How can I find out what my guides name is?

September 7, 2012
    1. Below is a short exercise to help you find out what your guides name is...

      Find somewhere that is nice and quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Have a piece of paper with you and a pen. Sit down and make sure you are in a comfortable position. Take in a few deep breaths slowly to help completely relax you. Try to calm your mind of the days chatter. Ask your guides to please tell you how many guides you have. Trust the first number that pops into your mind. If no number appears then keep trying until you have a number that keeps repeating it's self. Now, ask your guides to please tell you what their names are. Say out loud or in your mind, “My spirit guides please may you tell me what your names are?”

      If you found out that you have more than one guide then, on your piece of paper write down the number of guides you have. For example if you have 3 guides then write,




      Ask your spirit guides to take it in turns to tell you their names. Each time you find out one of their names write it down until all names are found. Like above you need to trust what comes to you. You may hear a name being said out loud or in your mind, you may see a name in the air or in your minds eye. You may hear someone in the street suddenly say a name – just at the point when you asked your guides what their names are. Our guides talk to each of us differently. You need to just trust what comes to you and have faith that you have communicated with your guides. If you feel unsure whether the name you heard are your spirit guides name, then ask your guides to please send you conformation. They will send you conformation through signs. To help make it not too confusing – as all your guides will want to give you conformation all at once, ask your guides to please take it in turns giving you conformation of their names.

      For example; Say you have 3 guides and their names are Pam, Tom and Sally and you would like conformation of their names. Ask Pam if she could please be the first guide to give you conformation. It may take a day or two but keep asking until Pam gives you conformation of her name. You will receive conformation through signs such as seeing a van drive past with that name on the side, or you may see a sign post with the name. Hear it on the radio or see the name appear on telly. You may find that you keep hearing the name through out the day – these are all signs of conformation. Once you have received conformation from Pam then ask Tom to give you conformation and so on – until you have received conformation from each spirit guide. Remember to thank each one for their help and their time.


What are Teacher Guides?

September 7, 2012
  1. The teacher guides are guides who were once teachers, or people who were professional in specific field when they lived on the earth plane. These guides have chosen to dedicate their time in helping others who are still living. You can call upon teacher guides to help you any chosen field or area of your life. There are teacher guides to help you with maths, with computers, with cooking or spiritual work and psychic development (I call upon my spiritual growth and psychic development t...

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What are Ascended Maters?

September 7, 2012
  1. Ascended Masters are spiritual beings who have lived earth lives before. They have lived through many incarnations and have learnt all the life lessons that they needed too. They have passed all of the tests that God had set before them. Ascended Masters have also worked through all of their karma and have learnt to forgive both themselves and others. Ascended Masters have had every kind of human experience and have fulfilled each of their life purposes. These spiritual beings have evo...

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Do we have Animal Guides and what are they?

September 7, 2012
  1. Yes we all have a wide variety of Animal Spirit Guides around us. These can be our beloved pets that have passed over, pets from previous lives as well as animal spirits that have chosen to guide us in this life. Each animal guide offers us a different type of help for example: Our beloved pets who have passed over, will offer us comfort in out times of need, they will be there for us when we are feeling afraid or need a friend to talk to. We may have a wolf spirit guide who will be wi...

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What are Native American and Chinese Guides?

September 7, 2012
  1. Native American and Chinese Guides are very wise spirit guides. They have a deep love for nature, the planet and for all living things. These guides teach us how to appreciate the world we live in, how to care for those in need and how to respect our elders. Native American and Chinese guides are as their name suggests Chinese and Native American Indians who have chosen to guide others. They teach us the importance of caring for animals and all living things. These guides are wise, sacr...

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What are Joy Guides?

September 7, 2012
  1. I love Joy Guides as they are just so cute and helpful! These guides look like cherubs – the ones you get on Valentine greeting cards shooting tiny arrows into hearts. These guides are playful, fun loving little angels who love to help us remove stress and relax more. Their job is to help us not to be so serious and to help us to relax and enjoy life more. These little cherubs are like happy playful children. They are childish, fun, exciting to have a round and help to shower our liv...

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What are higher level spirit guides?

September 7, 2012
  1. Our Highest Level Spirit Guides are guides who vibrate at the highest level and vibration. These guides have been in the spiritual realm for a very long time and have evolved into beings of light. Our highest level guides are be both angels and spirit guides, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Mary, Archangels, Guardian Angels, Your Higher Self, Nature and Animal guides and angels, Native American Guides, Ascended Masters and other guides of the highest vibration.

    These guides are wise and powerfu...

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Can our loved ones in spirit be our spirit guides?

September 7, 2012
    1. Our deceased loved ones do guide us in our lives. They are not one of our higher level guides but do help and guide us. We all have guides who were once our loved ones who have passed over. Some of these you may have met before such as a mother, brother, father, best friend, grandmother, aunt or uncle, cousin or teacher. Others you may have not met as they may have passed over before you were born or they could have been connected to one of your past lives. People from your passed liv...

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What are Runner Guides?

September 7, 2012
  1. Runner Guides are spirit guides who help us in our everyday lives, with our daily chores and in every situation. They are called Runner guides because they love to run a head of us and make our way easier by doing chores that will help. They love to see us happy and not stressed. Runner guides love to help us in any way that they are able. All you need to do is ask for their help and they will be only too happy to help out. Runners are spirits who want to feel appreciated and to be help...

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What are spirit guides?

September 7, 2012
  1. Each and every one of us has spiritual helpers who guide us in our every day lives. Some of these spiritual helpers stay with us from birth while, others come and go through out the different stages of our lives. These spiritual helpers are our spirit guides. We have teacher guides, animal guides, Native American guides, nature guides, healing guides, runner guides and many other types of guides who assist us in every thing we do. Our spirit guides may be our loved ones who have passed...

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How can I keep myself protected when visiting a haunted place?

September 7, 2012
  1. Before you visit the haunted building or place say this short prayer...

    "Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please surround myself and each person here with me, with a bubble of divine protection. Please surround my bubble with heavenly angels. May you and these angels please ward off anything negative, evil or bad. May you please be our personal body guards and keep us protected through out the day and always. Thank you."

    Now close your eyes and mentally see the Archangel Michael...

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What prayers can I say to prevent Psychic Attack?

September 7, 2012
  1. There are many different prayers that you can say to help prevent psychic attack. Prayers are very personal and so you should try to make up your own prayers by using words that are personal to you and that feel right. All you need to do is ask for protection and help. Below is a protection prayer to give you an idea of the types of prayers you could say. Again, prayers are personal so you do not have to say the prayers in the same way as I do if they do not feel right for you.


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How do I keep my self, my loved ones and my home protected?

September 7, 2012
  1. There are many various types of ways of keeping your self, loved ones and home grounded and protected. Below are a few of my favourites.

    * Music - Surround yourself with music

    * Spend plenty of time in nature and around animals

    * Prayer

    * Air out your home on a daily basis. Keep your home clean, declutted, light and let in lots of air.

    * Meditaton

    * Add lots of plants to your home

    Please take a look at lesson 1: Grounding and Protection to find other ways of keeping your home, yourself a...

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Why should we keep ourselves grounded and protected?

September 7, 2012
  1. A: There are three main reasons why we should keep ourselves grounded and protected on a daily basis. These are as follows…

    Psychic Attack – Psychic Attack is caused by a build up of negative energy and emotions. Every thing around us is made up of pure energy and this includes our emotions. When we have a heated discussion or augment with another person, we become angry and emotional. The whole time we are arguing we become more and more angry. This anger is all negative energy bui...

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Do dreams always have a meaning?

September 7, 2012
  1. Dreams do not always have meanings. Some dreams are brought on by something you might have watched or heard. Other dreams can stem from concerns, fears or issues in a persons life. Dreams that are trying to tell you something or have a meaning are usually dreams that are very vivid, play on your mind, are in colour and you have strong feelings in the dreams.

    If you dream of loved ones who have passed over then usually this is actually their spirits communicating with you in your drea...

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Can departed ones appear in our dreams?

September 7, 2012
  1. Yes our departed loved ones do appear in our dreams. This is one of the most common ways in which our angels, guides, and departed loved ones make contact with us and visit us. 

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How do I perform Automatic Writing?

September 7, 2012
  1. Automatic Writing Exercise

    •1.) Find somewhere quiet to sit down. If you wish to type then sit at your pc with your fingers on the key board, if you wish to write then sit with a pen in your hand and a piece of paper in front of you. Get your hand in the writing position on the paper.

    •2.) Make sure that you will not be disturbed

    •3.) Put on some soft music and maybe light a candle or two if you feel this helps you to relax.

    •4.) Call upon the Archangel Michael and say a little p...

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How Does Automatic Writing Work?

September 7, 2012
  1. How automatic writing works is by our guides and angels working through us to pass on messages. Our guides and angel may control our hand while we write or type or they may whisper messages in your ear. When performing automatic writing one needs to quiet their mind and be in a complete state of relaxation and calmness. You also need to be on your own in a quiet environment where you will not be disturbed. It is important to clear away any of the days chatter from your mind. It is alway...

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What is Automatic Writing?

September 7, 2012
  1. Automatic Writing is a beautiful way in which you can connect with your spirit guides and angels. It is very simple and easy to do and does not take much time or effort. It may take a few attempts but keep up with it and before you know it, you will be having written or typed conversations with your guides and angels. Automatic writing is when a spirit works through you to pass on messages in written form. The spirit who is communicating to you will use your hand, pen and paper to pass ...

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What do the different colours of the aura stand for?

September 7, 2012
  1. There are many different colour and shapes of the aura. Each shape and colour has a different meaning. Below are some of the different colours of the aura and their meanings. The colour of a person’s aura can tell us a lot about that person. It helps us to see how they are feeling; it helps to give us an idea about a person, their thoughts, health and emotional state of mind.

    Red : Energy – Energetic person, action, innovation, materialistic thoughts, thoughts about the physical bod...

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How can I see the auras of people around me?

September 7, 2012
  1. To see auras around others you first need to learn to see your own aura. Once you have mastered this then you can begin by asking friends to help you see their auras. Once you get used to this then you will find it a lot easier to see auras of everything around you. Below is a little exercise that you can try...

    Ask a friend or family member if they would not mind you practicing on them and trying to see their auras. Ask your family member or friend to please sit comfortably in a chair...

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How can I sense my auras?

September 7, 2012
  1. Sit or stand comfortably and make sure you will not be disturbed (once you get the hang of it, you will find that you can do this exercise any time and in any environment). Hold up both of your hands in front of you. Now put both of your hands together as you would when praying. Do not interlock your fingers, just let the fingers and palms of both hands rest against each other. Move your hands apart and then bring them together again slowly, keeping doing this over and over. Notice how...

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How can I learn to see my aura?

September 7, 2012
  1. First sit comfortably facing white wall or white background. Make sure there is no direct sunlight or artificial light shinning on you. Stretch out your right arm in front of you – so it is in front of the wall (do not touch the wall). Make sure the back of your right hand is facing you. Open out your fingers and look at the space in between your fingers and the wall. Only look at the space in between your fingers – not at your fingers. Now allow your eyes to completely relax. You ...

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What are auras?

September 7, 2012
  1. All around us is a pulsating electromagnetic energy field know as our Aura. Our Aura is made up of pure energy, it is a vibrating energy field that surrounds our bodies. This energy field is shaped like an egg or cocoon all around our body. There are many layers of the Aura – each a different colours and each layer blending together. As the energy moves further away from the body it becomes finer and moves faster. Some people have the gift to see these vibrations of energy. What they ...

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What are Chakras?

September 7, 2012
  1. The word Chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning, “Wheels of Light.” Chakras are spiralling energy centres in our body. Everything in the universe is made up of pure energy. Every plant, human and living thing is made up of this pure energy. There are 7 main Chakras with many little ones in each of us. These Chakras help to keep us balanced, feed in good energy and dispose of any negative or unwanted energy. If our Chakras are unbalanced then we are unbalanced and struggle t...

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How can I access my Akashic Records?

September 7, 2012
  1. The Akashic Records a spiritual library which exists in the Universal mind. This library is the largest library and holds a massive amount of information on every living thing that ever was, that is and that will be. This library holds all knowledge great and small. Each and every living person has an Akashic Record Library in their subconscious mind / universal mind. This knowledge is of all that is and ever will be, knowledge of humanity, our life purpose, existence, history of the c...

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What is a Lightworker?

September 7, 2012
  1. Lightworkers are people who dedicate their time and lives in bringing peace to earth. They have a great love for nature and all living things. They are strongly connected to the earth and have very high vibrations. Light workers work with light and send light out to the world. Lightworkers are healers, forgivers, people who feel the pain of the earth because of how we treat it. Lightworkers have a strong connection with animals and all living things. They can feel others pain and joy. ...

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What are Indigo and Crystal Children?

September 7, 2012
  1. Below is a brief summery of Indigo and Crystal Children. Please feel free to do research to find out more about these children and adults.

    Indigo and Crystal children two different generations of people who are highly psychic and who have a constant yearning with in them to fulfil a purpose. These people constantly feel as though there is something missing in their lives. They believe that they are on this earth for a very important reason – which is true. They feel deep with in that ...

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How do I know if my child is psychic?

September 7, 2012
  1. Psychic children need a great deal of love and support. Many psychic children feel misunderstood, different to everyone else and are highly sensitive and emotional children. These children get hurt or upset easily and when around people who are auguring or suffering for depression these children will become with drawn or depressed themselves – as they pick up on others emotions. Psychic children often have imaginary friends – who are really their angels and guides. They have vivid ...

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How can I perform a photo reading for someone?

September 7, 2012
  1. We all have the gift to perform Photo readings. This type of reading involves you getting a connection with a person from looking at their photo. When you look at their photo you will receive images in your mind’s eye, feelings, and sensations, hear words or see numbers, and have messages passed onto you about this person. Photo readings are a good way to get to know another person as these types of readings helps you to better understand the person you are reading for. You will be ab...

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About Me

If you have any questions on angels, spiritual or psychic development, then please feel free to add them here. Thanks x

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