Try to be more compassionate and loving towards others. Try spending more time with your loved ones. Ask them how they are feeling, how their day was, and if they are happy. Try your best to listen to what they have to say. See if you can feel their feelings. Be kinder to others and genuinely care for how others are feeling. Don’t get me wrong I am sure you already do this – what I mean is try to talk less about yourself and spend more time concentrating on how others are feeling and what their needs are.

If you meet or walk past someone in the street then say hello or smile. You will be surprised at what a difference that could make not only to your self but to others too. Ask the shop assistant how they are and how their day is, then listen intensively to what they have to say. Take special note of their reactions, face expressions, eyes, speech, what they are warring and how they seem. In a nut shell try to become more of a peoples person who takes note of how everyone around you is and feels.

Try reading more true life articles and stories – ones which are emotional and leave you feeling happy and inspired. True life miracles and stories about angels are particularly good ones to read. I find that Jacky Newcomb and Theresa Cheung books are very inspiring and truly help to awaken your empathic skills.

Watch more films that are emotional – in a good way such as true life, animal rescue, touched by an angel, angel programs, documentaries, miracle stories and films that are positive and inspiring.

Stop watching the news or films / soaps that are riddled with depressive content. Even just by cutting these out for a week you will notice a huge difference in yourself and how you feel. The news and soaps are so filled with war, bad news, depression, anger, and violence and issues that leave you feeling drained, down hearted and miserable inside. When this happens it lowers your vibration making it harder for you to connect with your guides. You do not have to cut it out all the time – just try to not watch as much.

Laughter is a wonderful and beautiful thing! Try laughing more by watching more comedies, maybe go and see a comedian or tell more jokes. Do things that make you happy and laugh. Laughing helps us to release stress and helps to raise our vibrations.

Positive thinking is another key in helping us to be more empathic to others. The more positive we are the more kindness and love we feel towards others. When we feel angry, depressed, down, ill or sad then we can only concentrate on our selves and on how we are feeling.

We neglect the needs and feelings of others as we are so wrapped up in our own sadness. Try thinking more positively about yourself and others. Every time a negative thought pops in your mind, push it away. Every time you think badly about yourself or others then tell your self off or push those thoughts aside. Remember no matter how another person is, we are all God’s children and we are all equal.

Spend more time in nature and in the out doors. When we go for long walks in nature or just spend time in nature, it automatically raises our vibration and de-stresses us. When you are out and about in nature call on the nature and animal angels and fairies (fairies are natures angels).

Say this short prayer; “I call upon all of the nature and animal angels and fairies. I ask that you will please surround me with your heavenly light and love. Thank you.” You will soon begin to notice a huge difference with in yourself. You will feel more sensitive to the world around you.

When you spend more time in nature take the time to take in all of your surroundings, smell the flowers, and feel the trees and grass, listen to the birds and others sounds that you can hear, take special note of the clouds, sky and all that is around you. How does the air feel? What is the weather like? What sounds can you hear? What can you taste or smell. Become one with nature.

Try drawing more pictures of nature, angels and animals. Also do more creative things. When we are being creative it helps to raise our vibrations and helps us to connect more with our guides. Listen to inspiring music that lifts your soul and spirits. Listen to music that is beautiful, inspirational, soft, and gentle and that makes you feel so at peace with in.

Open your heart Chakra as this will help you to raise your vibration and feel more sensitive and empathic. Try this short exercise to help you open your heart Chakra. Call upon the Archangel Raphael and ask out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now. Please surround my heart Chakra with your beautiful emerald green healing light. Please help to heal, unblock and open up my heart Chakra. Thank you.”

Now imagine that your heart Chakra is a small beautiful emerald green gem stone. Imagine that you are watching as the Archangel Raphael sends gorgeous emerald green healing light to your heart Chakra. Watch as this small stone begins to glow a beautiful green. Watch as it begins to grow larger and larger, also shine brighter and brighter. Once the stone has grown to the size of a cricket ball and is shinning brightly, then thank the Archangel Raphael once more for his help.

Spend more time with animals. Hug your pets, stroke them and hold them close to you for a long time. Spend as much time as you can with animals and your pets. Animals have a natural way of calming us and relieving stress.

Try putting yourself into other people’s shoes. How would you feel if you were in the same boat as them, if you had the same issues or lives as them? For examplr, imagine that you saw on the news that a person went missing. The missing person’s family were making a speech on the telly asking if anyone had seen their loved one. Put yourself in the family’s shoes and ask your self how you would feel in that situation. Try to empathise with that person and feel their pain and grief. Try to understand how that person must be feeling.

If someone has just gotten married then try to put your self in their shoes and feel the feelings that, that person must be feeling. Feel their joy, their love for one another. Be empathic towards that person and respect their feelings. How would you feel if you were in that very same situation? Try putting yourself in others shoes with each person you meet.

Each morning when you wake up and before you begin your day, ask your higher self to please help you to be your higher self at all times. Ask your higher self to raise your vibration to its highest rate. Open up and develop your third eye Chakra. Try this short exercise to help you open your third eye Chakra.

Call upon the Archangel Raphael as before and ask out loud or in your mind, “Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now. Please surround my third eye Chakra with your beautiful emerald green healing light. Please help to heal, unblock and open up my third eye Chakra. Thank you.” You can repeat this exercise with all of your Chakras if you like.

Now imagine that your third eye Chakra is a small beautiful dark blue / deep indigo gem stone. Imagine that you are watching as the Archangel Raphael sends healing light to your third eye Chakra. Watch as this small stone begins to glow a beautiful indigo. Watch as it begins to grow larger and larger, also shine brighter and brighter. Once the stone has grown to the size of a cricket ball and is shinning brightly, then thank the Archangel Raphael once more for his help.

You can also try saying this short prayer, “The Archangels, My Angels, My Spirit Guides and my Angels of Clairvoyance, I call upon you now. Please surround my third eye with healing and clearing energy. Please help me to clearly and accurately hear and interoperate the messages that my spiritual and angelic helpers pass onto me. Please help me to clearly and accurately hear, see, feel, touch, taste, smell, and sense accurate and detailed messages, that will bring blessings to others and my self through out the day and through out my life. Thank you.”