Archangel Relaxation and Healing Exercise

September 7, 2012

Lie down (it is important that you lie down on your back with your arms at your sides for this exercise) somewhere where you will feel very comfortable and will not be disturbed. You can put on some soft soothing music and light a candle or two if you wish. Try to calm your mind from the day’s chatter and make your self feel completely relaxed. Keep a pen and piece of paper next to you and jot down any thoughts that may pop into your mind.

Once you feel that your mind is completely relaxed and any mind chatter has faded then take in up to 10 – 20 deep breaths. Draw these breaths into your upper chest and take note of your upper chests movement and your breathing pattern.

Say out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now. Please come to my side and send your healing light to me. Please help to heal and relax my entire body completely. Thank you”

Imagine that the Archangel Raphael is now standing by your feet. What do you think the Archangel Raphael looks like? Picture him as clearly as you can. Take special note of his kind and loving eyes, his facial features, mouth, hair, clothes, wings and how he looks.

Give Archangel Raphael permission to begin the healing and relaxation exercise. See Archangel Raphael’s had begin to glow with heavenly white light. Feel the warmth as he slowly and gently holds his hands just above your feet. He is not touching you but you can feel his touch and his warmth. Notice as that breath taking heavenly white light flows straight from Archangel Raphael’s hands and into your feet. Notice that your feet and toes are becoming more and more relaxed.

As the Archangel Raphael sends healing and relaxing light to your feet, say out loud or in your mind, “What message do you have for me feet?” Notice if you hear any words or see any pictures in your mind. You might hear the word bunion and know that your feet are asking you to get that bunion sorted out. Or you may hear the words, ‘take it easy’. You will know that your feet are telling you to take things more easily and not take on too much.

Once your feet feel completely healed and relaxed see the Archangel Raphael move to your ankles. See him place his hands just above your ankles and watch as heavenly white light fills with in your ankles. Notice how your ankles are becoming more and more relaxed.

As the Archangel Raphael sends healing and relaxing light to your ankles, say out loud or in your mind, “What message do you have for me ankles?” Notice if you hear any words or see any pictures in your mind.

Once your ankles feel completely healed and relaxed see the Archangel Raphael move to your ankles. See him place his hands just above your ankles and watch as heavenly white light fills with in your ankles. Notice how your ankles are becoming more and more relaxed.

Continue with this exercise until the Archangel Raphael has healed and relaxed your entire body. Once done thank the Archangel Raphael for his love, relaxation and healing. Once completed the meditation, record your thoughts, feelings, experiences and any messages that came to you in your psychic journal.

The next step in learning to channel our spirit guides is to learn to focus and concentrate. While performing readings for people it is so easy for our minds to wonder. When this happens we loose the connection and flow we had with our guides while performing the reading.

As soon as you loose this flow you will find that you hit a mental block and begin to struggle to finish off the reading. When we perform readings our guides are standing right by our sides sharing with us information for the reading. It is vital to keep that information flowing in strong. If your mind wonders then you loose the flow of information, and in return hit a road block in the reading.

This is why learning to focus on one thing at a time and strengthen our concentration, is vital in order for us to perform helpful and accurate readings. The 6 exercises below will help you to strengthen your concentration and focusing skills.


Relaxation Energy Exercise

September 7, 2012

Sit down or lay down somewhere where you will feel very comfortable and will not be disturbed. You can put on some soft soothing music and light a candle or two if you wish. Try to calm your mind from the day’s chatter and make your self feel completely relaxed. Keep a pen and piece of paper next to you and jot down any thoughts that may pop into your mind.

Once you feel that your mind is completely relaxed and any mind chatter has faded then take in up to 10 – 20 deep breaths. Draw these ...

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Flower Power Exercise

September 7, 2012

Sit down or lay down somewhere where you will feel very comfortable and will not be disturbed. You can put on some soft soothing music and light a candle or two if you wish. Try to calm your mind from the day’s chatter and make your self feel completely relaxed.

Keep a pen and piece of paper next to you and jot down any thoughts that may pop into your mind. So many times we try to relax but thoughts pop into our minds about things we need to do and get. If you write these down then it will h...

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Automatic Writing Exercise

September 7, 2012

1.) Find somewhere quiet to sit down. If you wish to type then sit at your pc with your fingers on the key board, if you wish to write then sit with a pen in your hand and a piece of paper in front of you. Get your hand in the writing position on the paper.

•2.) Make sure that you will not be disturbed

•3.) Put on some soft music and maybe light a candle or two if you feel this helps you to relax.

•4.) Call upon the Archangel Michael and say a little prayer of protection. Ask the Archa...

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Seeing your Spirit Guides

September 7, 2012

Find somewhere that is nice and quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Lie down and make sure you are in a comfortable position. Take in a few deep breaths slowly to help completely relax you. Try to calm your mind of the days chatter. Ask your spirit guides to please help you to see what they look like. Again ask your guides to take it in turns.

For example: (Using the guides from above) ask Pam to come through first and show you what she looks like. Once you have seen what Pam looks like...

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Sensing your Guides Presence

September 7, 2012

Sit or lay comfortably so that you feel completely relaxed and settled. Take in a few deep breaths slowly to help completely relax you. Try to calm your mind from the days chatter and try to feel the vibrations in your room. How does the vibrations in your room feel? Do you notice any differences? Try to see if you can feel the vibration of your spirit guides.

You may not be able to see them but they are there. Spirit Guides have vibrations just like angels do. Trust the feelings and thoughts ...

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What are your Guides names?

September 7, 2012

What are your Guides names?

Find somewhere that is nice and quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Have a piece of paper with you and a pen. Sit down and make sure you are in a comfortable position. Take in a few deep breaths slowly to help completely relax you. Try to calm your mind of the days chatter.

Ask your guides to please tell you what their names are. Say out loud or in your mind, “My spirit guides please may you tell me what your names are?”

If you found out that you have more...

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How many guides do you have?

September 7, 2012

Each and every one of us has many different guides that come in and out of our lives at any given time. Each person has different amounts of guides in their life. Where one person may only have a couple of guides, another may have up to 30 or 40 guides. Some guides work more with us more than other guides depending on our life’s situation at the time.

This next exercise will help you to find out how many guides you have. Please do not give up if nothing comes to you the first time round. Kee...

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Inventory of Your Life

September 7, 2012

Your guides want to help you to be happy and content with your life and with being you. They are dying for you to ask them for help and guidance. They want to be of service. This next exercise is designed for you to create a connection to your guides, for you to share with your guides your concerns and worries, to help you to ask for their help and work with them to make your life happier and easier.

Sit down with a pen and paper in front of you. Take a long and hard look at your life and wher...

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The Circus

September 7, 2012

Find somewhere comfortable and quiet to sit or lay down. Close your eyes, take in 3 deep slow breaths and quiet your mind. Once you feel completely relaxed imagine that you are going to the circus.

Who are you going with? Are you going on your own or do you have someone with you? Imagine that you are standing out side of the large circus tent. What colour is the circus tent and is it one or more colour? Does the tent have patterns or is it plain? Now enter the large circus tent.

What do you se...

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The Memory Exercise

September 7, 2012

Find somewhere nice and quiet where you will not be disturbed. Sit or lay down in a position that you feel comfortable in. Close your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths slowly. Put on some soothing music and light a candle or two if you feel it helps to relax you.

Once you are completely relaxed try to go back to one of your favourite memories. Re-live that memory. Try to remember how you felt and re-live those feelings. Re-discover that special time in your life. How did you feel? What was the m...

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Re-awakening Our Imaginations

September 7, 2012

For those who have a very strong imagination this exercise will be easier. For those who find it hard to use their imagination, this exercise may take a bit more work – but once you learn to re-awaken your imagination you will find it to be a satisfying and rewarding experience.

Find somewhere nice and quiet where you will not be disturbed. Sit or lay down in a position that you feel comfortable in. Close your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths slowly. Put on some soothing music and light a ca...

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Signs and Messages Chart

September 7, 2012

A wonderful way of understanding and learning how our angels and guides communicate with us is by creating a special chart, where you record all of the different ways in which your angels communicate with you on a daily basis.

Each person’s angels and guides communicate to them in a different way. Our guides and angels communicate to us differently because we are all different. They want for their messages to be heard loud and clear. They communicate with us in a way that will be personal to...

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Symbols and Feelings Exercise

September 7, 2012

Many times angels and spirit guides will talk to us or show us things by using symbols. When performing a reading or mediumship work a medium will see symbols in their minds eye.

These symbols helps to pass on details and messages to the psychic or to you and me. Each symbol could mean many different things. It is up to you to interoperate what you feel the symbol means. Below are a few symbols you may see.

Next to each symbol write down what the item means to you personally. For Example a flow...

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Memory exercises

September 7, 2012

Find somewhere that is nice and quiet. Take in several slow deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed. Now close your eyes and try to relax your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Notice how your chest and stomach rise and fall. When you feel ready then do the following...

Try to remember things from your day – replay your day in your mind. Try to remember as much as possible and in as much detail as possible about your day. What happened in the day? Was it just a normal day or did s...

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Imagination Exercises

September 7, 2012

One of the most important things to learn to do when trying to open up to seeing, the spiritual realm is to learn to use your imagination more often. The worst thing a parent can tell their child is to stop using their imagination.

Children can see the spiritual and angelic realm much easier than we adults. This is because they do not judge what they see. They do not put everything down to their imagination playing tricks on them.

As they grow up their parents tell them to stop being silly as i...

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Sound, Images and Colour Exercise

September 7, 2012

Find somewhere that is nice and quiet. Take in several slow deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed. Now close your eyes and try to relax your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Notice how your chest and stomach rise and fall. When you feel ready then do the following...

Listen to all of the sounds around you. What can you hear? Take one of the sounds that you can hear and try to visualize what the thing you are hearing looks like.

For example; you hear a car driving by.

Imagine what th...

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Seeing Shapes Exercise

September 7, 2012

Find somewhere that is nice and quiet. Take in several slow deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed. Now close your eyes and try to relax your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Notice how your chest and stomach rise and fall. When you feel ready then do the following...

Imagine that you are looking straight at a large white screen or bill board. In the middle of the white screen is a small RED square – all the while still noticing the large white screen that the small coloured squ...

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Colour Vision

September 7, 2012

Find somewhere that is nice and quiet. Take in several slow deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed. Now close your eyes and try to relax your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Notice how your chest and stomach rise and fall. When you feel ready then do the following...

Imagine that there is a large bill board or cinema screen in front of you. Imagine that the colour of this screen is white. Now change the colour of the screen to RED. Try to see this screen as clearly as you can.

Now ...

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Increase Sound Sensitivity

September 7, 2012

Sit somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and take in several deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed.

Take a quartz clear crystal and hold it in your dominant hand. Take your right hand and put it above your right ear (still holding the crystal in your dominant hand). Do the same with your left hand and left ear. Imagine a powerful lightning bolt of white light shooting from your dominant hand’s middle finger and the crystal, going straight through you...

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Clear the ear Chakras Exercise

September 7, 2012

Sit somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and take in several deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed. Now imagine just above your eye brows on the side of your head (next to ears) are two violet / red discs or circles. Imagine you can see these red circles spinning in a clockwise motion.

Now imagine that beautiful white light is entering both of these circles/ disks as they spin. Imagine that this white light is healing and cleansing your ear chakras – ...

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Quartz Crystal Exercise

September 7, 2012

If you have a Quartz Crystal (one with a point at the end – like a pendulum) then, first wash the crystal in cold water and ask the angles to please cleanse the crystal, to wash away any negativity or entity that is with the crystal. Do not dry the crystal just put it on a window sill where it can get plenty of sunlight – for at least 4 hours.

Once you have done this and thanked the angels, place the crystal on your bedside table or under your bed. Make sure that the points are facing you...

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Pay attention!

September 7, 2012

This exercise can be done any time and anywhere. This exercise is designed to help you to listen more and to uncover, any hidden messages that you might normally miss.

When ever you talk to someone – either in person or on the phone, or hearing someone talking on the telly, try to listen to every word they are saying. Properly listen and do not jump in or talk over them.

Pay attention to what they are saying, how they are saying it and notice their facial expressions. Try to listen to the to...

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Silence Meditation

September 7, 2012

Find some where nice and quiet to sit down or lay. Make sure you are completely comfortable and will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths very slowly. Concentrate on your breathing until you feel completely relaxed.

Now quiet your mind, push away any thoughts or feelings that pop up. Concentrate on hearing what is going on around you. Listen to the silence, listen and take note of any sounds you can hear. What do the sounds sound like? What sounds do you hear? How many ...

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Opening up you sense of taste and smell.

September 7, 2012

This exercise can be done any place and any where...

Each and everyday try to take particular note of how everything around your tastes and smells. Take note of how different smells make your feel. What senses do you get from each taste and smell? What does your home smell like? What do your family and friends smell like? What is your Childs particular smell like? What does your bed smell like? Your perfume, food and soap.

When eating your dinner or other meals – instead of just eating it, re...

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Visual tasting and smelling exercise

September 7, 2012

Find somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Sit or lie down and make your self feel completely relaxed and comfortable. Shut your eyes and take in 3-4 deep breaths very slowly.

When you feel ready imagine that you are walking through beautiful woodland. Take note of your surroundings. Try to make the vision as clear and vivid as possible. Feel the warm sunshine warming your skin as it trickles through the tree tops.

Feel the earth and leaves beneath your feet. See all of the gorge...

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Tasting and Smelling Exercise

September 7, 2012

Find somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Sit or lie down and make your self feel completely relaxed and comfortable. Shut your eyes and take in 3-4 deep breaths very slowly.

Imagine that you are sitting at a table and in front of you is a large plate. On the plate is a lemon cut in to 4 wedges, there is a large stake, some Brussels sprouts, a fish, a ripe red tomato, garlic bread and a bar of chocolate.

First pick up one of the lemon wedges and take a long hard look at it. Look...

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Trusting our feelings and gut instincts Exercise

September 7, 2012

Next time the phone rings or the door bell goes, try to sense who your caller or visitor is. Or when you are speaking on the phone or texting / messaging someone try to sense how the person you are talking to is feeling. What feelings and thoughts come to you? Notice what your senses and feelings tell you.

Our guides and angels regularly communicate to us through our senses and our feelings. For example: You are walking home from the town when you see a short cut home. You are tied and can not...

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Sensing Spirits and Angels

September 7, 2012

In the beginning of this exercise we spoke about how all of us have felt spiritual and angelic presences before and have not realized that we have. I also gave you a list of common ways in which we sense and feel the spiritual and angelic realms. In this next exercise we will be using these common feelings and senses to recognize when there is a spiritual presence around us.

Take note of each time you experience, feel or sense one of the common senses you get when there is a spiritual presence...

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Sensing buildings and Places

September 7, 2012

This exercise can be done any time and any place. It is designed to help you work on your senses and develop your psychic intuition.

When you next walk into a supermarket, house, restaurant, work place, or building notice how you feel. What feelings, senses and thoughts come to you about this place or building? Are your feelings good or bad? Do you feel safe or threatened? How does this place feel to you? Is it damp and cold, warm and cosy, smelly and dell, bright and inviting? Is it a calm or...

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About Me

Please feel free to add your meditations and angelic exercises here. Thanks x

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