1. Our Highest Level Spirit Guides are guides who vibrate at the highest level and vibration. These guides have been in the spiritual realm for a very long time and have evolved into beings of light. Our highest level guides are be both angels and spirit guides, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Mary, Archangels, Guardian Angels, Your Higher Self, Nature and Animal guides and angels, Native American Guides, Ascended Masters and other guides of the highest vibration.

    These guides are wise and powerful and want to guide and help us in any way that they can. These types of guides will always give you accurate advice that will help you. These guides are the ones to call upon when you do any spiritual work or need any guidance. These guides want only the very best for us and are guides who are filled with Heavenly light. If you would like to call on your Highest Level Spirit guides for help, guidance, advice or before doing spiritual work then just say,” I call upon my highest level spirit guides, please……..”