Grounding and Protection Part 2

September 28, 2012

Protective Candle

If you feel that you are in need of protection then you could try the following exercise…

Each night before you go to bed and first thing in the morning light a dark blue or deep purple candle - you could even light one of each. Stair into the flame of the candle for a minute or two. Watch as the flame dances and take in several deep breaths. Now say this short prayer for protection…

“Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please surround my family, pets, home, loved ones and myself with your protective heavenly love and light. Please keep us protected and safe from negative energy, entities, attachments, fear, pain, and absolutely anything negative, evil or bad. Please be our personal body guards each and every day. Thank you. “

Close your eyes and see the flame of the candle in your minds eye. Take in several deep breaths and feel Michaels protection all around you. When you feel ready blow out the candle.

Cord Cutting

Find somewhere nice and quite to sit where you will not be disturbed. Dim the lights, put on some soft music and light a candle or two if you wish – this is not necessary but may help you to relax. Take in several deep breaths. When you feel ready say out loud or in your mind, “Archangels Michael and Raphael I call upon you now.”

Imagine that walking towards you are the Archangels Michael and Raphael. They are accompanied by Archangel Michael’s band of mercy angels. Watch as Archangels Michael and Raphael stand in front of you. Take in as much detail as possible about the angels. Notice what each Archangel looks like, what clothes they are warring and take in as much detail as possible.

Now say out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Michael I ask that you will please cut and sever all cords of psychic attack that I have sent others and that others have sent me. Please cut and sever all of these cords now. Please also send love and light to those who sent me psychic attack. Thank you.”

Watch as Archangel Michael lifts his huge sword and gently cuts and severs all cords of psychic attack. Feel how good if feels to finally be released from the cords of psychic attack that have been holding you back. Take special not of how the room feels and how you feel.

Once all the cords of Psychic Attack have been cut then say out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Michael thank you for cutting these cords, may you now please remove absolutely all attachment now. Thank you.”

Now watch as Archangel Michael holds his hands above you. See him pulling out and removing all the attachments that have been attached to you. Watch as Archangel Michael removes these attachments and sends them to heaven to be healed and removed. Thank Archangel Michael for his help.

Now say out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Raphael, I ask that you will please send you emerald green healing light and energy to my cut cords. Please help them to heal completely now. Thank you.”

Watch as the Archangel Raphael steps forward and knees before you. He opens his out stretched arms and hands. Watch as beautiful emerald green healing light oozes out and fills with in each cut cord. Feel how beautiful this healing light feels and know deep with in that you are protected and healed. Thank both Archangel Michael and Raphael for their help. Take in several deep breaths and when you feel ready then open your eyes.

Ground, Centre and Shield

(This is one of my favourite meditations for grounding and protection, I would recommend trying to use this one each day if you can.)

This little routine is one of the most essential skills you can have in your spiritual tool chest. It protects against psychic noise, psychic attack, telepathy, dark entities, and otherwise unwanted energies. It can re-balance you, increase your discernment, and keep your aura clean. It’s a great way to start a meditation or any spiritual light work. Consider it basic hygiene for your soul.

Ground: Start by sitting comfortably in a chair. Make sure your spine is straight and your feet planted firmly on the floor. Say in your mind, the word, “ground.”

Begin to visualize your feet growing roots like a tree, through the ground, all the way

down to the centre of the earth. See these roots anchor themselves there, in the earth’s core. Feel the depth of this connection stabilizing you. Allow any negative energy to drain down through these roots and be burned up.

Centre: Take a moment to observe where you are in the here and now. Notice how you feel. Don’t judge it. Just notice it. Say in your mind the word, “centre.”

See these roots pulling white light from the centre of the earth, up into your heart. Pull all your awareness into your heart, as this light forms into a growing, glowing ball. Imagine YOU are inside the centre of this ball, and you are one with it.

Shield: See this ball of light expanding, flowing throughout your body like water, until it has filled you completely. Say in your mind the word, “shield.”

Then, direct that light out from your body, through your skin.

Spin this light around your body in a clockwise motion, forming a bubble of earth-powered protection. You can play with your shield, trying out different shapes and sizes. You can form it into an egg of light, make it transparent, or put mirrors on it! I recommend making it porous like a web or a screen if you will be interacting with other people.

When you feel like your shield is in place, say in your mind, “Only love can pass through this shield.” If you do this simple meditation at the start of each morning, for 30 days, you will be sure to see positive changes in your life. Soon, it will be as easy as saying, “Ground, centre, shield.”

Article by Avalon De Witt. Visit more psychic tips and other original content like this. Reprint permission granted with this footer included.


Find somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Make sure you feel comfortable and relaxed. Take in 3 deep breaths slowly. You may light a candle or two and put on some soft music – if you feel this will help you to fully relax.

Say out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Michael, I call upon you now to clear and vacuum away any negativity, any blockages, fear or entities from myself, my loved ones and my pets and home.”

Imagine that standing behind you is the Archangel Michael. Imagine that all around you are beautiful angels who are watching over you and keeping you safe. Believe with all of your heart that Michael and the angels are by your side and are watching over you.

What as Archangel Michael puts a golden hoover (vacuum) pipe through the top of your head. See Michael press a button on the hoover and as he does the Hoover begins to suck up thick black liquid from your body. Watch as all this black liquid is sucked out of your body and is in the hoover bag.

Feel your body become lighter as all negative energy, entities; fear and depression leave your body. Feel your body become light as a feather as all the stresses of the day are sucked away forever.

Watch as Michael hovers every inch of your body from your toes all the way to the very top of your head. Hoover your organs, ears, eyes, veins, spine and your entire self. Keep hoovering until no more black liquid is left in your body and only clear liquid is being sucked up.

Watch as Archangel Michael presses the button on the hoover again. This time see beautiful white heavenly light ooze out of the hoover pipe and into your body. Watch as this beautiful white light fills with in you. This white light Fills up your entire body from your toes to your head. This white light is so pure and heavenly and makes you feel whole, refreshed, healed, balanced and cleansed.

Take a minute to notice how you feel. Notice if you feel any different from before you did the meditation to now that you have done it. How do you feel?

Once Michael has fully filled your entire body with heavenly white light, ask him to please do the same process with your loved ones and your home and pets. Watch as Michael hoovers up all the black liquid or smog from your loved ones, home and pets.

Then watch as Michael lets beautiful heavenly white light fill your loved ones, home and pets. Once done, thank Archangel Michael for his love and protection, healing and guidance. Thank the angels who are standing around you for their protection and love too.

The Protection Bubble

This is a beautiful meditation and it works so very well. It is easy to do and truly does help to keep you protected and safe. You can do this meditation any time while laying down or sitting, standing or walking. It is that easy to do.

Imagine that there is an angel standing beside you. Ask this angel to please place a bubble of protection all around you. Watch as the angel does exactly that.

Notice that all around you is a beautiful clear bubble of protection. See this bubble in your mind’s eye as clearly as you can. Now see this bubble begin to change to a beautiful red colour. As the bubble changes colour see sparkling red light radiate from the bubble. Put your hand in the read light and feel it’s purity and energy.

Now the bubble changes to a beautiful orange colour and see luxurious orange light fill with in the bubble. Feel the light as it gently dances on your skin. The bubble now changes to brilliant yellow. Watch as brilliant, bright and clean yellow light swirls all around you. Feel it’s intensity and heat.

The bubble changes again in colour and this time to a gorgeous green colour. See beautiful green light fill the bubble and feel its calming and relaxing effect. The bubble is now a stunning turquoise colour and beautiful turquoise light dancers all around you. Feel how calming and free this light is. Notice how it makes you feel.

The bubble now changes to a deep blue colour. Deep and passionate blue light takes over the bubble and fills you with a deep sense of protection and love. Notice how soothing this light feels.

Finally the bubble turns to a rich, deep and mouth-watering purple / violet colour. See tantalizing purple light fill with in the bubble washes over you.

The bubble now turns back to a beautiful clear heavenly white light. You feel calm, relaxed, content, healed and protected. Watch as many angels surround your bubble of protection. Notice that you and your bubble of protection are now completely surrounded by heavenly angels. These angels are your personal body guards sent to you from the Lord above. They have been sent to your side to protect and watch over you. Know that you are completely safe.

You can do this same exercise to on your loved ones to keep them protected. You can also do this exercise on your home and pets too.

Protection Shower

Imagine that you are in a shower and can feel the warm refreshing water as it washes over you. Feel the water as in sprays and covers your body. Imagine that you pick up a sponge and add soap to it. Begin to clean your entire body from head to toe. As you do so, imagine that you are washing away any psychic debris, entities, or negative energy.

See these psychic debris being drained from your body as you wash them away. See the negative energies and psychic debris swirl down the plug hole into the drain.

Now see the water change to a beautiful white light. Feel how beautiful this white light feels as it sprays all over you.

Feel it’s warmth, its healing and protective power. Feel this white light cleanse and balance you. Once you have finished your shower, turn of water, step out of the shower and dry your self. Know that you are protected.

Psychic C.O.C.P

The initials C.O.C.P mean the following; COMPLETE OVERAL CHECK UP. What this exercise does is helps to give you a complete body, mind, spirit and soul check. This is the same as if you went to your doctor and asked him to give you a complete check up – all the works, or the same as having an M.O.T done on your car. I will show you how you can ask the Archangel Michael and Raphael to help give you a complete check and healing.

Find somewhere quiet to sit or lie down. Make sure that you will not be disturbed and that you feel completely relaxed. Put on some soft soothing music, draw the curtains and light a green and blue candle.

Now take in several deep breaths through your nose and hold the them for several seconds before releasing them slowly. Keep doing this until you feel your self becoming more and more relaxed. Once ready say in your mind…

“Archangels Raphael and Michael I call upon you now. I ask that you will please both give me a full overall body, mind, spirit and soul check up. Please cleanse, balance and heal my heart, body, mind, auras, chakras and soul now. Thank you.”

Now see in your mind’s eye both Archangel Michael and Raphael working on you and healing you. Be completely relaxed and saver every moment of this wonderful check up and healing.

When you feel that the angels have completely healed you then thank both Archangels and take in several more deep breaths. When you are ready then open your eyes. Notice how different you feel with in.

Psychic Screening

This is a simple exercise that you can try doing each day. It won’t take long and you will truly feel the benefits of giving it a go. Stand in front of a mirror. Take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror. Now say out loud or in your mind, “I ask that the Archangels will please help me to clearly see any cords of psychic attack, any negative energy and any unwanted attachments attached to me now. Please help me to see and remove these unwanted negativities. Thank you.”

Now imagine that you are screening your self. Start at your toes and feet and work your way up to the very top of your head. In the mirror look at your feet and scan them with your eyes. Do any dark blotches or signs of negative energy or attachments appear to you? You may see these negativities in your minds eye or with your physical eyes.

Work your way up to the top of your head screening for anything unwanted or negative. When you find something say out loud, “By the power of the Lord and the Archangels, I remove you from me now. Leave as you are not welcome here.” Keep doing this until you have completely healed yourself and removed all that is unwanted and negative. Thank the Archangels for their help.

Protective Armour

A very effective form of keeping yourself protected each day it to wear a protective armour before you leave the house or at the start of each day. This exercise is so short, quick and simple yet highly effective.

Each morning when you wake up and before you leave your house say out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Michael I ask that you will please dress my family and myself in protective armours through out the day and night. May our protective armours please keep out all negative energy, entities, psychic attack, attachments, others energy and emotions. May our protective armours keep my loved ones and myself safe and protected thought the day and night. Thank you.”

Imagine that you are warring a gorgeous deep blue or purple armour of protection. See your family and loved ones warring this same armour. Know that you are all protected and loved.

Angel Alter

A wonderful way of inviting angels and positive energy into your home is by creating an Angel Alter. This is easily done and truly helps you to feel safe and protected. It helps to ward off negative energy, gives you a special place to talk to your angels, prayer and spend time being one with yourself.

How To Create an Angel Alter

To make your own angel alter all you will need are angel items that are personal and special to you. First find a nice place to set up your angel alter. You could add your alter in your bedroom, by your work place or by the place you spend most of your time.

Once you have found a special place then you can decorate and build your angel alter in any way that feels right for you. The above picture is of my very own Angel Alter. Below are examples of others angel alters, boxes, shelves and walls.

Having an angel alter is a wonderful thing and you will find that you, keep looking for little odds and ends to add to your angel alter. Your angel alter can be your special place where you leave your prayers for your angels, where you find comfort and where you can keep all of your angel keepsakes.

Some people have angel boxes which is a cardboard box. They cover the box with angelic paper and then keep all of their angelic keepsakes, prayers and poems in the box. Others have angel shelves where someone else may have an angel wall - one wall in their home which is dedicated to all of their angel pictures, keepsakes and prayers. It does not matter if you choose to have an angel alter, wall, shelf or box. These are all the same and you do the same thing to each to help build it into something special to you.

You may add to your alter, wall, box or shelf, angel keep sakes, ornaments, prayer cards, your dream journal, psychic journal, poetry, angel jewellery, crystals and gemstones, a cross, white feathers, glitter, candles, angel oracle cards, glitter, a bible, angelic pictures, note pad and pen, your angel drawings and paintings, your angel letters, angel books, prayer books, and anything else that you feel will make your angel alter special and unique to you.

Make your angel alter personal and special to you. You could even create a prayer book or box as a special gift for your loved ones. I made one of my best friend's Sarah an angel box for her birthday one year and she just loved it to bits. She said it was a personal, unique and special gift.

Through out each lesson in this course I will also ask you to please record your experiences, how you found each lesson and your dreams into a dream journal and psychic journal. So below is a short exercise to help you create your own special and unique dream journals and psychic journals.

How to create your own Dream and Psychic Journals

To make a dream or psychic journal you will need a hard cover book such as a note book, journal or hard covered exercise book. You will also need a pair of scissors, glue, glitter, stamps, stickers, ribbon, cut out pictures of things you would like to decorate your journal with, coloured pens and felt tip pens, paints, sequence, double sided tape, 3d pads, peel offs, foil, wrapping paper, motifs and any other odds and ends that you would like to use to decorate your journal.

Once you have everything that you need then cover your book with the wrapping paper if you are using it, decorate it and design your journal so that it is personal to you. You could make your journal be any theme that you like. You could make it an angel dream journal, fairy, animals, African, wild life, lady birds, the nights sky, flowers and nature, mystical, magical, bright, plain. Make your journal's theme be something that reaches out to you and inspires you.

In side your journal you can record all of your dreams (if a dream journal) or all of your psychic experiences, lessons and homework from lessons you have done (if psychic journal). You can use a special pen to record your dreams or psychic experiences. You can decorate each page in your journal if you like or add cut outs of pictures that describe your dreams or experiences; you could draw pictures, paint and stick stickers in your journal. Try keeping your journal next to your bed so you can record your dreams or experiences - in this way you will not forget them.

You’re Questions on Protection and Grounding

Jenny’s Question

How do you stop or prevent psychic attack? Jenny

Natasha’s Answer

Hi Jenny, thank you for sending in your question to me. If you look in Lesson 1: Grounding and Protection you will find many different ways of keeping yourself protected from psychic attack. A very affective way to protect yourself is to call upon the Archangel Michael for protection. Each day try to say this short prayer and you will soon notice a huge difference in your life. You will feel a lot safer and not experience any affects of psychic attack. You can learn the prayer exactly as it is or change it a bit to make it personal to you.

"Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please may you constantly stand my side, by the sides of my loved ones, in my home, and by my pets sides. Please ward off, remove and block out anything negative, evil or bad. Please keep me protected and safe from any psychic attack. Please cut any cords to those who have willingly or unwillingly sent psychic attack my way. I put my trust and faith in you. Thank you. I hope this helps and thank you again for sending in your question. Love and Blessings, Natasha

Kim’s Question

Why must we keep ourselves grounded and protected? Kim

Natasha’s Answer

Hi Kim, thank you for sending in your question to me. In our every day lives we pick up on other peoples energies and feelings. If you are a round someone with negative feelings, then their negative feelings can be put upon yourself. This leaves you feeling drained, depressed, ill or tied. It is also important to keep your self grounded to help keep away any negative entities that may try to harm you. Love, Natasha

Clair’s Question

How do I remove spirits from my home and what do they want? Clair

Natasha’s Answer

Hi Clair, thank you for your message. Below are a few hints and tips on how you can try and help clear your home of these spirits.

Once you have tried the below if the spirits have still not left your home then I would advice, that you seek help from your local church. Share with the priest what has been happening and he will be able to help.

Please also look at Lesson 1: Protection and Grounding as you will find helpful hints and tips there, to keep you protected and ward off negative energy.

Things you can try to ward off the spirits...

Open all of the doors, windows and cupboards in your home - any door or window (even cupboard doors) should be opened. When you do this you are releasing any negative energy that is inside of your home. You are sending this negative energy out and away.
Get a stick of smudging sage and light it so that it begins to smoke. The smoke from the smudge sage is highly cleansing and will help to cleanse and balance your home.

Once you have done this then take in a deep breath and say, ?MICH - AEL? then take in another deep breath. Wait for a minute and then repeat the process another 3-5 times. Now say out loud, "Archangel Michael the angel of protection, I call upon you now. Please walk along side me though out each room of this house. Please ask the spirits in this house to follow the light and leave. Thank you.?

Know that with Archangel Michael at your side ? even if you have to imagine seeing him standing next to you (he will be with you). Know that you are completely protected.

Now carrying the smudged sage ? still burning, walk into each room of the house. Allow the smoke of the smudged sage to swirl about in each room. In each room say out loud (and truly mean it), ?The Archangel Michael and myself order any spirits present here to follow the light and leave this house. You are not welcome here. Thank you.? Spend 2-3 minutes in each room walking around and letting the smudged sage smoke fill the room.

Once you have done each and every room in your house then put out the burning smudge sage. Now thank the Archangel Michael for his help.

Another thing that you can try is to open all doors and windows as before. Then stand in the room where most of the activity happens. Imagine that there is a bubble all around you. Know in your heart that this is a bubble of protection. See this bubble fill with heavenly white light and feel its warmth and protective energy surround you.
Now say out loud, ?I call upon all of the Archangels. I ask that you will please stand at each and every window in this house, by each and every door and each and every room of this house. Please also stand by my side and my son’s side. Please help me to remove these unwanted entities from my home and our lives.

Now say out loud and mean every word that you say, “I order all spirits in this house to please leave my home and family now. Thank you. Please leave as you are not welcome here.” Re-peat this at least three times. Once you have done this then thank the Archangels for their help.

Anonymous Question

Hi Natasha, I have been having an awful run of bad luck - recently i keep getting episodes of serious poor health that has required hospital admission and also have been having a lot of problems at work. Do you think that something sinister is at work that is causing this?

Natasha’s Answer

Hi, thank you for sending in your question to me. I am sorry to hear of all that you have been going through. I do hope that things will improve for you soon and that you will find some peace in your life. There are a number of reasons why this might be happing to you. It may be that you are not properly grounded or protected, or that you are under psychic attack. It could be that you are coming to the end of this chapter in your life and are about to start a brand new one (as our lives are like the chapters in a book.) Or it could simply be that life at the moment is dealing you a rough hand.

Please know that not all negative things that happen in our lives is down to psychic attack or negative energies. Sometimes things happen in our lives to make us stronger or there are lessons that need to be learnt.

I hope this helps you and I wish you all the very best. Please do not give up heart as you are surrounded by heavenly angles that are doing their best to help you in this difficult time. Be open to their help and ask them to help you, you will soon notice positive changes will happen. Natasha x

Anonymous Question

Hi Tasha could you tell me if I have a spirit in my house and what type of spirit is it xx

Natasha’s Answer

Hi, thank you for sending in your question to me. I do feel that you have a spirit in your home but there is no need for you to be afraid. I felt that this spirit means you no harm.

When I asked my guides who the spirit is who is in your home, I saw a picture in my minds eye of a tall, slim man with short dark blond / light brown hair. I felt that he is wearing trousers and a white t-shirt with has a few dirty marks on it. I felt he is about the age of 28 or in his late 20's.

I kept seeing a bicycle with him and felt that he possible passed over from a head injury falling off is bike. I felt that this spirit was passing by and then made residence in your home. I feel that this spirit does not want to harm you. He just likes your home and has settled there. The name Daniel / Daniels comes to me. I hope this helps.
Natasha x

Steph’s Question

Hello my name is Steph we are going to a supposed haunted inn tomorrow is there a way we can protect ourselves and help us get the best experience possible please thank you xx Steph

Natasha’s Answer

Hi Steph, thank you for sending in your question to me. I am so sorry for the late reply but only just saw your e-mail. My inbox is in a bit of a state and needs some serious sorting out. I hope it all went well for you at the Haunted Inn. Below are a few things you could try for in future if you are visiting a haunted place.

I hope this helps and again I apologise for the late reply. Love and Blessings, Natasha

Before you visit the haunted building or place say this short prayer...

"Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please surround myself and each person here with me, with a bubble of divine protection. Please surround my bubble with heavenly angels. May you and these angels please ward off anything negative, evil or bad. May you please be our personal body guards and keep us protected through out the day and always. Thank you."

Now close your eyes and mentally see the Archangel Michael surrounding you in a bubble of protection. See gorgeous angels surround you and see your bubble of protection fill with heavenly white light. Know deep with in your soul that you and those around you are safe and protected.

Anonymous Question

I keep getting shivers from the top of my head right through my body and a nervous feeling can you help explain this thanks Tasha x

Natasha’s Answer

Hi, thank you for sending in your question to me. I am sorry that you have been feeling this way. It sounds to me as though you may be under psychic attack or have negative energy around you. Please do not worry as this is easy to sort out and remove. Psychic attack does not necessarily have to be sent to us by a spirit or negative entity. Psychic attack can be sent to us though people and our loved ones. If you have an augment with someone then just by the anger with in the two of you it can send psychic attack to a person.

If someone is angry or holding a grudge, resentful, have bad thoughts about another person or even jealous this can cause psychic attack. Try asking Archangel Michael to please cut all cords of psychic attack that may have been sent to you. Psychic attack can cause physical feelings of pain or distress for another person. You may have even sent psychic attack to someone with out even realising that you have. Ask Archangel Michael to please help you to stay protected from psychic attack. I hope this helps and thanks again. Love and Blessings, Natasha

Anonymous Question

Hi thank you said there was someone in my house but it was only fields years ago there is dark shadows in the corner please help???

Natasha’s Answer

Hi, thank you for sending in your message. I am sorry to hear that you are concerned about the spirit in your home. Please know that 99% a spirit will not harm you and has no intention of harming a person. The other 1% covers poltergeists which do cause mischief. I feel that the spirit in your home is not there to hurt you.

I can understand how you must feel though as it can be very scary having a spirit in your home - I know and I see them on a daily basis. The thing to remember is that these spirits do not want to hurt you. I honestly do think that most homes world wide ? at least 99% of homes have at least one spirit in them. I could be wrong but I do personally believe this true. Many of us are just unaware that they are even there.

I have moved homes at least 23 times in my life and have visited many different buildings and have always felt or seen a spiritual presence. This proves how spirits are all around us on a daily basis and that they do not set out to harm us, so please do not worry for your safety as I am sure that this spirit means you no harm.

You mentioned above that your house was built on field’s years ago, even though it was only field’s years ago does not mean that spirits can not be around. You see many people think that spirits come from the house, many times they may come from the land the house was built on - something could have happened in that field many years ago. Spirits can also enter our homes with out having to have had anything to do with the house or the land. They could just be passing by and then decide to set up home in someone’s house. This spirit could have attached it's self to you or a member of your family.

Please look at Lesson 1: Grounding and protection for various ways that you can keep you home and yourself protected. In lesson 1 here at Psychic Friends I mention many types of meditations or things you can do to help protect yourself and your home. I find that prayer is the most successful.

Many times spirits may make us feel frightened but they do not want to frighten us or harm us. If you feel worried about the presence in your home then I would suggest that you seek the help of a local medium, psychic or your local priest. Why I mention local is so that the priest, medium or psychic can enter your home and find out why this spirit is there, they will also be able to tell if the spirit in your home is a spirit or a poltergeist and to help it to cross over. If it is a poltergeist then they will know the next best approach and how to help you. I personally feel that this is a spirit that means you no harm, but it is always good to get a second opinion as a psychic can never get everything 100% correct. If you do feel afraid by the spirit in your home then getting a second opinion my be a good approach or help to put your mind at ease.

If you look at some of the other questions here in this section you will find various other ways to help a spirit cross over and to keep your self and home protected. Below is a short prayer that you can say each night before you go to bed or when you feel afraid...

"Heavenly Father Lord above, I plead the blood covenant of Jesus over myself, my loved ones and my home. I ask in the name of Jesus Christ that you will please allow your angels to watch over myself, my loved ones and my home. May your angels please stand by my side, by the sides of my loved ones, in each and every corner of each room in this house, by each and every door and window of this house and in my garden. May your angels please be our personal body guards and may they please remove, ward off and block out absolutely anything negative, evil or bad. I thank Thee for by your grace we are here today. Amen. “

I hope this helps and thank you again for contacting me. Love and Blessings, Natasha

Anonymous Question

I feel I am falling into depression and I feel I have nothing to look forward too how can I stop this thank you very much.

Natasha’s Answer

Hi, thank you for sending in your question. I am sorry to hear about how you are feeling and that you are falling into depression. I would first suggest visiting you local GP. He will be able to help you or put you in contact with someone who can help. You could also ask the Archangel Gabriel to please help to settle your turbulent emotions. Give any worries or fears to God and the angels and ask them to please heal these concerns. Ask the Archangel Raphael to please surround you in his emerald green healing light and to help you to heal from this depression. Pray and faith work wonders.

I hope this helps and thank you again for sending in your question to me. Love and Blessings, Natasha

Anonymous Question

Hi Tash, I definitely have a spirit in my home, it is very active - I frequently hear noises and things falling in empty rooms, and the one time a pen flew off our table and hit a nearby door, when there was no obvious logical explanation, and I sometimes get the persistent feeling that there is something in a spot and keep looking there, even though I can't see anything. I was wondering if you could tell me anything about this spirit and what it wants. Anonymous

Natasha’s Answer

Hi, thank you for sending in your question. I am sorry to hear about your active spirit in your home. I understand how frightening this must be for you. I feel that there are three male spirits in your home. I felt that one of these spirits is angry and has been trapped for a very long time.

I felt that something has changed in your home to make this spirit aggressive and angry. Have you done any recent decorating, re designing of rooms or furniture, is there a new baby in your home or has something changed? Try to think back to when this first started happening (the odd things in your home.) Were there any changes in the home then?

Something has upset and stirred this spirit and this is why he is behaving in this way. The name Sam comes to me. I would suggest that you seek the help of a professional psychic who is experienced in removing spirits from homes. Or ask your local priest to please help and to bless your home. I feel that this spirit has a strong energy and that it needs to follow the light.

Below is a short exercise that you can try to help the spirit to cross over and leave your home. This exercise should work in removing the spirit from your home, If a week or two you find that the spirit is still there then I would strongly suggest you seek help from a professional psychic (who has experience in this field) or your local priest.

How to help this spirit to cross over...

Firstly say the below prayer for protection while you help the spirit to cross over: Say out loud;

Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please may you stand by my side and by the sides of my loved ones. Please assist me in helping the spirit man as well as any other spirits in my home who need to cross over. Please help me to help these spirits to follow the light and to find peace. Please place heavenly angels in each room of this house, by each window and door of this house, in each corner of each room of this house, by my pets sides, in my garden, by my loved ones sides and by my side. Thank you.

Now, open all of the doors, windows and cupboards in your home ALL doors or windows (even cupboard doors) should be opened. When you do this you are releasing any negative energy that is inside of your home. You are sending this negative energy out and away.

Get a stick of smudging sage and light it so that it begins to smoke. The smoke from the smudge sage is highly cleansing and will help to cleanse and balance your home.

Once you have done this then take in a deep breath and say, MICH AEL then take in another deep breath. Wait for a minute and then repeat the process another 3-5 times. Now say out loud, Archangel Michael the angel of protection, I call upon you now. Please walk along side me though out each room of this house. Please ask the spirits in this house to follow the light and leave. Thank you.

Know that with Archangel Michael at your side even if you have to imagine seeing him standing next to you (he will be with you). Know that you are completely protected.

Now carrying the smudged sage still burning, walk into each room of the house. Allow the smoke of the smudged sage to swirl about in each room. In each room say out loud (and truly mean it);

The Archangel Michael and I order any spirits present here to follow the light and leave this house. The time has come for you to follow the light, cross over and find peace. Gods angels will guide you to where you are meant to go. It is safe for you to leave and to be at peace. Thank you.

Spend 2-3 minutes in each room walking around and letting the smudged sage smoke fill the room.

Once you have done each and every room in your house then put out the burning smudge sage. Now thank the Archangel Michael for his help. Try doing this each day for one week although it usually only takes the first attempt to work, but continue this for a week just be completely sure that all spirits in your home who need to leave have gone.

Homework for the week

I would like for you to please try out the various types of grounding and protection exercises and meditations above. Give each one a go and see which one feels best and right for you. Maybe add some house plants or flowers to your home, try bathing with sea salt in your water and have soft relaxing music playing in your home.

With the meditations – Try giving the meditations ago. You may find that one of the meditations is better suited for you than the others. Find the one that you feel most comfortable using and then, try using it for at least once OR twice a day for the entire week.

Notice if you feel any differences in yourself or your home. Before trying out the protection and grounding tools, first write down how you are feeling and how your home feels. At the end of the week go back and write down how you and your home feel now.

See if there are any differences from before you started protecting yourself and home until now. Write down all of your experiences and feels, thoughts and ideas that come to you with each exercise. It is so very important to write everything down in your psychic journal – even the things that seem small or insignificant.

Try and create your own Angel Alter – make it personal and special to you.

Try and create your own unique dream journal and psychic journal

Try and create your own prayer cards. You could keep these cards yourself or even make a few extra to give to your loved ones. Prayer cards make wonderful gifts – especially handmade ones.

Try and create your own Prayer Book. Make your prayer books special and personal to you. Make this prayer book your special book that where you can confide in the Lord and share your prayers.


Grounding and Protection Part 1

September 28, 2012
Lesson 1: Grounding and Protection Part 1

One of the most important things to do before performing any type of psychic and spiritual work is to make sure that you are grounded and protected. In lesson 1 we will be looking at the various types of grounding and protections tools. I will also help you to recognize if you are under psychic attack, have a spirit attachment or are picking up on others emotions and energy. We will learn how to keep ourselves grounded and protected from negative ent...

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Connecting with your Spirit

September 28, 2012
Lesson 2: Connecting with your Spirit

Through out the Spiritual Growth and Psychic Development course you may find that, a great deal of the lessons and exercises are quite similar to one another. There is a very good reason for this. This is because each lesson, meditation or exercise is purposely designed to gradually heighten and develop your six senses and psychic intuition.

In order to heighten and develop your psychic intuition and spirituality you need to constantly be raising your ...

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Recognizing the Spirits of Loved Ones

September 28, 2012
Lesson 3: Recognizing the Spirits of your loved ones

In lesson 3 we will be looking at the spirits of your loved ones, plants and pets. Learning to see the spirits of other living things helps you to build stronger relationships with others.

It helps you to see beyond the physical body and see what is deep down inside. It will help you to be more understanding of others, more aware of what is around you and help to rebuild and strengthen your relationships.

(When I first tried recognizing...

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Positive Energies

September 28, 2012
Lesson 4: Positive Energies

There are so many ways of drawing positive energies into your life. The more positive energies in your life the happier you will become. So many times in our lives we draw negative energies to us with out realizing it. Just by thinking negatively of yourself or others can draw negative energy to you.

If you can train yourself to think more positively then you will notice that positive things will begin to happen in your life. If you think negatively then negative...

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Being Your Higher Self

September 28, 2012
Lesson 5: Being Your Higher Self

Each and every one of us has a higher self. Our Higher Selves offer us guidance and sound advice in our every day lives. Our Higher Selves only want the best for us and know the best course of action to take for any given situation. Our higher self is the part of ourselves that is good, compassionate, caring, empathic, sensitive, loyal and the part of us that does not judge others, does not feel afraid or negative.

As you grow spiritually you will embark o...

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Working with Light

September 28, 2012
Lesson 6: Working with Light

Many people create and heal using light. Once you know how you will find it to be fun and enlightening. I love working with light and do it often. After working with light you are always left with a warm and comforting feeling.

I always find that I can strongly feel the presence of my guides and angels around me, when I create, heal and work with light. I would like to help you to learn to create and heal with light too and share with you this wondrous experienc...

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September 28, 2012
Lesson 7: Chakras


One question that everyone always seems to ask is, “What are Chakras?” The word Chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning, “Wheels of Light.” Chakras are spiralling energy centres in our body. Everything in the universe is made up of pure energy. Every plant, human and living thing is made up of this pure energy.

There are 7 main Chakras with many little ones in each of us. These Chakras help to keep us balanced, feed in good energy and dispose of any...

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September 28, 2012
Lesson 8: Auras


What is an Aura? All around us is a pulsating electromagnetic energy field know as our Aura. Our Aura is made up of pure energy, it is a vibrating energy field that surrounds our bodies. This energy field is shaped like an egg or cocoon all around our body. There are many layers of the Aura – each a different colours and each layer blending together. As the energy moves further away from the body it becomes finer and moves faster.

Some people have the gift to see thes...

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Opening Your Sixth Sense - Sensing and Feeling a Spiritual Presence

September 28, 2012

Lesson 9: Opening up your Sixth Sense

Part 1: Sensing and Feeling a Spiritual Presence

Before we can begin to see, meet, connect with and get to know our guides and angels we need to learn to open up our sixth sense. Opening up our sixth sense helps to open us up intuitively and helps to develop our psychic ability. Our psychic intuition is made up of using all of our six senses.

So many people believe that psychics are evil or doing the devils work. What they do not realise is that eac...

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