood may have attached it’s self to you, which makes it difficult for you to move forward with your life today or leaves felling ill for years with out any cause of the illness. You may spend years feeling depressed and not knowing why – it is because of this negative attachment that is attached to you.


Once I was in bed a sleep when I suddenly woke up feeling an over whelming feeling of fear. The time was just after 1am. I turned to look at my husband David who was in a very deep sleep at the time.


To my horror I noticed that there was someone on our bed in between Dave and myself. It was a lady with long dirty blond hair straight to her shoulders. She was on her hands and knees crawling towards me. She was thin and her face looked extremely angry and distant. I forced myself to sit up but could not move my body. I then managed to be able to move and I shook Dave with all of my might to try and wake him up.


Dave who usually woke up with the drop of a pin as he is such a light sleeper would not wake up. I felt hot all over me and panic stricken. I had this deep sense of anger which is strange for me as I am one of the most placid people you can meet. I can honestly say that in all my life I have never felt so angry before. I felt such great anger that I wanted to scream until my throat hurt and I felt a deep need to hit, kick, hurt someone and shout with all of my might. These feelings were all new to me and so over whelming.


I fought with all my might to ward off this angry spirit. I prayed and prayed for protection for my family and myself. The figure then vanished and I notice that our bedroom curtain kept swaying very quickly and violently. I managed to pluck up the strength to go over to the window and open up the curtains widely to let in some light.


I then began to pray to God and the Angels once more to please protect my family and me. I also called upon the Archangel Michael to ward off any negative spirits and entities. The room suddenly became calm and quiet. I felt an over whelming feeling of inner peace and calm. That night before I went to bed I had done a mediumship night around my house. Usually I always keep ground myself before and after performing any psychic or mediumship work, but I was running short on time this particular night so did not ground my self before working. By the time the mediumship night had ended I felt so drained and tied that I just went to bed with out grounding my self.


It dawned on me that the reason this spirit was attached to me was because I did not ground myself or protect my home before and after doing spiritual work. She must have attached herself onto me while I was performing the mediumship work. She was obviously a very angry spirit who needed to cross over.


I have learnt from my lesson now and always, always and always keep my home, family and my self grounded and protected before doing any kind of spiritual work. I shared this experience with you to show you the importance of keeping your self grounded and protected on a daily basis. Also to help you understand more about what a spirit attachment is.


Q: How do I know if I am under psychic attack, have an unwanted attachment, am picking up on others emotions and energy or I am not grounded and protected?


Suddenly you feel....


* Your heart beating so fast, when you enter crowded place that it makes you want to leave straight away.


*You feel the sudden flood of stress overwhelms you.


* A sudden loss of focus and attention when you come in contact with people aggressively arguing...


* Sudden loss of memory. Feeling that you have misplaced items and belongings.


* Entering an unfamiliar place or talking to someone and feeling a prickling feeling up your spine and back of your neck.


* A sudden drained of energy that makes you feel tired and fatigue, after meeting up with someone whom you know or not know.


More signs that you are under attack are...


* Suddenly falling into a very bad mood or irritable mood, snapping at people.


* Feeling surges of self-doubt


* Sudden loss of energy


* Viewing the world in depressed or cynical terms, especially if it is not your normal behaviour.


* Suddenly have thoughts of harming others or thoughts that are nasty and uncomfortable.


* A sudden headache coming on from out of the blue.


* Electrical pulses through the head


* Feeling there is something wrong


* Sudden Stomach ache, ear ache


* Sudden Possible vomiting and, or, diarrhoea.


* Sudden Passing out, dizziness


* Sudden Pain in the body for many weeks or months after the initial attack.


Notice how all of the above symptoms suddenly come on with no apparent reason. This is a sure sign that you are under psychic attack or are not properly grounded. 


Q: How do I keep my self, my loved ones and my home grounded and protected?


A: There are many various types of ways of keeping your self, loved ones and home grounded and protected. Below are a few of my favourites.


1. Music – Music acts like a psychic screen, surrounding us with protective energy it also helps to clear away any negative energy or entities. Angels love music and are drawn to music. Try to always have music playing around you and in your home as much as you can – especially soft calming music. This will help to clear away negative energy and entities and it will also draw angels near you, your loved ones and your home.


2. Pink Light – Ask the angels to please surround you in a pink light tube of protection. Close your eyes and imagine that you are surrounded by a pink tube that covers your entire body. This tube is made out of beautiful pink light. Then ask the angels to make this tube of pink light be your personal protective shield against any negative energies and entities. Remember to thank the angels afterwards. You can ask the angels to please surround your loved ones in a tube of pink light too and to keep them protected and safe.


3. Plants – Try keeping plants in doors as this helps to keep your home grounded and protected. Also go for walks in the woods or where there are a lot of plants and greenery. Do some gardening or flower arranging. Sleep with a potted plant next to your bed (especially ones with large leaves) to help keep the atmosphere in your bedroom clear from any negative energy, and help keep your dreams to be happy and positive. Try placing plants near your workstation or by the place where you spend most of your time - plants soak in all the negative energy like a sponge and gets rid of it – this does not harm the plant in any way. This will help to keep your home, loved ones and yourself safe and negative energy free.


4. Bubble of Protection - Ask the angels to please place a beautiful bubble of protection and white light around you. Ask the angels to make this bubble of white light be your personal shield of protection against psychic attack, negative energies and entities. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in side of a bubble. The bubble is made of pure white heavenly light. Know that you are safe and protected. You can even ask angels to please surround your protection bubble to help ward of negative energy and entities. You can do the same process for your loved ones to help keep them safe.


5. Salt – Salt is highly protective. Try putting sea salt / salt crystals in your bath as this will help to clear away any negative entities, energies or psychic debris. You can sprinkle salt on to your carpets or by your window sills and doors to help keep out all that is negative and unwanted. Throwing salt over your shoulder is really lucky too and not just in the sense that you will get good luck, but more in the way that you are getting rid of negative energy around you when you through salt over your shoulder. If you live near the sea then maybe try spending a lot of time swimming in the sea. The sea if full of salt and this will help to remover any unwanted energy or entities around you.


6. Meditations - There are many types of Meditations that help to keep you protected and grounded. Meditation helps to raise our vibrations, keep us positive and helps to clear away negative energy. Meditation also helps us to better connect with our guides and angels, it helps improve our health and reduces stress and depression.


7. Nature - Being one with nature and spending time in nature or with animals is highly protective and grounding. When we connect with our planet and animals it helps to raise our vibration, keep us protected and grounded. Try to spend as much time as possible in nature and surround yourself with loving animals. Try watching many films on nature and the world around us.


8. Positive Thinking – Try to always keep your thoughts, feelings and words positive at all times. By keeping positive you are subconsciously blocking out negative energy. If you find your self thinking negatively of yourself, your life or others then you are drawing in negative energy. It is vital to keep positive at all times and to not think negatively of others or yourself.


9. Prayer – Prayer is highly protective and is the very best way of warding off all that is negative and draining. Try to pray daily as this will help to raise your vibration, keep your energy positive and help draw angels into your life. Prayer helps us to release stress and anger and helps our hearts to heal. A wonderful thing that you could try and do which is truly inspiring and personal is to create a prayer book, in your special prayer book you can write all of your prayers to God and the angels. You could either create a prayer book or a prayer box. Both are highly positive and inspirational as well as personal.


10. Airing Out Your Home – It is vital that you air out your home and work place on a daily basis. This will help to keep your home and workplace negative free. Each day energy trapped in our home or work place builds up and builds up. This energy has to go somewhere. Because your home is not aired out this stale energy will just linger in your home or work place, leaving it feeling negative and uninviting. If you keep the windows open each day then you can let out all the stale energy in your home and work place, which will make way for positive energy to enter. This will leave your home feeling refreshed, positive and welcoming.


11. Sage Smudging – Sage Smudging is highly protective and will help to clear away negative energy and entities. All you need is a Sage Smudge Stick. Firstly light the top of the sage smudge stick and then say this sort prayer...


“I invoke the light of the God within, I am a clear and perfect channel, Light is my guide.”


Then ask the Lord and all of his angels to please help you to cleanse your home of any negative entities and energies. Walk into each room of your home holding the burning sage. Let the smoke from the sage pass into each room this will cleanse your home.


12. Light – Light is highly protective and healing. By keeping your home light and bright it will help to clear away negative energy that is in your home. It will also help to keep your home feeling positive and welcoming. Try to always keep your home filled with lots of light. Make sure that the walls are a clean light colour that helps to let in a lot of light.


13. De-Clutter! – One sure way of drawing negative energy or stale energy in your home is by having a lot of clutter lying around. It is important to keep your home clutter free and positive. If you de-clutter your house on a regular basis then you will soon begin to notice lots of positive changes in your home.


Protection and Grounding Exercises and Meditations


Below are several helpful exercises and meditations that will help you to keep protected. There are many different forms of meditation. There are guided meditations where you are guided through out the meditation, there are simple breathing meditations which are not guided and there are many other forms of meditating.


For those who find it difficult meditating please do not worry as you meditate each day with out even realising it. Other forms of meditation are doing simple things such as hanging up washing on the washing line, doing gardening, listening to music, cooking dinner, walking or jogging, cycling, doing creative work such as painting and drawing and even house cleaning. These are all forms of meditation. While doing the above you are breathing properly, having quiet time and being one with yourself and your thoughts. These are all forms of meditation.


The below exercises and guided meditations will help to keep you protected. You could read out each meditation as you do them or you could record the meditations and listen to them. Please note that guided meditation takes a lot of visual work (imagination).


You may find that it take a few tries before you can clearly visualise with out much effort. Please do not give up heart if you find it difficult to visualize. The more you practice the meditations, the easier they will become and eventually you will know them off by heart.


Before doing a meditation try to make sure that you are alone and sitting in a comfortable position. Put on some soft relaxing music and maybe light a candle or two. It is completely up to you then proceeds to do the meditation. Meditations always leave you feeling extremely relaxed, content, protected and helps with your self confidence, releasing stress and helps to improve your health.


Cord Cutting


Find somewhere nice and quite to sit where you will not be disturbed. Dim the lights, put on some soft music and light a candle or two if you wish – this is not necessary but may help you to relax. Take in several deep breaths. When you feel ready say out loud or in your mind, “Archangels Michael and Raphael I call upon you now.”


Imagine that walking towards you are the Archangels Michael and Raphael. They are accompanied by Archangel Michael’s band of mercy angels. Watch as Archangels Michael and Raphael stand in front of you. Take in as much detail as possible about the angels. Notice what each Archangel looks like, what clothes they are warring and take in as much detail as possible.


Now say out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Michael I ask that you will please cut and sever all cords of psychic attack that I have sent others and that others have sent me. Please cut and sever all of these cords now. Please also send love and light to those who sent me psychic attack. Thank you.”


Watch as Archangel Michael lifts his huge sword and gently cuts and severs all cords of psychic attack. Feel how good if feels to finally be released from the cords of psychic attack that have been holding you back. Take special not of how the room feels and how you feel.


Once all the cords of Psychic Attack have been cut then say out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Michael thank you for cutting these cords, may you now please remove absolutely all attachment now. Thank you.”


Now watch as Archangel Michael holds his hands above you. See him pulling out and removing all the attachments that have been attached to you. Watch as Archangel Michael removes these attachments and sends them to heaven to be healed and removed. Thank Archangel Michael for his help.


Now say out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Raphael, I ask that you will please send you emerald green healing light and energy to my cut cords. Please help them to heal completely now. Thank you.”


Watch as the Archangel Raphael steps forward and knees before you. He opens his out stretched arms and hands. Watch as beautiful emerald green healing light oozes out and fills with in each cut cord. Feel how beautiful this healing light feels and know deep with in that you are protected and healed. Thank both Archangel Michael and Raphael for their help. Take in several deep breaths and when you feel ready then open your eyes.


Ground, Centre and Shield


(This is one of my favourite meditations for grounding and protection, I would recommend trying to use this one each day if you can.)


This little routine is one of the most essential skills you can have in your spiritual tool chest. It protects against psychic noise, psychic attack, telepathy, dark entities, and otherwise unwanted energies. It can re-balance you, increase your discernment, and keep your aura clean. It’s a great way to start a meditation or any spiritual light work. Consider it basic hygiene for your soul.


Ground: Start by sitting comfortably in a chair. Make sure your spine is straight and your feet planted firmly on the floor. Say in your mind, the word, “ground.”

Begin to visualize your feet growing roots like a tree, through the ground, all the way

down to the centre of the earth. See these roots anchor themselves there, in the earth’s core. Feel the depth of this connection stabilizing you. Allow any negative energy to drain down through these roots and be burned up.


Centre: Take a moment to observe where you are in the here and now. Notice how you feel. Don’t judge it. Just notice it. Say in your mind the word, “centre.”

See these roots pulling white light from the centre of the earth, up into your heart. Pull all your awareness into your heart, as this light forms into a growing, glowing ball. Imagine YOU are inside the centre of this ball, and you are one with it.


Shield: See this ball of light expanding, flowing throughout your body like water, until it has filled you completely. Say in your mind the word, “shield.”

Then, direct that light out from your body, through your skin.


Spin this light around your body in a clockwise motion, forming a bubble of earth-powered protection. You can play with your shield, trying out different shapes and sizes. You can form it into an egg of light, make it transparent, or put mirrors on it! I recommend making it porous like a web or a screen if you will be interacting with other people.


When you feel like your shield is in place, say in your mind, “Only love can pass through this shield.” If you do this simple meditation at the start of each morning, for 30 days, you will be sure to see positive changes in your life. Soon, it will be as easy as saying, “Ground, centre, shield.”


Article by Avalon De Witt. Visit http://www.PsychicAvalon.comfor more psychic tips and other original content like this. Reprint permission granted with this footer included.




Find somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Make sure you feel comfortable and relaxed. Take in 3 deep breaths slowly. You may light a candle or two and put on some soft music – if you feel this will help you to fully relax.


Say out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Michael, I call upon you now to clear and vacuum away any negativity, any blockages, fear or entities from myself, my loved ones and my pets and home.” 


Imagine that standing behind you is the Archangel Michael. Imagine that all around you are beautiful angels who are watching over you and keeping you safe. Believe with all of your heart that Michael and the angels are by your side and are watching over you.


What as Archangel Michael puts a golden hoover (vacuum) pipe through the top of your head. See Michael press a button on the hoover and as he does the Hoover begins to suck up thick black liquid from your body. Watch as all this black liquid is sucked out of your body and is in the hoover bag.


Feel your body become lighter as all negative energy, entities; fear and depression leave your body. Feel your body become light as a feather as all the stresses of the day are sucked away forever.


Watch as Michael hovers every inch of your body from your toes all the way to the very top of your head. Hoover your organs, ears, eyes, veins, spine and your entire self. Keep hoovering until no more black liquid is left in your body and only clear liquid is being sucked up. 


Watch as Archangel Michael presses the button on the hoover again. This time see beautiful white heavenly light ooze out of the hoover pipe and into your body. Watch as this beautiful white light fills with in you. This white light Fills up your entire body from your toes to your head. This white light is so pure and heavenly and makes you feel whole, refreshed, healed, balanced and cleansed.


Take a minute to notice how you feel. Notice if you feel any different from before you did the meditation to now that you have done it. How do you feel?


Once Michael has fully filled your entire body with heavenly white light, ask him to please do the same process with your loved ones and your home and pets. Watch as Michael hoovers up all the black liquid or smog from your loved ones, home and pets.


Then watch as Michael lets beautiful heavenly white light fill your loved ones, home and pets. Once done, thank Archangel Michael for his love and protection, healing and guidance. Thank the angels who are standing around you for their protection and love too.


Psychic C.O.C.P


The initials C.O.C.P mean the following; COMPLETE OVERAL CHECK UP. What this exercise does is helps to give you a complete body, mind, spirit and soul check. This is the same as if you went to your doctor and asked him to give you a complete check up – all the works, or the same as having an M.O.T done on your car. I will show you how you can ask the Archangel Michael and Raphael to help give you a complete check and healing.


Find somewhere quiet to sit or lie down. Make sure that you will not be disturbed and that you feel completely relaxed. Put on some soft soothing music, draw the curtains and light a green and blue candle.


Now take in several deep breaths through your nose and hold the them for several seconds before releasing them slowly. Keep doing this until you feel your self becoming more and more relaxed. Once ready say in your mind…


“Archangels Raphael and Michael I call upon you now. I ask that you will please both give me a full overall body, mind, spirit and soul check up. Please cleanse, balance and heal my heart, body, mind, auras, chakras and soul now. Thank you.”


Now see in your mind’s eye both Archangel Michael and Raphael working on you and healing you. Be completely relaxed and saver every moment of this wonderful check up and healing.


When you feel that the angels have completely healed you then thank both Archangels and take in several more deep breaths. When you are ready then open your eyes. Notice how different you feel with in.

Positive Vibes

There are many different ways of helping you to raise your vibration higher. Being and thinking positively is a very big one that truly does help. Not only does it help to raise your vibration to a higher level, but it also helps you to appreciate life and others more. It helps you to feel better with in and to have a more positive outlook on life. The more positive energies in your life the happier you will become. So many times in our lives we draw negative energies to us with out realizing it. Just by thinking negatively of yourself or others can draw negative energy to you.


If you can train yourself to think more positively then you will notice that positive things will begin to happen in your life. If you think negatively then negative things will happen. The more positive you are and become and the more you learn to love and accept yourself for who you are, the more your psychic gift and intuition will heighten and grow into something beautiful.


The first step in drawing positive energies into your life is to learn to love yourself – not in a vain kind of way but more in an accepting of who you are and being happy to be you. God, your guides and angles love you for who you are. Your family and friends love you for who you are – now you need to learn to love yourself for who you are. You can not change the person you are or how you look so why not learn to accept who you are and learn to love the body that you were blessed with.


The first lot of exercises are designed to help us learn to love ourselves more. Try doing these exercises daily and as many times a day as you can.


  • Loving and Accepting the Way You Look


Each time you look in the mirror and think, “ERRR I wish my hair was not so thin! Or “I wish I was prettier!” or you think negatively of yourself, stop and tell yourself off. Say in your mind or out loud, “STOP IT! I am beautiful just the way I am. I am me and I am unique. Each and every person on this planet is beautiful in their own special way and so am I. We are all beautiful and loved in the eyes of the Lord.” 


Spend just 5 – 10 minutes taking a long hard look at yourself in the mirror. Make a list with two columns. Call one column Negative and the other Column Positive. Write down in the negative column all the things that you do not like about your appearance. After you have done this then write down in the positive column, all the things that you like about yourself.   


The things on your negative list are the things you need to deal with. In other words these are the things that you need to learn to accept about yourself and like about yourself. 


For example if you do not like your teeth because they stick out too much. Try thinking of how you can change your negative feelings towards your teeth. You could go to the dentist and ask him to help sort out your teeth, or you could accept that this is how they are. Accept that your teeth are a part of you and what makes you your unique self. 


Each time you think about your teeth try pushing away the negative thoughts that pop into your mind, replace those negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Tell yourself to STOP being silly. Yes your teeth stick out but they have done all your life. Remind your self that your family, partner and children (if have) and friends love you – even with your sticky out teeth. 


Another example of this is say that you look in the mirror and you think that you have put on some weight. You do not like the size of your waist line. Instead of feeling all negative in side and running yourself down, you should think that I have two options. I could either do something positive about my weight by doing more exercises or going on a diet. Or I can accept that this is who I am and know that my loved one accept as I am. 


Most times we can sort out the things that truly bug and annoy us about ourselves. There are always options on things we can do like dieting or going to the dentist – to help make us like our selves more. But at times there are also things that we would like to change about ourselves but these things are unchangeable. It is these things that we need to learn to love and accept. 


For example: Imagine that you do not like your ears as they are too big or too small. You can not change the size of your ears so you need to learn to accept them for how they are. Your ears may not be your cup of tea but do you see your partner, family or loved ones complaining. No! They love you unconditionally and they love you and your ears just the way they are. Keep reminding yourself how if others have accepted you for the way you are, then so can you.


Each time you have sorted out and dealt with something on your negative list, tick off those negative things and add them to the positive list. It may take you days, weeks or months to do this exercise, but once done you will find that your negative list will be empty and your positive list would have grown. You will find that all those things you used to hate or dislike about your appearance now do not seem so bad. They have either been fixed or accepted. You will like your appearance so much more and accept yourself for who you are.


  • Loving and Accepting Your Personality 


It is not just our appearance that we need to learn to accept but also our personalities. Each and every one of us has a unique personality that makes us the people we are. Our personalities are what makes us stand out from the crowd and what gives us our sense of identity.  We need to learn to love our personalities as these are our identity cards. Our personalities and our funny little traits and quirks, are what makes us unique and stand out.


Sit down somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Have a piece of paper in front of you and a pen. Make a negative column and a positive column as you did before. In the negative column write down the things you do not like about your personality. Write down the things that annoy you about yourself. Write down the things that you do that annoy others and upset you.


Then in the positive column, write down all the positive things about yourself and your personality. Write down all your good qualities and your strengths, write down what others love about you, and write down the things that you are good at.


Like with the way you look exercise try to find ways to either change the things you do not like about your personality or accept them. Each time you have fixed or accepted one the negative personality traits, then cross it off the negative list and add it to the positive one. Accept the ones that you can not change and learn to love them as they are apart of you. Others accept them and love them and so should you.


  • Spoil Yourself


Treating and spoiling your self some times (not all the time) is so very important. So many times through out our lives we are so busy caring for others, working and getting on with our day to day lives that we forget to take care of ourselves and spoil ourselves too. We are all important and all deserve to be treated and spoiled some times.


Shop till you drop! - Treat yourself to a day out shopping; you can go either by yourself or with some friends. Make this a shopping trip with a difference. Make it a day trip going to shops where you do not usually go. Maybe even do some travelling if you can and visit new shops. This is not the usual food and daily shopping trips. This is a shopping trip for you to get some things that you really like – for you. Treat yourself and do not feel guilty about doing so.


Tell yourself that you will spend a specific amount of money on yourself and yourself alone – with out feeling guilty! When last did you do that? It is important to remember that you have needs too and deserve to be treated as much as the next person. You do not need to spend a lot of money – even if you just buy one item, you are still treating yourself.


Make your shopping trip be as fun and as enjoyable as you can. Do some window shopping, buy yourself an ice-cream or visit a café or restaurant for lunch. TREAT yourself!


Do something different - Try doing something different and that is new or that you have not done before. You could do something different to your appearance that makes you feel handsome or beautiful inside – you are already beautiful but it is always nice to treat ourselves to something that makes us feel good.


You could have your hair coloured or cut – maybe try out a different type of hair style. Or you could buy yourself a nice new outfit or shoes. If you are a woman you could get your nails and make up done at a beautician or even do it yourself (it is a proven fact that when woman ware make up it heightens their self confidence) – you could give yourself a full makeover and manicure. If you are a man then you could maybe try growing a goatee or beard or get a tattoo.


You could try wearing different types of clothing to the ones you usually use.

Try joining the gym as this may help you to feel better in your self and more healthy and fit. Maybe visit a place that you have never been to before, do an activity that you have always wanted to do but never had confidence or felt afraid, walk or drive a different way to work or school. Do something different and notice how good it feels to do so.


•   Dance - Spend 15 - 20 minutes a day dancing to some of your favourite music. Just put on your favourite cd and dance. If you feel conscious dancing then do this when no one is around. Dancing is great exercise and helps you to feel so good about yourself. Just close your eyes and dance to the music. Feel the music and have fun. Enjoy the experience.


Me Time – It is so important for us to take out some time for us each day – even if it is just 15 – 20 minutes. Try to make me time each day where you answer to no one, where you relax, distress and have quiet time to yourself. Treat yourself by having a luxurious bubble bath. Light some candles and maybe sprinkle some rose petals into the bath. Put on a little music and enjoy the relaxation and spending quality time with yourself. Pamper yourself afterwards if it helps you feel special and relaxed. You could go for a nice long walk and just relax and take in the scenery or just lay on your bed, shut your eyes and be one with yourself and your thoughts. When we make time for ourselves and quiet our minds, it makes it easier for us to clearly hear divine guidance.


You Can Do It! - Think of something that you have always wanted to do (something with in reason) and then do everything in your power to do it. For example: You have always wanted to go ice-skating but never got the chance. Now is the time to do it. Or you have always wanted to try eating shrimp but never have – so go out there and eat shrimp! Do that something special that you have always wanted to do.


Out of the comfort zone -   Try doing something that takes you out of your comfort zone. We all hide in our comfort zones as we are too afraid to venture out. Once we do it helps us to build up self confidence. I have met many people who have dreamed of doing things – but because it involves them leaving their comfort zones, they never follow their dreams.


For example: Imagine that you are a member of an organization. You are all in a meeting and sharing your ideas on an event you are planning. You are naturally a shy person who does not like being the centre of attention.


You have some great ideas to share but feel too afraid to speak up. You want to share your ideas but do not have the self confidence and you do not want to draw attention to yourself. You mention your idea to the person next to you as it is easier than saying it to the entire group.


The person you told suggests your idea and everyone in the group love it. They congratulate that person for his brilliant thinking. You feel annoyed as this person gets all the credit for your idea. You think to yourself, “If only I had spoken up about my idea.”


If only you had come out of your comfort zone you would have gotten the credit. You would have been praised which in turn would have left you feeling confident in yourself and your abilities. Instead you are left feeling glum, annoyed and angry with yourself and the person who shared your idea, and you feel even less confident than you did before. 


Another example is: Imagine that you have always had the dream to sing on stage. You would love to appear on X-Factor but, you lack the self confidence to try out for it. Your family and friends keep saying to you that you should give it a go. You would love too but are not confident enough.


Each year that goes by you wonder if you had tried out for it would you have got through. Would you have won? If only you could get out of your comfort zone and give it a go.


Each time you watch the show you see others as yourself who did not feel confident, but after joining the X-Factor they have now re-built their self confidence and have followed their dream. You know that in order for you to follow your dream you need to step out of your comfort zone.


When we step out of our comfort zone it does help us to build up self confidence. Yes it is terrifying and just the thought of it send shivers up your spine, but once you have taken the first step and done it, you will feel happy with in yourself and find your confidence grow. So try doing something that involves you coming out of your comfort zone.


Now that we have learnt how to love ourselves more and build up our self confidence, we need to learn how to change our thought patterns into more positive ones. We need to train ourselves to have a positive out look on life and to remove any negative thoughts and energies. The next set of exercises will help you to do just that.


  • Changing Our Thought Patterns


Each time that you think something negative about your self, someone else, or something in your daily life tell yourself to STOP! Then instantly try to replace that negative thought with a positive one. For example: Imagine that you are walking down the street and you see a person that you do not like. The first thing that pops into your mind is, “Oh no not her again. Look at the way that she thinks that she is better than anyone else!” STOP right there and tell your self NO! I will not think in that way.


Then try thinking of something positive about that person like, “Okay, so I do not like her and she can be a bit up her self at times, but she is still a person like me. Everyone has faults. Maybe deep down she is a nice person and what she portrays to the world is different to how she really is. Instead of judging her I should try taking the time to get to know what she is really like.” You have now changed your thought Patten to a more positive one.


Another example is: You are packing away the clean dishes when you accidentally drop one of the plates onto the floor. You scold your self, telling your self how clumsy you are.


You feel angry with yourself for dropping the plate and start putting yourself down. STOP and say, “NO! It was an accident and it could have happened to anyone. Yes I broke a plate but it is not the end of the world. What is done is done – there is no point in crying over spilt milk.” What you did there was stop the negative thought and energy and turned it into a positive thought which in turn turned into positive energy.


A final example of this is: You wake up in the morning, draw back the curtains to see that the weather outside is frightful. The wind is blowing a gale and it is raining hard. You let out a loud moan as you had planned to take the kiddies to the park for the day. You start complaining to yourself, cursing the weather and annoyed that your plans are ruined.


STOP and tell yourself, NO! I will not think negatively. Yes it is pouring with rain and the wind is so strong it might blow down a tree or two. Yes my plans are ruined but I just need to make the best of it. I could do baking or arts and crafts with the kiddies instead. They will enjoy it just as much and I will be spending quality time with them.”


You may find it hard at first to learn to change your thought Patten, but with patience and practice you will find that it all starts to come naturally for you. You will find yourself thinking more positively with out any effort, your relationships will improve and you will find more positive energies in your life.


Other ways to help draw positive energies into your life is to have a life plan. To have structure in your life and goals that keep you motivated and leave you with something to look forward to in life. This next exercise is designed to help keep you feeling positive and help to keep your life exciting and fun. 


  • A Life List


Life lists have become more and more popular over the years and everyone seems to be doing them now. Life list offers a person comfort, something to look forward to, and gives them a chance to make positive changes in their attitudes and lives. They are easy to make and fun to do. You could even try making a Year List as well as your Life List, which is just the same as the life list except it is for a year in stead of life. Both are highly affective.




Please answer all questions as honestly as you can. Ask your higher self to answer your questions for you. Take special note of what you have written and why you wrote what you did. After doing all the exercises in this section, go back and re-do the questionnaire again. Take note of how your answers may or may have not changed. If they have changed then have they changed for the better?


<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->When you look in a mirror what do you see and how does it make you feel?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->What don’t you like when you see yourself in the mirror?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->What do you like when you see yourself in the mirror?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      <!--[endif]-->Why do you think you feel as you do and do not like the things that you don’t?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.      <!--[endif]-->How can you change these things so you feel better about them?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.      <!--[endif]-->What are you going to do to change these things?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->7.      <!--[endif]-->Are you willing to accept the things that you can not change?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->8.      <!--[endif]-->Do you draw enough positive energy into your life?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->9.      <!--[endif]-->Are your thoughts and feelings positive or negative?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->10. <!--[endif]-->What are your thoughts and feelings the way that they are – where do they stem from – is there a deep rooted matter here that needs healing?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->11. <!--[endif]-->What are you willing to do to heal and change your thought pattern from negative to positive?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->12. <!--[endif]-->Are you going to wait to sort this out or are you going to act now?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->13. <!--[endif]-->Put on some music and dance around, be silly and have lots of fun, afterwards ask yourself how you feel now from before you danced?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->14. <!--[endif]-->Do you feel better inside or not?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->15. <!--[endif]-->Stand in front of the mirror and pull funny faces, laugh and just relax, afterwards ask yourself how you feel now then from before you did the exercise?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->16. <!--[endif]-->Do you feel better inside or not?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->17. <!--[endif]-->When last did you do something different?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->18. <!--[endif]-->How did it feel when you did something different?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->19. <!--[endif]-->What are 3 things that you would like to do differently and why?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->20. <!--[endif]-->Are you going to do these 3 different things or not? If not then what is your reason for waiting?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->21. <!--[endif]-->When last did you have time on your own – quality me time?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->22. <!--[endif]-->How did it feel to have me time?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->23. <!--[endif]-->When last did you step out of your comfort zone?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->24. <!--[endif]-->How did it feel and why do you think you felt this way?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->25. <!--[endif]-->What can you do to stop feeling this way?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->26. <!--[endif]-->What are 3 things that you would like to do that takes you out of your comfort zone and why?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->27. <!--[endif]-->Are you going to do these three things or not do anything?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->28. <!--[endif]-->If you will not do anything then ask yourself why?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->29. <!--[endif]-->When last did you think negatively of yourself?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->30. <!--[endif]-->What were these negative thoughts and why do you think you thought / felt them?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->31. <!--[endif]-->What are you going to do to change this thought pattern to positive?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->32. <!--[endif]-->When last did you think negatively about your life?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->33. <!--[endif]-->What were these negative thoughts and why did you think / feel this way?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->34. <!--[endif]-->What are you going to do to change this thought pattern to positive?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->35. <!--[endif]-->When last did you think negatively about others?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->36. <!--[endif]-->What were these negative thoughts and why did you think / feel this way?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->37. <!--[endif]-->What are you going to do to change this thought pattern from negative to positive?

Chakra and Aura Balancing

Another way of raising our vibrations to a higher level is to keep our chakras and auras properly cleansed and balanced. When our chakras and auras are not properly balanced or cleansed then it lowers our vibrations. It is important that we learn to keep all of our chakras and auras properly balanced. One question that everyone always seems to ask is, “What are Chakras?” The word Chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning, “Wheels of Light.” Chakras are spiralling energy centres in our body. Everything in the universe is made up of pure energy. Every plant, human and living thing is made up of this pure energy.


There are 7 main Chakras with many little ones in each of us. These Chakras help to keep us balanced, feed in good energy and dispose of any negative or unwanted energy. If our Chakras are unbalanced then we are unbalanced and struggle to go about our daily lives.


We become depressed or feel tied all the time, our health may suffer or we may find it difficult to grow spiritually. It is important to keep our Chakra’s balanced and cleansed.


The 7 Main Chakras


1. Red – root / base Chakra - situated at the base of spine between the anus and genitals, opening downwards


2. Orange – Sacral / Spleen Chakra - situated below the navel / belly button ( lower abdomen).


3. Yellow – Solar Plexus Chakra - situated above the navel (belly button) – the stomach area.


4. Green – Heart Chakra - situated in the centre of the chest.


5. Turquoise – Throat Chakra - situated in the throat region.


6. Blue – Brow or third eye Chakra - situated on your forehead just above and between your eyes.


7. Purple – Crown Chakra - situated on the top of your head.


Meditation to help cleanse, balance and open up your Chakras.


One of my all time favourite meditation to help cleanse, balance and open your Chakras is the shower meditation. I find this meditation to be very simple and easy, enjoyable and leaves you feeling totally relaxed and content. This meditation also helps to cleanse, balance and open your auras. It works on both your Chakras and Auras.


The Shower Meditation


Fist put on some soft music – I find classical or Native American music works best for me. Find somewhere that is quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Either lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Shut your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths.


When you take in your three deep breaths try inhale – hold – breath out slowly.

Once you have done this then look to your left, back in front and then look to your right and back to the front.


Shrug your shoulders – bring your shoulder to your neck and release. Straighten your arms and put your hands into a tight fist and then release. Point your toes down wards and then up again. Have a good all body stretch and then completely relax. Repeat the 3 deep breaths once again then continue to breathe in and out slowly.


Once you feel completely relaxed imagine that you are standing in a hot shower. You can see and feel the warm water as it sprays down on you, making you feel totally relaxed. Hear, see and feel the water – make the vision as real as you can make it.

Imagine the water turning into a beautiful white light.


Watch as a shower of white light water washes over you. Notice any negativity or bad energy wash away and swirl down the drain, leaving you feeling whole and cleansed from any negative energy.


Now imagine the water changing to a brilliant red colour. Watch as this brilliant red coloured water spays on you and cleanses your red Aura and Chakra. See the red water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your red Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain.


Now imagine the water changing to a bright clear orange colour. Watch as this bright orange coloured water sprays on you and cleanses your orange Aura and Chakra. See the orange water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your orange Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain.


The water now turns to a beautiful sunshine yellow. Watch as this beautiful yellow coloured water sprays on you and cleanses your yellow Aura and Chakra. See the yellow water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter.


Notice how all the negative energy in your yellow Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain. Now the water changes to a deep green. Watch as this deep green coloured water sprays on you and cleanses your green Aura and Chakra.


See the green water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your green Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain

The water now turns to a gorgeous turquoise colour. Watch as this beautiful turquoise coloured water sprays on you and cleanses your turquoise Chakra and Aura.


See the turquoise water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your turquoise Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain.


Imagine the water now changing to a deep blue colour. Watch as this deep blue coloured water sprays onto you and cleanses your blue Chakra and Aura. See the deep blue water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your blue Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain.


Now imagine the water changing to a deep purple / violet colour. Watch as this deep purple coloured water sprays onto you and cleanses your violet Chakra and Aura. See the deep purple water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter.


Notice how all the negative energy in your violet Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain. Imagine the water turning to the beautiful white light again. See your entire body inside and out covered in this beautiful white light. Notice that there is no negative energy around you. You are completely cleansed and whole. Turn off the shower taps and step out of the shower. Grab a towel and dry your self off and then get dressed again.


You are now back in your chair or lying down. Repeat the 3 deep breaths again and come out of the meditation.


Drawing Light to your Chakras Meditation


This is another good meditation that helps to open, cleanse and balance your Chakras.


Fist put on some soft music. Find somewhere that is quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Either lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Shut your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths.


When you take in your three deep breaths try inhale – hold – breath out slowly. Keep breathing in and out slowly. Pay attention to your breathing, notice how your chest and stomach raise and fall with each breath – Do this until you feel completely relaxed.


Once you feel completely relaxed imagine that beautiful white light begins to fill up inside of you. Notice how this beautiful white light starts at your toes and works its way up to your head. See this white light filling up inside of you until you are completely consumed by white light. See the white light flowing in your veins, pumping in your heart and swirling round in side of you.


Now imagine this beautiful white light moving towards your Base / Root (Red) Chakra (which looks like a beautiful red flower. Watch as the white light completely fills your red Chakra and swirls around and around (clock wise) in your red Chakra. Watch as your Red Chakra begins to glow and becomes brighter and brighter.


Now imagine this beautiful white light moving upwards towards your Sacral / Spleen (Orange) Chakra and repeat the same process as above for each Chakra – Sacral / Spleen (orange) Chakra, Solar Plexus (yellow) Chakra, Heart (green) Chakra, Throat (turquoise) Chakra, Brow / third eye Chakra (blue) and Crown (purple) Chakra.


Once you have cleansed, opened and balanced each Chakra, imagine the beautiful white light going out through your violet Chakra and then, forming a protective bubble of pure white light all around you.


Flower Power Meditation


Fist put on some soft music. Find somewhere that is quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Either lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Shut your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths.


When you take in your three deep breaths try inhale – hold – breath out slowly. Keep breathing in and out slowly. Pay attention to your breathing, notice how your chest and stomach raise and fall with each breath – Do this until you feel completely relaxed.


Once you feel completely relaxed imagine the Root / Base Chakra as being a tiny little red flower bud. Breathe in sparkling red light and draw the red light to the beautiful red flower bud.


Watch as with each breath the red flower bud begins to grow and grow, it then starts to open up (one petal at a time). The red light you are breathing in swirls around the flower making it glow and grow into a large beautiful red flower that shimmers with red aluminous light.


Once you have done this imagine the Sacral / Spleen (Orange) Chakra as being a tiny little orange flower bud – and continue as you did before with the root Chakra. Do this same process for all of the 7 Chakras.


Chakra Tapping


This is another of my personal favourites. As with all meditations it takes a few tries until you get the hang of it. I do find that you feel a complete difference in your self as a whole after doing this meditation.


Shut your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths. When you take in your three deep breaths try inhale – hold – breath out slowly. Keep breathing in and out slowly. Pay attention to your breathing, notice how your chest and stomach raise and fall with each breath – Do this until you feel completely relaxed. Open your eyes and hold both your hands out in front of you.


Start by tapping your two thumbs together 4 times, then tap your two forefingers 4 times, your two middle fingers 4 times, your two ring fingers 4 times and your two pinkies 4 times. Now rub the flat palms of both your hands together quickly in a circular motion.


Now put the centre of the palm of either hand on the top of your Crown (purple) Chakra – top of your head (right in the centre) and hold it there. Continue to notice your breathing and also notice exactly how you feel.


With your hand still on the top of your head use the other hand to gently tap at the in side of your eye brow right next to the top of your nose – near your eye. While tapping keep your concentration on the hand that is on top of your Crown Chakra.


Then begin to tap on the side of your eye – near your ear, again keeping your concentration on the other hand. It is important that while doing all the different tapping exercises you continue to breathe deeply in and out.


Now begin to tap just under your eye – on the top of your cheek just under the eye. Again keep your concentration on the other hand that is on your Crown Chakra. Now begin to tap just under your nose, concentrating on the other hand that is on your Crown Chakra and watching your breathing.


You can now begin to tap under your mouth. Again keeping your concentration on the other hand that is on your Crown Chakra. Keep breathing deeply in and out. Now begin to tap at your collar bone. Take a deep breath in and out and concentrate on the other hand.


Now take your forefinger and tap the top of your thumb. Do this several times all the time keeping your concentration on the other hand and on your breathing. Now use your thumb to tap the side of your forefinger – keeping your concentration on the other hand and your breathing.


Use your thumb to tap the side of your middle finger and continue until you have done this process with each finger. All the time keeping your concentration on the other hand and breathing deeply. Then relax and notice how you are feeling and if you can notice any differences in how you feel.


Now take the hand that was on the top of your Crown Chakra and move it so that the centre of the palm of your hand is covering your third eye Chakra. While concentrating on the hand covering your third eye Chakra – use the other hand and begin to tap at the side of your eye – near the ear. Remember to keep your concentration on your other hand and breathing.


Like before tap on the inside of your brow, out side of your eye, under the eye, under your nose, your collar bone and fingers, all the time keeping your concentration on the hand covering your third eye Chakra, also keep breathing in and out deeply. Then relax. You are just repeating the above process but with your hand on the third eye Chakra in stead of the Crown Chakra.


Do this for each of your Chakras. So next you will put the centre of your palm over your throat Chakra – then continue with the tapping exercise. Once you have done all of your Chakras you should notice a huge difference in your self - if you do not then just try the exercise again later.


Below is a link to a YOUTUBE video that shows you how to tap your Chakras. It is the exact same process as above. It will talk you though each tapping exercise step by step.


What is an Aura? All around us is a pulsating electromagnetic energy field know as our Aura. Our Aura is made up of pure energy; it is a vibrating energy field that surrounds our bodies. This energy field is shaped like an egg or cocoon all around our body. There are many layers of the Aura – each a different colours and each layer blending together. As the energy moves further away from the body it becomes finer and moves faster.


Some people have the gift to see these vibrations of energy. What they see is different colours of swirling light around a person. Each colour of light can tell us different things about that person.


It helps us to see if they are healthy or not, highly spiritual or depressed. You can tell a lot just from looking at the colour of a persons Aura. There are 7 layers of the Aura – each layer a different colour that stands for different things.


The 7 layers of the Aura


I will start with the layers closest to the body and work outwards.


Etheric- Red

Emotional Body- Orange

Mental Body- Yellow

Higher Mental Body – Green

Spiritual Body – Turquoise 

Causal Body – Deep Blue / Indigo

Ketheric Body / True Self – Violet


Meditations to help keep your aura balanced and cleansed


The Shower Meditation from the Chakra Lesson is a good meditation to do. This meditation works wonders for your Chakras as well as your Auras. You can also use the same meditations that you used for your chakras as these also help to cleanse and balance the aura.


The Shower Meditation


Fist put on some soft music – I find classical or Native American Indian music works best for me. Find somewhere that is quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Either lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Shut your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths.


When you take in your three deep breaths try inhale – hold – breath out slowly.

Once you have done this then look to your left, back in front and then look to your right and back to the front.


Shrug your shoulders – bring your shoulder to your neck and release. Straighten your arms and put your hands into a tight fist and then release. Point your toes down wards and then up again. Have a good all body stretch and then completely relax. Repeat the 3 deep breaths once again then continue to breathe in and out slowly.


Once you feel completely relaxed imagine that you are standing in a hot shower. You can see and feel the warm water as it sprays down on you, making you feel totally relaxed. Hear, see and feel the water – make the vision as real as you can make it.

Imagine the water turning into a beautiful white light.


Watch as a shower of white light water washes over you. Notice any negativity or bad energy was away and swirl down the drain, leaving you feeling whole and cleansed from any negative energy.


Now imagine the water changing to a brilliant red colour. Watch as this brilliant red coloured water spays on you cleanses your red Aura and Chakra. See the red water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your red Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain.


Now imagine the water changing to a bright clear orange colour. Watch as this bright orange coloured water sprays on you and cleanses your orange Aura and Chakra. See the orange water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your orange Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain.


The water now turns to a beautiful sunshine yellow. Watch as this beautiful yellow coloured water sprays on you and cleanses your yellow Aura and Chakra. See the yellow water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your yellow Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain.


Now the water changes to a deep green. Watch as this deep green coloured water sprays on you and cleanses your green Aura and Chakra. See the green water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your green Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain.


The water now turns to a gorgeous turquoise colour. Watch as this beautiful turquoise coloured water sprays on you and cleanses your turquoise Chakra and Aura. See the turquoise water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your turquoise Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain.


Imagine the water now changing to a deep blue colour. Watch as this deep blue coloured water sprays onto you and cleanses your blue Chakra and Aura. See the deep blue water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your blue Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain.


Now imagine the water changing to a deep purple / violet colour. Watch as this deep purple coloured water sprays onto you and cleanses your violet Chakra and Aura. See the deep purple water begin to glow and shine brighter and brighter. Notice how all the negative energy in your violet Chakra and Aura is washed away down the drain.


Imagine the water turning to the beautiful white light again. See your entire body inside and out covered in this beautiful white light. Notice that there is no negative energy around you. You are completely cleansed and whole. Turn off the shower taps and step out of the shower. Grab a towel and dry your self off and then get dressed again.You are not back in your chair or lying down. Repeat the 3 deep breaths again and come out of the meditation. 

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