Guardian Angels

From the moment we are born we have a faithful companion right by our side to help guide and watch over us for the whole of our lives. This companion is our very own best friend – they are our hopes, dreams, comfort and part of our family.


This companion will never leave you. They will never judge you or disown you. This companion will only do their very best to help you through life and to guide you in the right direction. This companion is your personal body guard, the friend you can always talk to and who will listen and understand. This companion is your very special Guardian Angel.


Each and every one of us has a Guardian Angel and some of us may even have more than one Guardian Angel. These angels have been sent to us by God to watch over us and love us unconditionally. Once you meet your Guardian Angel you will never feel the same again.


It is incredibly comforting to know that you have this very special friend by your side, each and every day to protect and watch over you. Even in the lowest of times when you feel you are completely alone in this big wide world, you are never really alone. There is so much angelic love and support all around you.


I have two beautiful Guardian Angels named Elizabeth and Mark. I work with them daily when performing readings, mediumship work and other spiritual work. When ever I feel down or lonely I know that Elizabeth and Mark will be right by my side to comfort me. When I was only a little girl with I first saw Elizabeth as clearly as I can see the people around me. I saw her with my physical eyes.


It was when I was seven years of age that I saw her. I sat outside on the porch with our pet dog that was very ill.  He had tick bite fever. It was a crisp night and the moon shone brightly. I can remember it as though it was yesterday, I began to pray for our beloved pet and asked the Lord to watch over him and make him well. I also asked for a sign that he would be okay.

Just then I heard a soft woman’s voice call out my name. I glanced up and to my surprise I saw a beautiful lady with a long dress to her ankles (it was almost like a robe of some sort). She had long blond hair down her back. She appeared as misty, dim but glowing, monochrome figure but, I could clearly make out every feature of her. It is really hard to explain what I mean.

I knew at once that she was an angel. She did not have wings like in the story books but I knew that she meant me no harm. Behind her was an open door all in the exact same light as she was and again I could make out each feature of the door. She called out my name several more times and I can clearly remember being amazed that she knew what my name was. She then held her hand out towards the large door and asked me to follow her.


Reality suddenly hit me and I realized that there was an angel standing before me. I do not know why I did what I did next but, I leaped to my feet and ran as fast as I could towards the house. Suddenly I stopped, looked back to where she was standing but she had gone she had just vanished into thin air. I ran into the house and told my mother about what I had just witnessed and that I believed that our dog was dying. I felt that the angel was preparing me for what was about to happen. I said that our dog would be happy and would be looked after by God and all the angels.

My mother sent me to my room and told me to stop talking such rubbish. The next morning I was a woken by my mother. She held me close and told me that our pet dog had passed away in the night. She said that he was not suffering any more. I looked up at her and sobbed my heart out, but although I was very upset and sad about our dog passing away, I felt happy as I knew he had gone to a better place as was being taken care off.


Since that day I always wondered who the angel was. What was her name and what would have happened if I had followed her into that door? It was only a about 4 – 6 years ago when I started learning about angels and spirit guides, that I realized that she is my Guardian Angel. I also learnt that her name is Elizabeth and I now recognize her presence – so I always can feel her around me. I also talk to her all the time and can hear her talking to me. Her voice is still the exact same voice that I remembered from when I was 7 years old. I hear her talking to me with both my physical ears and inner ears.


On my 29th birthday I rushed up stairs to wash my hair as I had a few friends popping round for a birthday lunch. I was up stairs washing my hair when I heard footsteps down stairs. I thought that the foot steps may be my mother in law as she said she would be popping in that morning to see me. I then heard my name being called so I called back that I would be down stairs in just a minute.


When I rushed down stairs I was surprised to find no one there. I looked all around and called out for my mother in law but there was no sign of her. I was about to walk into the kitchen when I felt a familiar warm and comforting feeling – as though I was being held closely and gently. I knew straight away that it was Elizabeth who had called me, just then the entire house filled with the most beautiful and amazing music and singing.


It sounded like there was a choir of angels singing loud and clear. I could hear this music as clear as I can here the music on the radio. I heard the beautiful music with my physical ears. The music and singing was so very beautiful that I just broke down and cried. I could not help crying and I could not stop crying for the rest of the day. I felt overwhelmed with emotion (happy emotions). I felt that this was my very special birthday present from Elizabeth and Mark. It is a gift that I will never forget and that will remain with me always.

Sensing Your Guardian Angel


Just before you go to bed at night lay comfortably so that you feel completely relaxed and settled. Take in a few deep breaths slowly to help completely relax you. Try to calm your mind from the days chatter and try to feel the vibrations in your room. How does the vibrations in your room feel? Do you notice any differences from when you usually go to sleep? Try to see if you can feel the vibration of your Guardian Angel.


You may not be able to see them but they are there. Guardian Angels have powerful yet light and subtle vibrations. Their vibration is warm, comforting, inviting and gentle. Trust the feelings and thoughts that come to you. Trust what you feel and do not judge it.  Ask your guardian Angel to please help you to feel their presence. Say out loud or in your mind, “My Guardian Angel I call upon you now. Please help me to feel your presence. Are you standing behind me? Are you standing in front of me? Or are you standing to the left of me, or to the right of me? Please help me to feel your presence now. Thank you.”  


It is extremely important to always remember to thank all of your angels and spirit guides each time you work with them or ask for their help. Like us they like to feel appreciated and respected.


Once you have done this then close your eyes, relax, calm your mind and try to feel if there are any changes in the room. Can you feel the presence of your guardian Angel by your side? Take note of what their presence feels like – it is so important to remember how they feel so you can recognize their presence in your every day life.


Once you have felt your Guardian Angels presence then thank your angel for coming to your side. Thank them for sharing with you what their special presence feels like. You will now recognize your angels’ presence so will always know when they are with you.


Write down in your journal your experiences, thoughts, feelings, visions and any other things that come to you during this exercise. It is so important to write it all down even if it seems insignificant.

Finding out Your Guardian Angels Name


Find somewhere that is nice and quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Lie down and make sure you are in a comfortable position. Take in a few deep breaths slowly to help completely relax you. Try to calm your mind of the days chatter and try to feel the vibrations in your room. Try to see if you can feel the vibration of your Guardian Angel.


Ask your Guardian Angel to please help you to feel their presence. Once you feel their presence say hello and ask them what their name is. The first name that pops into your mind is the name of your Guardian Angel. Do not judge or question the name you hear or see. It is very unlikely that you will hear a name being said out loud. You will either hear a name being said in your mind or see a name flash in your head.


Do not judge the name that comes to you or question it. Most people think that their angels must have angelic or biblical names but, this is very far from the truth. Many times our guardian angels can have very common names such as Lilly or Tyrone, Greg, Ben, Kathy or Gina.


If you feel unsure whether the name you heard is really your Guardian Angels name or not, then ask your angel to please send you conformation. They will send you conformation through signs. For example say you feel that your guardian angels name is Lilly but you are not 100% sure. You ask your guardian angel for conformation of their name. You may find then that for the next 2-3 days the name Lilly keeps appearing. You may see a sign post with the name Lilly written on it.


Or you may be watching the telly and there is someone on telly by that name. You could see the name appear in the credits or your partner could buy you a bunch of fresh lilies. These are all signs of conformation that your Guardian Angel is giving you, to let you know that their name is Lilly. Thank your Guardian Angel for sharing their name with you.  


If you try out this exercise and you do not get any names come to you then keep trying it each night until it comes to you. As with everything – practice makes perfect. You can do this exercise any time of the day – though at night you are more relaxed so night is the better option. The more relaxed you are the easier it will be for you to connect with your angel. Write down in your journal your experiences, thoughts, feelings, visions and any other things that come to you during this exercise. It is so important to write it all down even if it seems insignificant.


Seeing Your Guardian Angel


Like the Archangels who have different coloured auras so do our guardian angels. Our guardian angels aura is white and sparkly. If you see a white sparkles of light, or white mist or maybe even a ball of light which is white and sparkling like thousands of stars or glitter then you know that you are seeing your guardian angel.


Find somewhere that is nice and quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Lie down and make sure you are in a comfortable position. Take in a few deep breaths slowly to help completely relax you. Try to calm your mind of the days chatter and try to feel the vibrations in your room. Try to see if you can feel the vibration of your Guardian Angel.


Ask your Guardian Angel to please help you to feel their presence. Once you feel their presence then ask your Guardian Angel to please help you to see them. Close your eyes and trust any images or thoughts that come to you. What do you see and how do you feel? Do you see a person in your minds eye or do you see an animal? Do you see bright colours or lights?


Do you see a feather or a heart? What pictures come to you? Try to take in as much detail as possible and try see these images as vividly as possible. At the same time try not to over concentrate as this will block out any genuine images. Just totally relax your body and mind and trust what ever come to you.


Keep practicing this exercise until you feel comfortable with what comes to you. You may find that you see many different things at first, but then one image should keep coming back to you each time you do this exercise. The image that keeps coming back to you is a vision of how your angel would like to show themselves to you. Write down in your journal your experiences, thoughts, feelings, visions and any other things that come to you during this exercise. It is so important to write it all down even if it seems insignificant.


Finding out how many Guardian Angels you have


Find somewhere that is nice and quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Lie down and make sure you are in a comfortable position. Take in a few deep breaths slowly to help completely relax you. Try to calm your mind of the days chatter and try to feel the vibrations in your room. Try to see if you can feel the vibration of your Guardian Angel.  Ask your Guardian Angel to please help you to feel their presence. Once you feel their presence then ask, “How many Guardian Angels do I have?”


Quiet your mind and trust what comes to you. Does a particular number jump out at you and stick in your mind? Or do you see 1-2 or more colored lights or orbs floating in your mind? What numbers or symbols come to you? Keep practicing this exercise until you feel that you know how many guardian angels you have. Remember you can always ask your guardian angel for conformation, if ever you are not 100% sure on the answer.


Write down in your journal your experiences, thoughts, feelings, visions and any other things that come to you during this exercise. It is so important to write it all down even if it seems insignificant.


As I said before one of the most effective ways in which to sense our angels is to draw pictures of them and to look at pictures of angels. Try drawing pictures of angels and also your guardian angel. Draw a picture of how you see them and try to read up on angels and look at pictures of them.


Writing to your Guardian Angels


One of the most effective ways to communicate with your angels as well as your guides is to write to them.


Find somewhere that is quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Light a candle or too if you like and make you self feel totally relaxed and calm. Get out a piece of paper and pen – or you can write in your journal.


Write a loving letter to your guardian angel telling them about your self, about how you look forward in working with them. Share with your angels your dreams, hopes, fears, wishes and desires. Share your thoughts and feelings with them. Ask your guardian angels for guidance and advice on some of life’s issues.


Tell them about the some of the decisions you make and about your concerns. Ask your angels to work with you each day and guide you. Make the letter as personal as you like to your angels. Decorate it or leave it plain – it is entirely up to you.


Once you have written your letter say out loud or in your mind, “My guardian angel here is a letter I have written just for you. I send it to you with love and care. Some people feel that after they have written their letter they would like to burn it, and then sprinkle the ashes of the letter in the garden – as this helps to send the letter to their angels.


I personally do not feel that you have to do this as your guardian angels will receive your letter. They are standing by your side and are reading the letter as you write it. It is entirely up to you whether you want to burn the letter or keep it safe somewhere or in your journal. A wonderful way of truly writing too and connecting with your angels is to create an Angel Letter Box. 

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